
Friday, May 31, 2013

High suicide rates in North Carolina USA, attributed to coal power plants?

Live healthy and long

Repost from GreenEnergy and Clean Technica

The high suicide rates in North Carolina has been attributed to presence  of many coal fired power plants.  The environmentalists are up in arms vs. coal power plants in the PHL: in Pagbilao, Sual, Calaca and many other places in the PHL.  Coal power plants in China  are numerous and there is high rate of PM 2.5 pollution  and consequently high death rates in the same country. (Although more comes from indoor pollution - woodstoves inside the house)

The study has been made by Dr John Spangler who figures in many posts at this site

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Why do American die earlier and have poorer health?

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives | January 2013

Despite spending twice  $8,600, the amount of average GDP on health care (because of bloated medical charge and expenses by US hospitals and pharma) US comes last in health and longevity among 17 affluent nations of the world.  This is contained in an analysis:    US Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives,  Poorer Health

Public health is affected by 1.  nutrition,  2.  exercise and 3. exposure to toxins and yet these 3 areas are largely ignored in the US.

Nutrition:   US consumes GMO products, transfat oil, and HFCS in many foodstuffs.  Thus there is diabetes and heart diseases, cancer and inflammation

Toxins:    in air,   house care products, in water, in cosmetics, plastics, and in medicines.  Many synthetic drugs, are taken. Americans take the most number of pills per capita;  drugs have at least 70 SE each.  Water is polluted.

Exercise:   30% of Americans lead a sedentary life and therefore have lifestyle diseases

Some of Mercolas guideline for healthy living:

l.  Replace juices and sodas with pure water;  (Nikken or Kangen water?)

2.  Eat a healthy diet, avoid processed and junk foods

3,  Avoid GMO food

4.  Avoid exposure to toxins,

5.  Exercise regularly

6.  Expose yourself to the sun but not too much in the Phl, you may have heat stroke

Intermittent fasting is beneficial to your health

Live healthy and long

From Dr Mercola fitness archives  | January 2013

Skipping meal, intermittent fasting can lead to good health and longevity.  Thus says Dr. Michael Mosley on the said topic.  Eat normally for 5 days and fast for 2 days (eating l/4 of your normal food intake, say 600 calories for men and 500 calories for women)  Such fasting does not only have religious bearing (as form of penitence) but contributes to health and longevity:

Some benefits:

1.  Normalizing the gherlin level - the hunger hormone;

2.  Promoting HGH (human growth hormone) and thus stops aging

3   Lowers triglyceride levels

4.  Reduces inflammation and free radical damage

5.  Normalizes leptin and insulin sensitivity;  such loss of insensitivity leads to chronic diseases like diabetes heart disease and even cancer

Eat this healthy food, is plentiful in the PHL and is cheap

Live healthy and long
Repost from Dr. Mercola archives | January 2013

This article, for unknown reason has been dumped in the draft tray of this blog together with 200 other important, money saving tips.

Eating this fruit, 1/2 a day, can:

l.  reduce the production of interlukin 6, an inflammatory compound when eaten with hamburger

2.  reduce LDL in one month;  improve lipid level

3.  balance potassium sodium ratio;  contains more potassium than bananas

4.  prevents oral cancer and other types of cancer

5.  contains fibers (good for digestive system), Vitamin B, E, and folic acid

I understand this expensive in USA, one of the superfoods, one of the best foods that there is;  is cheap and available in many markets everywhere when in season

What are the two worst food that you could possibly eat?

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives | January 2013

What are the major bad components of our diet today: 1.   processed food (especially high fructose corn syrup that is contained in drinks and sweets -  cakes, candies, cookies)  and 2.  hydrogenated oil. 

Why is oil hydrogenated, or butter -  to increase its shelf life, melting point.   The process involved in injecting hydrogen into the oil (hence hydrogenation).  It is partial hydrogenation which is bad and has been traced to cause:

diabetes, chronic diseases, heart disease, cancer (by interfering with enzymes that fight cancer) body's immune system, reproductive system

What about soybean oil?  Many think it is healthy but the truth is (soybean also contains phytroestrogen which is bad for reproductive health) and contain phytates (this prevents absorption of certain minerals)

It also contains:   anti nutrients like saponins and protease inhibitors that prevent protein absorptions and hemagluttinin which cause aggregations of red blood cells preventing proper oxygenation of blood.

Dr. Mercolas recommendation:

l.  Use coconut oil for cooking (hooray for PHL coconut oil exporters)

2.  Use organic butter instead of margarine

3.  Eat raw fats from avocados, pastured egg, raw nuts, dairy products, olive oil and omega 3 fatty acids.

Eat less junk processed food, if you value your health

Is This The Worst Possible Oil You Could Eat?

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Soybean Oil Is This The Worst Possible Oil You Could Eat?
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Eat Half of This Fruit Daily to Help Optimize Cholesterol
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Hoffman Estates, IL 60169

Are fast food US meat real meat?

Live healthy and long

Repost from Dr. Mercola archives | January 2013

This is an unsavory article and stinging rebuke on quality of US meat being sold at fastfood and being exported abroad.

Talk about pink slime, meat glue, reconstituted meat, and burger that fail to decompose after a long period of time.  It was found out also by Russia that some of the meat exported to them contains ractopamine, a drug banned in 160 drug.  It is used to convert some of the fats in pork into meat

Much of the food here being attacked are processed, manufactured food, are unreal, artificially flavorful, contains additives and fillers;   does not require much preparation.  Probably heat (nuke and serve)

It is declared a poison but we still use it everyday and drink it

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives

It is considered a poison, it has adverse effects on IQ,  causes arthritis, cancer, bone damage,  dementia, muscle disorders,;  other countries have stopped its use but we use it still in our health care products, and even for drinking water in the US.

What is this element?   Flouride

It is still in my toothpaste.  Why is FDA still allowing its use?  Why has FDA not stopped its use?

It Can Impair Your IQ, Yet Nearly Everyone Drinks It Daily

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How This French Probiotic Discovery Changes Everything

From: Underground Health Reporter
Date: Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:00 PM
Subject: How This French Probiotic Discovery Changes Everything

Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
How This French Probiotic Discovery Changes Everything

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?
*Featured Article: How This French Probiotic Discovery Changes Everything
*A Word from Our Sponsor:
Monsanto's Future for Us All a Frankenworld

Did You Know...

... melatonin can give you more than just a good night's sleep?

     If you're familiar with melatonin, you most likely know it as a sleep aid.  Unlike over-the-counter pills that can be addictive and dangerous, melatonin works with your body's natural sleep rhythms.

     But have you heard that melatonin may have equally impressive effects on other aspects of your health and wellness?

     Pioneering researchers in a variety of fields are all clamoring about the many other physiological systems melatonin appears to regulate.  Studies indicate it could be used to treat...

  • Hypertension
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Cancer

Melatonin: What We Know Now

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal glandProduction is regulated by light levels, which is why medical professionals sometimes worry about the health consequences of overnight shifts.

     Melatonin has antioxidant properties, stirring interest in its potential for treating neurodegenerative diseases—such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.  Scientists are also intrigued by the possibility of using of melatonin to help stroke patients and individuals with high blood pressure.

     The long-term effects of inadequate melatonin levels are not yet well understood, but appear to be negative.  Interestingly, levels seem to decrease with age.  There's a lot still to be learned about melatonin's effects on the body, but what scientists have discovered so far is highly promising.

A Higher Rate of Survival

Most melatonin research efforts so far have focused on cancer.  One study covered patients with advanced breast... lung... gastrointestinal... digestive tract... head... and neck cancers.

     That study found 20 mg of melatonin daily reduced a host of major side effects including...

    Low platelet count
    Mouth sores
    Heart complications

     The most exciting finding?  Compared to the control group, those who took melatonin had a higher rate of survival.

     A meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) conducted by McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario suggests that the link between melatonin and survival is a strong one.  Overall all, the McMaster team found a 34% reduction of the relative risk of death for cancer patients taking melatonin.  The analysis found a decreased risk of death regardless of the dosage and type of cancer.

     "The substantial reduction in risk of death, low adverse events reported and low costs related to this intervention," according to the McMaster analysts, "suggest great potential for melatonin in treating cancer."

Advice on Dosage

Experts say the optimal dosage of melatonin depends on your reason for taking it.  Julie Chen, integrative medical doctor, says: "The general rule on dosing is that for those of you looking for help with sleep, a dosage of about 0.5-3 mg at bedtime is what you would need."

     For time zone changes or jetlag, you could go up to 5 or 6 mg, says Chen.  For individuals interested in taking melatonin to treat one of the conditions mentioned above, dosages are higher—Chen says they range anywhere from 5-20 mg.  "My recommendation is to first consult your physician [and] also seek the guidance of an integrative physician or naturopathic doctor."

= = = = = = = = = = =

Featured Article:
How This French Probiotic Discovery
Changes Everything

Discover the Big Fat Lies You've Been Told About
Probiotics and the French Secret to Flawless Digestion

Are you one of the 60 to 70 million people suffering from a digestive issues?

     Take this brief health quiz to find out.

Have you ever experienced...

occasional constipation or diarrhea?

irregular bowels?

embarrassing and frequent gas?


extremely foul-smelling stools?

digestive pain?

bad breath?

periodic heartburn?

big tummy bloat?

lower back pain?

     If you answered yes to at least one of the questions above, you may have suffered from mild digestive problems at one time or another.  But if you have experienced any of the aforementioned symptoms 2 or more times a week, then it is highly likely that your digestive system, including your intestinal tract and colon, are not functioning at their most optimal.  Perhaps you—like most people in this world—think that these symptoms, while uncomfortable, are certainly not cause for alarm, but that's simply not true.

      When your digestive system becomes sluggish, dangerous toxins build up in your bowels.  Preliminary symptoms—such as bad breath, allergies, fatigue, headaches and feeling "the blues"—gradually gain in severity to include more harmful symptoms such as constipation, hemorrhoids, and general bowel irritation.  That's not all—the prognosis gets worse: When digestive disorders are left untreated more serious health conditions manifest.

An Easy, All-Natural and Affordable Solution for Digestive Concerns

If you've ever scoped out the latest and greatest all natural treatments for healing digestive upset or boosting your immune system, then chances are you've stumbled upon probiotics.  Probiotics are healthful live bacteria that flourish naturally in fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha and even sourdough bread.  "Probiotic" literally translates to "for life" and supplementing with probiotics can aid digestion, strengthen immunity, and support overall health.

     Healthy humans are born with a plethora of good bacteria in their intestines, but as we grow older and succumb to poor diets and antibiotics our store of live bacteria is depleted.  And did you know that 70% of the body's natural defenses are found in the gut?  Your immune system depends on the smooth functioning of your digestive system, and it is imperative to supplement with probiotics in order to rejuvenate your supply of friendly bacteria and nourish your digestive health.

     Here's why: The lining of your digestive tract is like a fortress wall that keeps invaders (bugs and toxins) from attacking.  If you don't have enough good bacteria in your gut, then that wall is lined with holes and your entire body is in jeopardy—your blood and organs threatened.  A probiotic patches up these holes and protects your health by sticking to the colon wall and forming an impenetrable barrier.

The Probiotic Bluff

Unfortunately, only a handful of the more than 300 probiotic strains have actually been tested and scientifically validated as beneficial.  The probiotic market conceals this fact beautifully, bringing in more than $30 billion in sales annually with probiotic pills, pizzas, smoothies... even chocolate!

     But the ugly truth is, the majority of these probiotic promises have no research backing them up and are mere bluffs.  Researchers have found it difficult to find loopholes around the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's ill-conceived laws that specify that in order to conduct clinical trials on a probiotic, that probiotic must be registered as a drug.  Imagine labeling yogurt, a food rich in probiotics, as a prescription drug!  Unfortunately, consumers get the short end of the stick as we have to trust the claims of the probiotic manufacturers, claims that are often unproven and deceiving.

     Not only have many of the probiotic strains in your supplement NOT been tested, but they have also been combined with other strains that could potentially inhibit the activity of healthful bacteria, rendering the supplement altogether useless.

     And then there are the badly planned manufacturing methods used by most probiotic companies.  Probiotic strains are grown in a petri dish in a lab and then centrifuged (or spun) together, a process that breaks bacteria chains and strips good bacteria of nutrients.  In this state, they are in no condition to deliver the digestive support you need.  Not to mention that when manufacturers use the same equipment for different probiotic strains, cross-contamination occurs!

New French Probiotic Discovery Changes Everything

You don't need a probiotic with 17 strains of live bacteria.  It's time the "MORE is BETTER" marketing hype of probiotic manufacturers is debunked.  More strains may counteract the benefits and most combinations simply haven't been proven to work.

     The French, who are widely known for indulging in fresh, rich food and wine, have a much simpler and altogether better approach to avoiding digestive woes.  They've discovered that it isn't about how MANY strains are in your probiotic; it's about how many will actually REACH your digestive tract alive, and how many will actually grow and flourish.  Unfortunately, not many—the acid in your stomach fries the majority, and multi-strain products are particularly vulnerable to attack.

     There is really only one strain of probiotic that has sustained a 50-year track record of success, has been clinically proven to work ON HUMANS, and has been DNA tested and approved in 15 countries around the world... WITHOUT a single safety complaint.

     Hailing from the mountains of France, this probiotic strain has been scientifically substantiated as a remarkable digestive aid.  Countries such as France and Japan, which aren't held back by FDA regulations, have conducted numerous studies affirming its effectiveness.  Results of one French study indicated that this probiotic strain was 11 times more potent at enhancing digestive health compared to a placebo.  After just 28 days of supplementation, study participants experienced 36 times less abdominal pain, 5 times less bloating and 5 times more satisfaction with stool frequency.

Botox     A 4-week study conducted by the National Taiwanese University Hospital in Japan showed that this probiotic strain doubled defecation frequency, and those taking the supplement were 19 times happier than were those in the placebo group.

     The Journal of Clinical Microbiology published a similar study in which researchers analyzed how long this probiotic strain flourishes in your gut even after you stop supplementing.  After one month, study subjects stopped supplementing with the probiotic.  Three weeks later the probiotic was still healthy and thriving in 85.7% of participants.

     Until recently, this strain of probiotic wasn't even available in the United States.  But thanks to natural healing advocate Dr. Michael Cutler, a board certified family physician specializing in chronic degenerative diseases, you can now start fortifying your digestive health and put an end to chronic and embarrassing digestive upset.  Dr. Cutler has uncovered a probiotic that is uniquely fortified with prebiotic support (providing food the probiotic needs to be active and healthy in your gut) as well as postbiotic support to improve your overall digestion.  It is not centrifuged so that bacteria chains remain intact, just as nature intended.

     Click here to take control of your health today and to learn more about the French secret for flawless digestion... as well as the 3 biggest probiotic lies.

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A Word from Our Sponsor:

Monsanto's Future for Us All
a Frankenworld

     Did you know that you're being experimented on without your permission?

     There are untested mutations in your kitchen... your so-called "organic" chicken may not be...

     And the worst part is, no one has to tell you anything.

     Giant agribusiness companies are slowly and quietly spreading their scientifically altered seeds.  They're on so many farms that as much as 85% of all foods on supermarket shelves now contain some ingredient that's had its DNA tampered with in their secret labs.

     But genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are only the beginning...

  • A study of just 30 rats convinced the feds to allow growth hormone into your milk—and the milk producers don't have to tell you it's in there.
  • One food giant is trying to destroy the natural sweetener stevia in its native environment so they can control the world's supply.
  • A "mutant" plant that's now called a miracle health food is clinically documented to cause depression, fatigue, infections, brain fog, nausea... even cancer.
     These "frankenfoods" have a shaky track record and have never been proven safe.  And the test results that reveal the real dangers never see the light of day.  When you eat them, you're taking part in a global frankenfoods experiment.

     You need to protect yourself from the giant corporations that want to take away your right to choose what you eat, and replace your food with lab creations.  All while keeping what's actually in it a secret.

     Today, I want to show you how and why this horror show is unfolding, and what you can do to avoid the crippling side effects and take back your health.

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