
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

How Switching on a Certain Enzyme Can Help You Live Longer and Healthier

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From: Underground Health Reporter <>
Date: Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:00 PM
Subject: How Switching on a Certain Enzyme Can Help You Live Longer and Healthier

Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
How Switching on a Certain Enzyme Can Help You Live Longer and Healthier

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?
*Featured Article: How Some People Live to the Age of 100, 122, or Even 150 Years Old
*A Word from Our Sponsor:
Breakthrough Natural Remedies Stop Acid Reflux In Its Tracks

Did You Know... could be slowly poisoning yourself while you sleep?

     To be well rested, you should spend about 1/3 of your life sleeping.  However, once you know what's inside your mattress, you may find that hard to do.  In order to comply with nationwide fire safety standards—developed from an earlier California law (which I'll explain further in a moment)—manufacturers coat their mattresses in flame-retardant chemicals known to cause cancer and nervous system disorders.

     Top companies such as Simmons, Sealy, and Tempur-Pedic refuse to divulge the exact composition of the chemical blend they use, as they claim the formulas are trade secrets.  So Walter Bader, owner of the "green mattress" company Lifekind and author of Toxic Bedrooms, took matters into his own hands.

     Bader sent several different types of mattresses to an Atlanta-based lab to be tested.  The results showed that a single memory-foam mattress emitted 61 chemicals, including benzene and naphthalene, known carcinogens.

No Level of Exposure is Safe

A risk assessment conducted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) found that each night, the average adult absorbs .802 mg of antimony and .081 of boric acidboth are acutely toxic.  The CPSC itself acknowledges that the carcinogenic effect of antimony is cumulative: "Every exposure contributes to the overall lifetime risk of developing cancer."

     According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), there is no level of exposure to antimony that is safe: "At the lowest exposure levels tested, the adversity of the effects was considered to be serious."

     Boric acid is also a popular roach killer.  Its known effects on humans include:

  • Reduced sexual activity
  • Infertility
  • Birth defects
  • Sterility
  • Death

Fireproof, and "Toxic to Humans"

Whitney Davis, who wrote the original California law, is now having serious second thoughts about the fire safety guidelines he initially championed.  "The problem: the only chemicals they can use to achieve compliance are listed as toxic to humans by the EPA, "he said.  "You don't know until 10 years down the road [that] there's a problem.  We feel responsible."

     Mattress industry insiders say they expect backlash as consumers begin to investigate "what's really lying under their sheets with them."  That backlash may arrive soon: workers are now coming forward with stories about how simply handling the chemically laden mattresses has made them sick.

How to Sleep Chemical Free

While the fire safety laws are well intentioned, the odds of someone dying in a mattress fire are close to 1 in a million.  The risk posed by nightly exposure to toxins is far more pressing.

     Until existing fire safety laws are amended, experts say your best option is to shop around and find a toxin-free mattress.  There are many options out there—from latex to wool.  It's even possible for a doctor or a chiropractor to prescribe a toxin-free bed.  As an added bonus, prescription mattresses are tax deductible!

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Featured Article:
How Some People Live to the Age of
100, 122, or Even 150 Years Old

Advancements in medicine and technology have allowed us to stretch the limits of our maximum life span, and some scientists now believe it is possible to lengthen that span to 150 years and beyond.

     How would you like to live to the age of 100 ... or 122 ... or even 150 years?

     There is one major thing that limits the average human lifespan to 79 years old—and that is an enzyme discovered by a Nobel Prize winning scientist.  This enzyme acts as a buffer against aging and regenerates lost youth by acting as your immortality switch—and lack of it causes just the opposite.

     Now, there are many ways to turn on that switch in order to increase your probability of reaching the century mark—and you can learn them for f*r*e*e when you read further.

How Do We Age?

Cells are the building blocks of life, and our bodies are filled with trillions of them.  In each of these cells lies a nucleus and inside the nucleus are chromosomes, which contain our genes.  Every chromosome has two arms, each made up of a single molecule of DNA.  A DNA molecule starts life 100 million bases long, and at its tip are end caps called telomeres.

     Our DNA strands are about 15,000 bases long when we are in the womb.  As soon as we are born, however, our cells begin to divide in order to get nutrients into, and waste products out of, the nucleus.  Every time a cell splits, the telomeres become shorter.  Once your telomeres are made up of only 5000 bases, you die, if not from disease, then from old age itself.

Telomeres: The Key to Longevity

Over 1,000 studies have linked shortened telomeres to aging and disease.  Shorter telomeres have also been linked to health problems such as:

    Cancer, particularly of the bladder, mouth, breast and colon
    Weakened immune system and a greater susceptibility to infections
    Neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's
    Type 2 Diabetes
    Atrophy of the spleen, intestines and testicles
    DNA damage

In 1984 biochemist and biophysicist Elizabeth Blackburn discovered that the enzyme telomerase can actually lengthen telomeres.  In 2009 Blackburn, along with Carol Greider and Jack Szostack, was awarded the Nobel prize for revealing that chromosomes are protected by telomeres and telomerase.

     Telomerase protects your cells and your health by slamming the brakes on telomere shortening and activating the switch that lengthens and rebuilds them.  Numerous animal studies have shown that chronic health conditions can be reversed by switching on this enzyme.

Lifestyle Choices for an Ageless Body and Mind

Dr. Al Sears M.D., the first physician in America licensed to administer the supplement based on telomere-therapy, has compiled a comprehensive handbook that presents lifestyle choices that help lengthen your telomeres and increase your longevity.  In this f*r*e*e guide, Dr. Sears reveals:

  • the key nutrients to activate telomerase (and the best way to get them);
  • a quick and easy technique that helps slow down your thoughts and sharpen your focus, thereby contributing to anti-aging;
  • a very simple (but effective!) anti-aging workout that caused the subjects in a telomere study involving twins to be a decade younger than those of their inactive siblings.

      Due to overwhelming response, Dr. Al Sears has extended his offering of this handbook titled The Fountain of Youth Breakthrough.  This free guide offers easy-to-understand solutions to turn on the telomerase switch in your cells and live a disease-free life well into your century mark.

      Click here now and learn about a landmark Harvard study involving test mice with all the signs of old age (smaller brains, failing eyesight, low libido, gray hair, poor memory and cognitive skills), who experienced tremendous age reversal.  They had significant brain regeneration—and their gray hair, poor eyesight and all signs of aging disappeared when the immortality switch was turned on.  Find out how this age-reversing switch can be turned on in you, too, by going here.

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website address onto your Internet browser:
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A Word from Our Sponsor:

Breakthrough Natural Remedies Stop
Acid Reflux In Its Tracks

      Acid reflux disease can be a horror to live with.

     The pain in your chest, burping up that bitter tasting bile, and the souring discomfort that keeps you up at night...

     And the drugs out there (over the counter or prescribed) can be far worse for you than the disease itself.

     Because they serve to inhibit acid production—removing the digestive juices you need—the food you eat doesn't digest properly, if at all.

     It simply sits in your gut and rots.

     This opens you up to other diseases such as the fatal C-Diff (Clostridium difficile—look it up...kills 14,000 people a year) and a myriad of other bacterial infections.

     So where do you go when the "cure" is worse than the disease?

If you've ever hoped for a better solution to the pain of Acid Reflux—this is it...

In recent studies, new all-natural remedies for heartburn and acid reflux have proven effective and best of all—completely safe.

     That's because these remedies come from Mother Nature—and God's own private pharmacy—not some lab that produces chemical concoctions your body was never meant to have.

     Today brings a very unique opportunity to you.

     Because you can have a complete collection of these remedies proven to work.

     They've been used by real people just like you—not "lab rats and mice" that have very different genetic codes than we do (how can you translate a drug's effectiveness to us when mice and rats are much simpler by design?).

     All you have to do to get this vital information into your hands right now—and finally get rid of that horrible burning once and for all—is feast your eyes on this completely FREE presentation.

     In it, you'll find the latest scoop on the very best all—natural secrets to safely snuff the burn of acid reflux, GERD, and heartburn.

     This collection of secrets is not available anywhere else.

     Yet—as you'll soon discover—it IS available in your local grocery and health food stores.

     Best of all—these remedies are also cheap.

     So do yourself right—stop popping dangerous drugs that only a mouse could love and get back to mother nature—she always has your best interest at heart.

---->Get rid of acid reflux, GERD, and heartburn here<----

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Disclaimer: The entire contents of this e-mail are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher,
unless otherwise noted.  The information in this e-mail is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship
with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 
It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience
of the author. You are encouraged to make your own health care decisions based upon your research
and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
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