
Monday, February 25, 2013

Asthaxanthin, the miracle molecule of the 21st century

Live healthy and long
From Advanced Vision Formula

How a Nobel discovery led to this wonderful molecule?

62 years ago, Nobel Prize winner Dr. George Wald wondered how the pupils of the lobster changed its color.  He posed this question to the scientific community.  Only recently was this substance discovered:  asthaxanthin.  It is the most potent anti oxidant in nature, thus called the "King of Carotenoids"  (To give you an idea, carotenoids give the food their unique color:  the corn gets it yellow color from zeaxanthin, tomato gets it red color from lycopene, and carrots the orange color from beta carotene)

Astha xanthin is heralded as one of the better cures for eyes especially those involving macular degeneration.  Asthaxanthin works vs singlet oxygen (which Vitamin can not do)


l.  It dwarfs Vitamin 11x,

2.  Alpha Lipoic acid 75x

3.  800 x better than COQ10

Find out how asthaxanthin delivers superior eye protection and better vision

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