
Thursday, July 25, 2013

WORSE than fast food (and you're eating it every day)

A fine dining is a culprit too in promoting obesity and weight gain?

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From: Rob Poulos <>
Date: Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 5:55 PM
Subject: WORSE than fast food (and you're eating it every day)

If you're a health conscious individual, you likely cringe at even the mention of fast food.
McDonald's. Burger King. Wendy's.


We all know that fast food for the most part is REALLY bad news, so if you're going to go "out to eat", whatever you do, don't eat fast food. Instead, try a nice sit-down restaurant in which an independent study recently determined that when compared to the golden arches and king of burgers, those who choose sit-down restaurants wind up eating TWICE as many calories than those that choose fast food.


Eye-opener: What appears to be healthy at a restaurant, very likely aint healthy.

The reality is that sit down restaurant meals, due to their exceptionally large portions and often irresponsible preparation methods (with respect to calorie content) give very little regard to health and weight management. Restaurants want you to LOVE the food, be satisfied, and come back. For the most part, with few exceptions, that's their number one goal...and it comes at the expense of your health and that oh so lovely figure you're trying to obtain and maintain.

Does that mean you should never eat out? No, we eat out all the time. But you have to be aware of what goes down, and YOU have to be the one in control of the meal. Here are some tips:

1. When you order, ask the server to have half of your entree bagged up to go and half brought out to you. Instant 50% reduction in calories!

Chances are, you'll be just as satisfied with 1/2 the normal portion, but when the whole thing is on your plate in front of you, you'll always eat more just because it's there.

2. Give VERY specific instructions on how you want your food prepared. For example, order your meat grilled with absolutely no sauces, butter, etc. Skip the "pre-made" salad dressings and request olive oil and vinegar instead. Ask how things are prepared -- it's your server's job to answer your questions and you're paying them to be an expert and deliver to you exactly what you want. If you don't want a boatload of hidden calories, make sure you don't get them by speaking up and clarifying what you want.

Implement those 2 tips and you'll avoid 75% of the calories in a typical restaurant entree.

Want another incredibly easy to use diet tip? It actually only takes a few short seconds to implement each day:

==> 30-second daily trick FLATTENS your belly

Enjoy and we'll talk soon,

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