
Monday, June 17, 2013

High Blood Pressure Medicine That Poisons You

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From: Newsmax Health <>
Date: Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 5:02 AM
Subject: 1 High Blood Pressure Medicine That Poisons You
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Health Alert

Dear Newsmax Reader:
Please find below a special message from our sponsoring advertiser, Barton Publishing. They have some important information to share with you. Thank you.

Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs

Why Using Drugs To Lower Your Blood Pressure Is Insane (And What To Do Instead)
Dear Fellow Health Seeker,
Could I interest you in taking a dose of cyanide? Chances are, you would answer "no thanks".
And yet... the first drug designed to lower blood pressure, created in 1900, was a mixture of salts and cyanide.
Of course, these days medicine has advanced, and we don't prescribe poison any more.

Or do we?
Consider Nitropress. It's a drug approved by the FDA, and, like cyanide, it lowers blood pressure. It also causes side effects like these...
  • Confusion and tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Gasping for a breath - or breathing that stops altogether
  • Extreme light-headedness - even while horizontal
  • Fainting
  • Hyperventilating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and possible seizure
The frightening nature of today's blood pressure "drugs" is well documented.
Today's drug company "solutions" can cause irregular heart beat, fatigue, depression, impotence, elevated blood fat levels, and can damage your liver or weaken your heart.
So if that's what the greedy drug companies have for you - what's the alternative?
Nature Has A Better Way
There's no reason for you to swallow fistfulls of deadly poison every day, stuffing pills into your body that alter your body's natural chemistry.
There's no reason at all ...because now you can activate your body's own healing systems and restore the balance you've lost.
Your guide on this journey is Joe Barton.
Joe runs a little family-owned company, and is known for his natural remedies for common diseases. He got started in this business back when his father almost died from severe acid reflux after a botched ulcer surgery.
After nearly losing his Dad to a surgeon's bloody knife, Joe went on a crusade to reveal the secrets of truly healthy living... with no dangerous drugs and their chilling side-effects.
As you can imagine, Joe has no tolerance for greedy drug companies and knife-happy maniac surgeons destroying people's families.
So he looked for a better way.
What he found is that you can lower your blood pressure and keep it right where it needs to ... simply by combining the right healthy foods - no harmful drugs or dangerous "poison pill popping."
Joe has made it his personal mission to avoid the "cure that's worse than the disease" -- and to help you avoid it, too.
Natural Solution Subtracts Points Off Your Blood Pressure
Joe discovered a solution that subtracts points off your blood pressure numbers with nothing but natural remedies - and no financial extortion by the Big Pharma Mob.
And now he's sharing his help keep you healthy, happy, energetic and alive... for many years.
Today, Joe's giving you the opportunity to beat high blood pressure for good, avoid the costs and dangers of drugs, and live life to the fullest - without worry

Just click here and watch this short video presentation before you get sidetracked.
Taking drugs designed to lower your blood pressure is just plain crazy.
Don't put that kind of stress on your body by choking down fistfuls of expensive, risky chemicals ... and don't be forced to swallow even more pills that counteract the side effects of the first ones... that is just ridiculous!
Even if that approach was effective, it opens you up to a whole list of additional side effects! Does it make sense to chemically alter your body like that?
Back in 1900, they didn't know any, we do know better.
Watch this video right now and grab the key that opens a treasure chest of all-natural secrets for lowering your blood pressure... and keeping it low - for the rest of your life.
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Jorge U. Saguinsin
To "be the best, do your best, expect the best" always

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