
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Philippines tops Asia in number of breast cancer cases; highest in Pampanga, why?

Live healthy and long

From Philippine "Breast Cancer Org site

One of 13 Filipinas will have breast cancer.

The highest incidence of breast cancer is in Pamapanga.

Before, there was 1 breast cancer for every 33 women, now it is 1 out of 33, and incidence of breast cancer in the Philppines measured worldwide among 187 countries from 1990 to 2010 or over a 30 year period or a 589 % increase

"Fact # 9       1 out of 13 Filipno women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.     
                       The province of Pampanga has the highest incidence rate in the entire country.

Fact # 10    The Philippines has the highest incidence rate of breast cancer in Asia and registered the highest increase of 589%     
                  among 187 countries over a 30 year period from 1980 to 2010.

There are no known direct causes of cancer (maybe Filipinos are fond of fondling breasts?)

Early detection does not prevent breast cancer from developing further;  prevention is the key.

There are hypothesis that exposure to xenoestrogens as from plastic, pesticides, and fuel are causing cancer.  Xenoestrogens mimic estrogen action, although are not in themselves estrogen.  Is exposure to pollutants, as air pollution and PAH related to breast cancer?

So avoiding xenostrogens is a way of prevention

And so with exposure bromides.  bromides, found in bread preservatives, deplete the body of iodine.  Women with breast cancer have low low iodine

Phillippine Society of Medical Oncology on Breast Cancer

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