
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Nat Geo on Breatharians

Live healthy and long

Rizal, Philippines   January 19, 2014

 Prahlad Jani breatharian
From technabob - this man has not eaten in 70 years

I came across a Nat Geo feature under the title taboo that  featured an Indian, and his wife Fiona who are breatharians  There is a worldwide movement for this that espouse minimal eating, fasting, as way to immortality, more youth and energy.

This is perfect cure for world hunger, famine  and poverty.  Fasting, breatharianism have religious undertones.  As fasting is a common practice among Christians, Hindus, Moslems, and Jews.  You do not live on food for nourishment alone but from the sun, and Prana (or spirit)

In sports, fasting before a big race is prescribed;  once a month fasting of 12 hours is prescribed for good health eating only apple juice, and biscuits from sun up to sundown.  This it to rest the liver and excrete the body toxins

The movement started with Ellen Green, who is now known as Jasmuheen.  She claims to have lived without food for years.  There are two groups of breatharians:  those who live on bread and wine (and water -  has the last Supper connection) and those who are vegetarians.

There have been reports of deaths among some followers of Breatharian, though

But the idea would seem to have some scientific basis (if done with moderation).  Takin a lot of meat, processed food brings in with toxins and chemicals that come with food processing.Wheat Bread we know, contribute to early aging.

More on How stuff works on Breatharians

From Huffpost and Taboo USA at Nat Geo - Breatharian Kirby survives on 7 meals in 10 months

"f you had the perfect cure for world hunger, wouldn't you want to share it? A group called the Breatharians claims to have the answer to this worldwide dilemma and to other food-related diseases: stop eating. Or rather, live off prana, which is a Sanskrit word that translates to "life air" or "life force." (Click here to learn more about prana in the Vedas, the sacred texts of Hinduism). The concept of prana appears in many other traditions. China, Japan and Polynesia all have their own words for this sustaining life force.
Breatharians believe that a person can give up food and water altogether and live purely off prana, which they also call "living on light" or "living on air." Foremost Breatharian, Jasmuheen, formerly Ellen Greve, is credited with starting today's Breatharian movement. Her Prana Program advises followers to convert to Breatharianism gradually: Become a vegetarian; become a vegan; move to raw foods, then fruits, then liquids and finally prana. You replace physical food with air and light as well as metaphysical nourishment.
Fasting is a spiritually important aspect of most major religions, including Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Mahatma Gandhi, the famed spiritual and political leader and humanitarian, referred to a complete fast as "the truest prayer." He conducted fasts throughout his life for religious and political reasons. The main difference between fasting and the Breatharian approach to food is that fasting has an end point. Breatharianism is a total fast for life -- that is, however long you live.
Jasmuheen claims she's lived for years without nourishment, although she admits to having mouthfuls of food for taste every once in a while. But Breatharianism has taken the lives of some of its followers. Verity Linn, a 49-year-old woman, was found dead in a remote part of Scotland after attempting th­e Breatharian conversion. Timo Degen, a kindergarten teacher, tried the Breatharian plan and slipped into a coma. Degen recovered after four weeks of IV drips, only to die a short while later [Source: The Sunday Times via Rick Ross].
­Lani Morris kept a diary throughout her time as a Breatharian. Morris, a mother of nine, died with symptoms of pneumonia, severe dehydration, kidney failure and the effect­s of a severe stroke. She was in the care of two Breatharians, Jim and Eugenia Pesnak [Source: The Australian via Rick Ross]. Morris was isolated and had the understanding that she would be given orange juice after one week and nothing at all for two weeks after that. She indicated in her diary that she dreamed of food. She lost the use of her legs, became incontinent and began coughing up a black, sticky fluid. The Pesnaks claimed that they did not know Morris was seriously ill until it was too late.
Next, we'll examine what happens to a person who stops eating completely and why the Breatharian plan can be a dangerous path to enlightenment.

At Breatharian website: Workshops on Immortality

Do you believe in Jasmuheen teachings?

Video by Jasmuheen (Ellen Green the founder of Breatharians

Cosmic Pranic Feeding video by Jasmuheen

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