
Monday, May 6, 2013

Warning: NEVER Eat This Type of Olive Oil

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Did you know ...
Dear Jorge.Saguinsin,
I have an urgent warning today for you about a food that's probably in your kitchen cabinet right now -- extra virgin olive oil. And the worst type I'm warning you about is any bottle you've purchased in an American supermarket or gourmet store. Problem is, you have no idea what's in that bottle! I think you'll be as shocked as I was when you read this disturbing news below and wonder…

How DARE Anyone Sell Us Food Like This?

Please understand, I'm not talking about all olive oil. Far from it. Good, fresh, authentic, and pure extra virgin olive oil is one of Mother Nature's most delicious and nutritious marvels. You already know how I feel -- that consuming high-quality, healthy fats like pure olive oil is one of the most effective ways to maintain a lean and fit body. That's because healthy fats like olive oil help you feel full longer and balance your hormones.

Also, when you replace empty carb calories with healthy fat calories, you help stoke your body's fuel-burning engine to burn more fat, including fat reserves around your stomach, butt, hips, legs, and other problem areas.

Moreover, studies show that pure, authentic extra virgin olive oil also helps ease inflammation … protect against heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers … soothe achy joints … lower blood pressure and bad (LDL) cholesterol.

However, you gain these benefits only if you and your family are consuming pure, authentic extra virgin olive oil.

And That's the Problem!

If you buy your olive oil in an American supermarket or gourmet store, prepare to be shocked. As documented by several of America's most respected media, odds are you are buying fraudulent, adulterated, stale, and even rancid olive oil.

Here's the story....

Thanks to the popularity of the Mediterranean Diet, demand for olive oil is soaring. Big bucks are involved, and counterfeit olive oils are now flooding American store shelves.

For example, independent tests at the University of California, Davis, have discovered that 69% of all store-bought extra virgin olive oils tested are fake!

The New York Times reports that "50 percent of the olive oil sold in America is, to some degree, fraudulent." This includes many well-known and expensive brands. "American grocery stores are awash in cheap, fake 'extra virgins,'" says The Wall Street Journal. CBS News adds: "Consumers who think they're buying one of the healthiest foods on the planet often get something very different."

Please Check Out This M.D.'s "Consumer Guide"
to the Best Olive Oils You Can Buy

If you click on the blue link below, you'll see why America has become a dumping ground of counterfeit, inferior, and even harmful olive oil, and why this is not likely to change anytime soon.

But you'll also discover an M.D.'s "consumer guide" to the world's purest, freshest, healthiest olive oils ... two tips on how to buy safe and pure olive oil no matter where you shop … an insider secret on how to read the "code" on the bottle that should tell you how fresh the oil is (beware: it's NOT the "expiration" or "best used by" date!) … and how to store your oil so it doesn't grow stale or rancid.

You'll also see that there are some exceptional olive oils out there that put virtually all of America's store-bought oils to shame. They are the purest, freshest, highest-rated award-winning olive oils in the world, but have seldom if ever been available in the U.S. until recently.

Would You Like a Free Sample Bottle of One of the Best?
I know first-hand about all this because of someone I met at a health conference recently. His name is T. J. Robinson (aka "The Olive Oil Hunter").

Robinson is an award-winning food journalist and former chef who became outraged by the grossly inferior, counterfeit, and adulterated olive oil being shipped to America's stores. He's now a leading voice of reform in the olive oil industry. He's also on a mission to identify and bring to America the finest, purest, most healthful, and independently-certified 100% pure olive oils available in the world.

To accomplish this, he came up with a novel and most generous marketing plan. In cooperation with many of the world's most respected, small-estate and family-run olive oil farms, he's arranged to import and give away -- exclusively to a select group of health-minded people -- free, full-size sample bottles from the world's most celebrated award-winning artisanal olive oil producers.

You Must Meet Three Qualifications to
Receive Robinson's Unique Gift

For example, at the health conference I attended, Robinson gave me one of his free sample bottles. When I got home and tasted this oil, it just blew me away. It was nothing like the mass market olive oils in our local supermarkets and even gourmet stores here in the U.S. It was as if I had never tasted authentic, fresh olive oil in my life.

Robinson secures these prize oils from the finest small estate growers and passionate artisans around the world who create the most sublime and healthful olive oils that win the major awards at prestigious olive oil competitions. These oils are astonishingly fresh and flavorful. And they are independently certified to be 100% pure and bursting with super-high polyphenols, the ingredients that bestow olive oil's extraordinary health benefits.

Until you taste these oils, you can't even imagine how superior they are to the olive oils available in American stores.

I asked Robinson if he would consider sending free sample bottles to my readers. He said he'd be delighted, but only if I promise to keep this offer strictly exclusive for my readers only, and not publicize it in mass media, such as in newspapers and magazines, or on radio or TV. That's because he has only 240 bottles to give away.

This means that if you take action now and are one of the first 240 of my readers to do so, you can receive a free, full-size bottle of one of his prize oils, fresh from the just-completed Mediterranean harvest. Even the shipping and handling all the way to your front door from the Mediterranean are free, as part of his risk-free and unusually generous "free-sample" marketing campaign.

To receive one of his free, full-size sample bottles, Robinson asks that you read the report below and also meet three qualifications:
1. You must live in the U.S. to receive the free bottle. (Robinson imports only to America. Sorry, I know we have a lot of international readers, but he ships only to the U.S.)

2. You must be among the first 240 to let Robinson know you'd like a free sample (he's got only 20 cases -- or 240 bottles -- to give away to my readers. After that, not a single bottle more).

3. You must take action by Sunday, May 12, which is when his generous offer expires, so he can get back to what he loves -- following the sun and traveling the world in search of the most divine and healthy olive oils.

To understand why this gift is so rare and valuable, and how you can secure more of his oil if you fall madly in love with it as I did, please click below to read the special report on the sad, corrupted state of store-bought olive oils in America.

Believe me, this message will give you a whole new perspective on what you thought was a healthy food! You'll see why, if you want to enjoy olive oil's numerous health benefits, you must buy only the freshest, healthiest, and purest olive oil you can find.

And you should always insist that any oil you buy is independently certified to be 100% extra virgin. It's the surest way to protect yourself and your family, and get true value for the good money you're spending on high-quality extra virgin olive oil.

And now -- thanks to Robinson "The Olive Oil Hunter" -- you'll know exactly how and where to find such oils and avoid the shameless counterfeit stuff flooding the shelves of America's supermarkets and gourmet stores.

For the full story, please CLICK HERE now...

Yours for excellent health,
Founder & CEO
Barton Publishing Inc.
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