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Special Bulletin for readers of House Calls
Dear New Reader,
I'm so glad you decided to read my report on Big Pharma's latest scandal. You can find everything you need to know right here: http://healthrevelations.com/caught-red-handed/ But I also wanted to welcome you to House Calls, my information-packed e-letter that delivers the latest, cutting-edge health news to you, absolutely FREE. Through House Calls, I'll share all the advancements and breakthroughs I find through my research and my practice at The Stengler Center for Integrative Medicine. You'll discover safe and proven solutions you can use to fight chronic illnesses, such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and much more. Plus, I'll give you my take on the latest research in conventional and natural medicine as well as current events that could affect your health. With so much conflicting health information out there today... and with so many people looking to make a buck... it can be hard to know who to trust. This modern "house call" is my way to get you the vital information you won't find anywhere else. I'll also tell you about the best health products on the market -- only the ones you can trust to really do what they say. Be on the lookout for your first House Calls e-letter, which will arrive in your inbox tomorrow. But, there is one thing you need to do to make sure you get this vital information. It will only take a minute, but you'll need to add our e-mail address, housecalls@newmarkethealth.com, to your address book or "whitelist" us. Every provider (AOL, Hotmail, G-mail, etc.) has slightly different instructions, but they're pretty simple to follow. If you need help, try this link: http://healthrevelations.com/housecalls/hc_whitelist.htm These days, the mainstream medical industry can be a pretty impersonal, profit-driven business. But I'm here for you and I'm looking forward to helping you enjoy your best health ever. God bless, Dr. Mark Stengler ************************************************************************* The information provided in House Calls should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this site. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. ************************************************************************* If you want to end your e-letter subscription or you need to change your e-mail address, please follow the instructions below. However, if you do not follow the instructions below and simply hit reply instead, we may not receive your request and cannot assure you that it will be completed. ************************************************************************* Why am I getting this? Please note: We sent this e-mail because you subscribed to this service. To end your House Calls subscription...visit this address: click here to unsubscribe This form will get you the fastest answers to questions regarding your order or our services. We make every attempt to respond to your e-mail within 24 hours... but right now we're experiencing more inquires than usual. We apologize, but it could take up to 5-7 days to receive a response. |
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