
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Resting pulse rate a predictor of longevity?

Live healthy and long

From Newsmax Health | April 16, 2013 

Do patients with higher resting pulse rate die earlier than those who have lower resting heart rate?


This was the finding of Dr. Magnus Thorsten Jensen, a cardiologist at Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte.  In their observation, those with resting of 80 HR will die five years earlier than those with HR of 65.  (How old can I get?  My HR is between 53 and 55)

The study covered 2,800 men, starting when they were middle aged since 1970 and were observed for 16 years.

Generally, it was observed that 10 beats per minute increase in HR can lead to 16% increase in death rate.

How can you lower HR:

l.  Stop smoking

2.  Increasing physical activity (exercise)

3. Decreasing periods of sitting

Medications of course help.

The target HR proposed by medical association should be adjusted lowered in the light of this finding

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