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Thursday, August 1, 2013
Secrets of Wold's Oldest Man - bananas and aspirin daily .
World's Oldest Man Takes Aspirin, Eats a Banana Every Day
repost from Newsmax Health | July 25, 2013
The world's oldest man, at 112 years is Salustiano Sanchez - Blasques who hails from Bejar Spain. He came via Ellis island, worked at a coal mine in Ky and eventually settled in Niagara NY. This is according to Guinness
He takes bananas daily, and daily dose of Anacin (aspirin brand).
The oldest living person is Misao Okawa of Japan who is 115 year old. The world's oldest man used to be Joeremon Kimura who died at 116 (most longest living persons are Japanese - what is the secret of their long life.
So we have to take blood thinnners (not necessarily aspirin). It could be cayenne pepper, garlic, almonds, and food rich in potassium like bananas and buko juice to have long life.
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