Live healthy and long
From Dr. Mercola Archives | March 21, 2013
What is as addictive as cigarette? - the processed food (not sex or shabu) And the three major components: sugar, fat and salt are the major culprit. The processed food is a $l trillion market, and the addiction coming from these taste/addiction enhancer has driven up the sales to this level...
The addiction to the processed food will result in more diabetics, more obese people in USA, resulting in 246,000 deaths.. The stat for diabetes has risen from 17.5 million in 2007 to 22.5 million in 2013 The bill for treating diabetics is $ 245 billion.
Processed food increases risk of cancer from 38% to 67% (for pancreatic cancer)
Something must be done about this addiction.
Mercola suggests that only 10% be budgeted for processed food.
Other suggestion:
l. Plan your meals;
2. Become resourceful
3. Avoid food waste
4. Go for organic raw, organic food: eggs, berries, avocados that are also cheap
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