From True Health - Kidney and liver detox by Dr. Cutler
Dr Michael Cutler prescribes for those who are under stress, commutes, drinks coffee and alcohol, takes prescription drug, are exposed to pollution to detox their kidney and liver (combined) He recommends:
l. Eat plenty of fresh and raw fruits and vegetables (without insectides and not GM?) Raw fruits and vegies get out the body to produce digestive enzymes (promotes gut health and vs cancer and detoxifies the liver)
2. Drink plenty of water and green tea.
3. Take Liver and Kidney cleanse daily
(But you can just do Number l and 2 if you can not afford #3)
He says that most detox program are deceptive, worthless and disappointing. They do not have dual cleansing, and do not do the most important task - detoxifying the liver and depletes electrolytes, whittles away muscles and hae other undesireable side effects.
Liver and kidney cleanse contains:
1. Milk thistle
2. Artichoke leaf
3. Soy lecithin
4. NAC N-acetyl - cystine (the mucus breaker)
5. Betaine
6. Olive leaf extract Find out more about the other ingredients
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