Live healthy and long
Dr. William Kelly and Dr Nicholas Gonzalez who was sent by Sloan Kettering to investigate the former and prove him fraud; Dr Gonzalez adopted Kelly's protocol
From cancer fighting strategies
Cancer has been associated with low level of digestive enzymes. To treat cancer you have to increase digestive enzyme level.
This started in 1900 with Dr. Beard who theorized that cancer cells that grow uncontollably. He noticed that the placenta for the fetus stops growing on the 56th day after gestation; that is when pancreas in the fetus develop and start producing the enzymes.
On cancer cells and enzyme, he proposed that have plenty of these stem cells (plancental cells) in our body; at any point in time we have precursors (cancer in our body anytime) and it just the presence of the enzymes keep them in check. Many scientists thought he was crazy and a hundred years later, he was proven right. (Hence DOH declared stem cells therapy unsafe). In 1911 there were several clinics in London treating cancer with pancreatic enzymes. However, Madame Curie came along who convinced that radiation was the safe and convenient way to treat cancer and use of enzymes was quickly forgotten until the time of Dr. Kelly
His work was furthered by Dr. William Donaldson Kelly who had pancreatic cancer and cured himself, using enzyme therapy after 18 months. He was able to treat 33,000 patients mostly terminally ill, and using enzyme therapy. He died in 2005 just like Dr. Beard obscure, living in a rented bungalow with a cardiologist companion whom he treated; making do with social security check.
Our digestive system is designed to digest raw food. Raw food contains many enzymes that break down when the food sits in our stomach for 30 to 45 minutes; then it goes down to the intestine where is digested by enzymes from the pancreas.
Eating cooked food is viewed by the body as ingestion of poison and thus wbc levels rise
Cooked, or irradiated food has has broken down enzymes; the food has not been partially digested. When the food goes down to the small intestine, the pancreas work overtime to digest the food. In due time, the pancreas get fatigued and enzyme production drops down. When the enzyme level goes down, the stem cells in the body goes haywire resulting in ectopic pregnancy - plancental production anywhere in the body
What are the forms of enzyme therapy?
l. Taking raw pork pancreas daily; (Strategy by Dr. Dy Liacco in treating his own prostate cancer in 1994)
2. Papain with mangosteeen extract. Papaya is rich source of proteolytic enzyme
Digestive enzymes and cancer
Based on the above, what can be guides to avoiding preventing cancer:
l. Eat mostly raw food; avoid superheated as French fries microwaved (nuked food)
2. Eat papaya (rich in enzymes)
3. Avoid eating fatty foods and protein - they fatigue your pancreas
4. Avoid toxicity around you that cause rise in your estrogen level:
l. cosmetics with parabens (bo protector applied to armpits cause most of the breast cancer)
2. phthlates, plastics, that are xenoestrogens.
5. Avoid tensions
6. Avoid conditions that may cause excitation of the trophoblast (or stem cells in your body)
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