
Friday, January 24, 2014

Hookworms gaining attention in immunotherapy vs asthma and chronic diseases.

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  January 24. 2014

Why doctors are treating allergies with parasitic worms

A strategic paper on Roche's oncology drugs led me to its new drugs research, monoclonal antibodies and immunotherapy.  Immunotherapy will be a new treatment in cancer and other chronic diseases treatment and that may cotnrol 60% of the cancer threatment market.

For asthma and treatment of allergies, the hookworm, Necatour americanus  which causes 85% of hookworm infestation,   Hookworms emit molecules that make them evade detection by body's immune system.  This molecule could be helpful in treatment of auto immune diseases such as MS, Krohn, and other allergic reaction.

The findings came out of the observation of immunologist David Pritchard of University of  Nottingham noted while in Papua New Guinea that those who had worm parasites had less incidence of asthma and other allergic reactions. or auto immune system where the body's defense mechanism turns against iteself.  He and his team examined the stools and blood of the PNGs and noted lower level of antibodies in patients who had high levels of fertile eggs of worm in their feces..  In order tr survive, the worms have found a way to swith off the immune system of the host  which benefits the host too by not having auto immune disease,and allergies.

"And Pritchard's hypothesis has been holding water, both in his own experiments as well asothers. Symptoms from autoimmune disorders ranging from asthma to Crohn's disease have been shown to be noticeably reduced in study volunteers administered "safe doses" of hookworm therapy. Clinical trials that use hookworms to treat Multiple Sclerosis are slated to begin later this year."

One such article is about an Englishman who prescribed injecting ascaris to help cure asthma.  He noted that chidlren in UK have asthma.  In Central Aftica, there is no asthma.  But the children had Ascaris infestation. That could be difference.  The dirty/clean thinking maybe causing plenty of asthma attacks.  So he experimented and injected Ascaris eggs into his asthmatic patients and got well..  Another Brit,Jasper  Lawrence put a  clinic after he was able to treat himself of asthma by having himself infected with hookworm in Central Africa.


Would you go through a hookwork therapy to cure your asthma?  If that is the only way?

Hookworm therapy for beginners.

AIT (Auto Immunte Therapy) by Lawrence Jasper

Why doctors are treating allergies with parasitic worms

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