
Saturday, July 27, 2013

What is more addictive than cocaine?

Live healthy and long

Repost from Dr. Mercola archives | July 18, 2013

Yes what is more addictive than cocaine.

It is refined sugar.

Using magnetic imaging of the brain, researchers confirmed highly processed carbs stimulate brain center involved in reward and craving, resulting in excess hunger.

The study which was published in  American Journal of Nutrition subjected men between ages of 18 to 35 to functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.  And the subjects were fed high and low GI food.  The high GI diet initially resulted spiked the blood sugar level and then crashed which stimulated the brain center called nucleus accumbens the brain center for addictive behavior.

Thus if you consume an amount of sugar,your reach a level of tolerance, in which you are not pleased anymore, thus you have to consume more to reach the same level of taste.  This is according to Dr. Robert Lustig.  It is interesting to note that sugar is top ingredient in many processed food products in US like Prego, as spaghetti sauce.

Thus, this consuming passion to eat causes obesity.  Obesity is now a disease in USA.

Food manufacturers have mastered the art of adding the right amount of sugar to reach the point of bliss.  And they have mastered other taste as saltiness, sweetness -  the science of addictive eating.

Dr. Mercola recommends avoiding plenty or processed food and sugary items.  Instead he recommends exercise and drinking black coffee.  The latter can reduce addiction to this cause of obesity

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