
Thursday, June 27, 2013

The First Effective Treatment to Prevent Vision Loss, Say Top Scientists

Taking five more bananas a day increases potassium intake, dilates the blood vessels and prevents onset of strokes.

Avocados are also rich in potassium with as much as 1189 mg per serving

Asthaxanthin helps maintain vision

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From: Underground Health Reporter
Date: Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 12:31 AM
Subject: The First Effective Treatment to Prevent Vision Loss, Say Top Scientists

Brought to you by Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC
The First Effective Treatment to
Prevent Vision Loss, Say Top Scientists

In This Issue:

*Did You Know...?
*Featured Article: Discover How You Can Protect Your Precious Sight
*A Word from Our Sponsor:
The Reason You're Tired All the Time

Did You Know...

... that this essential mineral can significantly lower your risk of heart attack and stroke?

     A staggering 98% of Americans are potassium deficient.  If you're not part of the select 2% who gets the recommended daily allowance of this essential mineral and electrolyte, you're at a dramatically higher risk for stroke and heart attack.

     Every cell, tissue and organ in your body depends on potassium.  Potassium delivers oxygen to the brain, maintains the proper functioning of the nervous system, helps your muscles contract, and keeps your heart healthy.

Potassium and Heart Health

Every year 750,000 Americans have a stroke... a stroke that could be prevented with a few dietary and lifestyle adjustments.  A recent study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology links potassium to the two biggest killers: Heart attack and stroke.  Researchers discovered that study participants with a 1600 mg per day higher potassium intake had a 21% reduction in stroke risk.

     According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, research suggests that low potassium levels are associated with high blood pressure—which has been shown to be reversed by supplementing with potassium.  Potassium helps lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessel walls.

     Increasing your potassium intake by 1600 mg a day may cut your risk of stroke by 1/5 and lower your blood pressure, but it is not enough to ensure adequate potassium consumption.

A Potassium-deficient Diet

Potassium was discovered in 1807 as the residual powder left over when a plant is burned to ash and mixed into a pot of water left to evaporate.  Scientists dubbed it "pot ashium."  Prior to the last century, our diets were much more plant based, so much so that we most likely consumed up to 10,000 mg of potassium a day.  The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends 4700 mg a day, but nowadays the average American is lucky if they reach 3000 mg.

     Potassium deficiency can manifest as any of the following symptoms:

      Muscle weakness
      Heart problems
      Chronic diarrhea

     There's no such thing as too much potassium, and without enough, your heart and nervous system completely shut down.  To make sure you're packed with potassium, increase your potassium intake with whole foods for maximum benefit.

     In order to reach your RDA of potassium, you'd need to eat an extra five bananas a day!  Fortunately, you don't have to go overboard on the bananas, which have 422 mg of potassium.  There are many foods with higher concentrations, such as potatoes (751 mg), Swiss chard (961 mg), and avocado (1,189 mg).  Legumes are a rich source of potassium with up to 1,189 mg depending on the bean.  All meats, and certain types of fish, such as salmon, flounder and cod, are rich in potassium.  Dairy products are an easy way to add potassium to your diet. A serving of yogurt delivers a substantial 531 mg of potassium!

     Exercising vigorously, taking diuretics and eating a high sodium diet significantly lower potassium levels.  Experts advise that you can protect your health by doubling the amount of potassium you take in.

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Featured Article:
The First Effective Treatment to
Prevent Vision Loss, Say Top Scientists

Discover How You Can Protect Your Precious Sight

     R emarkable new research reveals how 3 antioxidants—lutein, astaxanthin, and zeaxanthin—can protect macular health.  The research makes clear that at the right doses, these nutrients can dramatically curb your chances of age-related vision loss.  The clinical trial proving this was sponsored by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  It was called the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) and was conducted by the National Eye Institute, a branch of the NIH.

Protect Your Vision Starting Now

The good news is that protecting yourself from macular health issues is completely possible if you start early with these simple steps:

Wear sunglasses—don't stare into the sun or bright lights.
Don't smoke or drink alcohol in excess
Eat plenty of leafy green vegetables
Supplement with adequate doses of the antioxidants lutein, astaxanthin, and zeaxanthin

Diet Alone Cannot Prevent Macular Health Issues

Achieving the high levels of nutrients needed to support macular health through diet alone is near impossible.

     A portion of steamed broccoli, a so-called rich source of lutein, actually has less than 1 mg of this vision-saving nutrient.  Vision scientists have recently discovered that you need 20 mg of lutein every day, to really protect your eyesight.  That's 20 times as much as in a serving of broccoli!  And it's even harder to get enough astaxanthin and zeaxanthin from food.

     You can protect yourself from a leading cause of vision loss with 3 simple but powerful nutrients!

Antioxidants Effectively Prevent Vision Loss—But Only in the Right Dosage

In May 2013, the National Eye Institute tested several changes to the original AREDS formulation.  For this study, called AREDS-2, the team added omega-3 fatty acids, as well as the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.  The study showed lutein and zeaxanthin to be safe... effective... and highly promising for supporting macular health.

Buyer Beware: Quality is Key

Many big-name vitamin supplements that claim to protect against vision loss do include those 3 vital ingredients—but they often use far lower doses than those studied in the remarkable AREDS clinical trial.  Expert sources report that some unscrupulous manufacturers use as little as one tenth the amount necessary for benefits!  And shockingly, that's true of supplements specifically labeled as "vision solutions."

     Many formulas that claim to improve vision and support macular health contain only 5 to 10 mg of lutein, despite clear evidence showing that far more is required to be beneficial for eye health.  Additionally, some supplements often offer less than 4 mg of zeaxanthin and no astraxanthin at all.  That last fact is especially concerning, considering some sources suggest astraxanthin is 47 times more powerful than lutein.

Your Body Can't Use What it Can't Digest

It's common sense that in order to benefit from a nutrient, your body has to be able to digest and absorb it.  But unfortunately common sense does not stop supplement companies from using cheap, non-absorbable nutrients.

     The truth is that in addition to including only fractions of the amounts of the potent antioxidants necessary to protect and improve your vision, many companies cut costs further by skimping on subpar ingredients your body can't ever absorb.

     The nutrients pass through you undigested, offering zero benefits.

     High quality lutein is far more bioavailable, meaning you can absorb it through your digestive tract into your bloodstream.  Your eyes are more able to use it and consequently reap far greater benefits.  For AREDS-2, researchers used a specialized, trademarked form of lutein.

No One Should Have to Choose Between Vision and Food

Some commercially available brands do use this trademarked form of lutein, however, those products are shockingly expensive.  No one should have to choose between their vision and feeding their family!  That's why Dr. Michael Cutler, M.D., is so passionate and careful about the supplements he recommends to his patients who are at risk for vision loss.

     Dr. Cutler is a board-certified physician specializing in chronic health conditions, and he is deeply concerned about helping his patients keep their eyesight.  He was outraged when he realized how many of his patients struggled to afford the exorbitant price tags for the right vision supplements.  So Dr. Cutler made a commitment to help his patients to obtain the highest-quality trademarked form of lutein, along with bioavailable astraxanthin and zeaxanthin, at an affordable price.

     Click here to find out what Dr. Cutler discovered as the certified best and affordable way to improve eye health.  Protecting your precious eyesight is easy and affordable when you have the right information.  Start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel today.

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Jorge U. Saguinsin
To "be the best, do your best, expect the best" always

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