
Thursday, March 7, 2013

15 year old discovers cheap and nearly accurate method of detecting pancreatic cancer

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives | March 4, 2013 

The persistence of a 15 year old high school kid paid off - to discover a cheap way of detecting pancreatic cancer.  He was able to do what big labs, scientists, and big pharma were not able to do-  to discover cheap effective way of detecting cancer.  He discovered that pancreatic cancer is indicated by the presence of protein mesothelin in blood.  Jack Andraka discovered a novel way, using nanotechnology to detect this protein.  The method costs only 3 cents, is 26,000 times cheaper than current technology, 90% accurate,  168 times faster and 400 times more sensitive.

You Tube video on John Andraka 

Dr. Mercola goes on to discuss the three causes of  pancreatic cancer:   lack of Vitamin D, lack of exercise and high fructose in diet. 

Which is related to the theory of Dr. Richard Johnson on fructose:  He says in his book Sugar Fix that fructose is related to high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, kidney disease.  Before Johnson established the relationship between fructose, high blood pressure, high uric acid.  High uric acid is a sign of high fructose toxicity.

In the Fat Switch, Johnson discusses how fructose causes fat swich in mitochondria of cells to be turned on to accumulate fat.... and lessen metabolism

It is safe to say that sugar, carb, and fructose diet cause cancer and reduction of these can starve cancer cell growth and part of the regimen for cancer treatment. 

How to avoid and prevent cancer: (Tips)

1.  Get regular exercise;

2.  Reduce carb, sugar, fructose intake;

3.  Reduce protein intake (related to the enzyme theory of cancer)

4.  Increase Vit D, Omega 3 fatty acid;

5.  Get plenty of sleep

6.  Reduce exposure to toxic substances. Read the other tips..  


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