
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Using magnets to help prevent heart attacks

Live healthy and long

From Science daily | June 8, 2011 

The story of Cecille del Castillo regarding a heart attack victim who survived by mere placement and rotating of a magnet in front of the chest to do further research.  Certain hypotheses formed in my mind:

l.  Should doctors or first responders be equipped magnets rescue heart attack calls?

2.  Can magnets do away with expensive statins or heart bypass operations?

3.  Can magnets take the place of stomach damaging aspirins in thinning the blood?

This is what I found out:

l.  Rongjia Tao, a professor and chairman of physics department of Temple university, pioneered the use of magnets in reducing oil viscosity in engines and pipelines is also using magnetic fields in reducing viscosity in blood vessels.   The idea is that since rbc is made up of iron, they will clump together to form a line when subjected to a magnetic field of 1.3 Tesla, same power as MRI machine. And can easily pass through a constricted blood vessel.  The process can reduce viscosity by a much as 20 to 30% 

Thus there is a scientific basis for the use of magnets vs. heart attack

From Daily Mail UK - magnets like aspirin in thinning blood

From 109 - using magnets to treat heart attacks 

From Telegraph UK - using magnetized stem cells to treat damanged heart

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