
Monday, May 13, 2013

Avoid pesticide inffested foods

Live healthy and long

Repost from Dr. Mercola archives  May 8, 2013

The article merely stresses why organic foods are better and safer.  Most vegetables and fruits are pesticide laden. I had student before from Baguio who washed Mt. Province vegies sold at Baguio City market. She said her fingers and hand were burned as a result of this operatios meaning to say that vegies in Baguio have plenty of pesticide.

Meaning that you can eat plenty of vegies  -  the 5 fruits and 5 vegies as prescribed and still have the big C.   Because of the pesticide.

Which vegies have most pesticides?

Apples Celery Cherry tomatoes
Cucumbers Grapes Hot peppers
Nectarines (imported) Peaches Potatoes
Spinach Strawberries Sweet bell peppers
Kale Collard greens Summer squash

Which one have least (still with pesticides though) toxins?

Asparagus Avocado Cabbage
Cantaloupe Sweet corn (non-GMO) Eggplant
Grapefruit Kiwi Mango
Mushrooms Onions Papayas (non-GMO. Most Hawaiian papaya is GMO)
Pineapple Sweet peas (frozen) Sweet potatoes

Please be properly guided

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