Live healthy and long
From Dr. Mercola archives | January 2013
What are the major bad components of our diet today: 1. processed food (especially high fructose corn syrup that is contained in drinks and sweets - cakes, candies, cookies) and 2. hydrogenated oil.
Why is oil hydrogenated, or butter - to increase its shelf life, melting point. The process involved in injecting hydrogen into the oil (hence hydrogenation). It is partial hydrogenation which is bad and has been traced to cause:
diabetes, chronic diseases, heart disease, cancer (by interfering with enzymes that fight cancer) body's immune system, reproductive system
What about soybean oil? Many think it is healthy but the truth is (soybean also contains phytroestrogen which is bad for reproductive health) and contain phytates (this prevents absorption of certain minerals)
It also contains: anti nutrients like saponins and protease inhibitors that prevent protein absorptions and hemagluttinin which cause aggregations of red blood cells preventing proper oxygenation of blood.
Dr. Mercolas recommendation:
l. Use coconut oil for cooking (hooray for PHL coconut oil exporters)
2. Use organic butter instead of margarine
3. Eat raw fats from avocados, pastured egg, raw nuts, dairy products, olive oil and omega 3 fatty acids.
Eat less junk processed food, if you value your health
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