
Monday, March 17, 2014

Not all vitamins are created equal

Live healthy and long

Beware of vitamins rip offs

Nutrients and vitamins can help solve your health problems Not so so says Barton Publishing. Some vitamins are not created equal says Vitamin Doctor

Vitamin Cures

12 Vitamin cures  (this is an email marketing)

You Need to Know
Dear Health-Savvy Friend,
As a board-certified medical doctor, I can prescribe any of the latest
drugs and surgeries, but my patients are getting some of our best results with
vitamins and nutrients!
Nutrients are nature's miracle healers. They work with your body to heal
the cause of disease, not just relieve the symptoms. Clinical research is proving
the power of these targeted healers. And I see the results for myself every day
in my medical practice.
In this special report, you'll see other exciting ways that vitamins and
nutrient supplements can even help you...
Solve Tough Health Problems
You've Wrestled With for Years!
In these pages, you'll discover vital facts that 99% of supplement buyers don't know. We'll challenge some of the common assumptions that many health-conscious people have about vitamins and supplements. Plus, you'll see specific vitamin cures you can use today to solve even the toughest health problems.
And we'll expose the TOP 7 VITAMIN RIP-OFFS. Now you don't need to fall victim to the many vitamin hoaxes that might be robbing you and your loved ones of your money and your health. You'll be able to sort the truth from the hype and find the natural health options that really work best for your health.
Why Supplements Often
Work BETTER Than Drugs
Many chronic health problems are actually caused by nutrient deficiencies. Instead of taking drugs to cover up the symptoms, why not correct the deficiency and solve the real cause of your symptoms.
Your body is designed and adapted to work with the natural healers found in foods. These natural molecules help your body repair, restore, and revitalize itself the way nature intended.
Supplements are concentrated forms of the natural molecules found in foods. Your body knows exactly how to use them. They work in a much more balanced way to help solve the real cause of disease, instead of just relieving the symptoms. That's why vitamins and supplements are...
Nature's Targeted Healers
For example, you've probably heard about resveratrol. It's the remarkable phytonutrient found in grapes and red wine. Studies show that it can extend the lifespan of lab animals by an incredible 60%. And many experts believe it's the "secret weapon" that keeps French peoples' hearts healthy despite their rich diet. Now you can take a supplement and get the equivalent resveratrol of 26 bottles of red wine in a single pill!
Or maybe you’ve heard about the cancer-fighting power of cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts. They’re rich in a nutrient called diindolylmethane (DIM). DIM is shown to stop cancer cell growth by 90% in lab tests. But now you can get the DIM content of up to…
Nine Pounds of Broccoli
Do you see the power of these targeted healers? You would never want to drink that much wine or eat that much broccoli in one day—even if you could afford the cost! Supplements make it convenient, practical and cost effective to get concentrated forms of nature’s most powerful healing nutrients.
Every single year there are more than 14 million preventable cases of heart disease, 1.3 million preventable cases of cancer, and more than 500,000 preventable strokes, and many thousands of other preventable diseases in the U.S. alone. With the right nutrition, many of these deadly diseases could have been completely avoided. For example, consider…
The Natural “Smart Bomb”
The problem with conventional cancer treatments is that they often kill healthy cells too. That’s why this next vitamin cure is a great weapon in the fight against cancer. It’s selenium, a potent antioxidant mineral.
Your body uses selenium to create a crucial cancer-fighting enzyme called glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme can selectively seek out and kill cancer cells, but leaving healthy cells alone!
Clinical studies show that taking selenium leads to 66% fewer prostate cancers, 50% fewer colorectal cancers and a 50% decrease in lung cancer deaths.
But beware! You read a supplement label and see that it contains selenium. That’s good, right? Not so fast! There are different types of selenium. Some forms of selenium are shown to be potent cancer fighters. But not all kinds of selenium work.
But Which Type
According to a clinical study, one type of selenium is proven to be far more effective at killing cancer cells and preventing cancer than the other, common type. This is critical information because this information won’t just give you the most bang for your buck—it could save your life! You get all the details in my special report, “The Amazing All-in-One Natural Healer You Must Take for Health and Longevity.”
You’ll also discover exciting new tips for fighting cancer, including how to:
  • Cut Your Risk of Prostate Cancer by 32%: In a clinical study, just 50 mg of this lowered the incidence of prostate cancer by nearly one-third.
  • Keep Cancer from Spreading: Research shows that this natural nutrient can weaken cancer cells, keep cancer from spreading, halt tumor growth, and ease the side effects of cancer treatments.
What REALLY Works for
Lowering Cholesterol Naturally?
Many of my patients would love to lower their cholesterol without drugs. After all, the drugs give them a wide range of troubling side effects.
You hear of all sorts of “natural cures” touted for cutting cholesterol, but now a new clinical study shows what works and what doesn’t:
What DOES NOT WORK: There’s little evidence supporting the use of “guggulipids”, “policosanol”, and cinnamon.
What DOES Work: Red yeast rice was shown to effectively lower people's deadly LDL cholesterol. But a vital fact that virtually no one else will tell you is this:
The Wrong Type Could Be
So although red yeast rice is indeed a powerful natural way to lower your cholesterol, you need to choose your brand carefully.
Some brands contain vastly different amounts of the key active ingredient lovastatin. Perhaps even more important is that some incorrectly fermented types may contain a chemical called “citrinin” that is very toxic to the kidneys.
My special report, “The Amazing All-in-One Amazing Natural Healer You Must Take for Health and Longevity,” also shows you a natural way to lower your dangerous LDL cholesterol, raise healthy levels of HDL cholesterol, and cut dangerous triglycerides by 25–30%. This new report is yours FREE with an introductory subscription to The Vitamin Doctor monthly newsletter.
Who Can You Really Trust?
When it comes to choosing supplements, it’s the Wild West out there! Who can you rely on to find out what really works, and how to take it? When should you rely on supplements, drugs, or both?
  • Health Newsletters and Web Sites? Many natural health newsletters, web sites, and free e-zines are actually published by vitamin sellers. Asking them if you should take another supplement is like asking a car salesman if you need a new car!
  • Conventional Medical Magazines and Web Sites? Regular health magazines and websites are heavily influenced by drug research and drug advertising dollars.
  • Your Doctor? Perhaps you’re blessed to have a doctor who’ll take the time to guide you in using natural supplements. (Such doctors are few and far between.) Most conventionally trained M.D.s have very little training in nutrition or natural medicine.

    Plus, they see patients for an average of only seven minutes each! Not much time to show you what supplements to take and how to take them. Even worse, most doctors are also swayed by drug company research and marketing. They might also be afraid of losing their license if they don’t prescribe a drug considered the “standard of care.”
  • The Government? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does NO routine testing on vitamins and herbal formulas for either purity or effectiveness. This means you’re on your own to sort out what’s truly a high-quality product and what really works.
Vitamins and supplements are a $21.0 billion industry. Some real miracles of healing are taking place thanks to these natural wonders—but many scams and charlatans are at work, too.
My name is David Juan, M.D., and I’m the editor of The Vitamin Doctor. I’ve been practicing medicine and prescribing vitamins and other natural supplements for my patients for more than 30 years. So I know both the prescription drugs and the natural remedies, and see firsthand what really works best for various conditions.
Let me point out a key difference between The Vitamin Doctor and just about every other source of natural health information:
I DON’T SELL SUPPLEMENTS! This is why The Vitamin Doctor is unique.
Unlike the editors of virtually all other natural health newsletters, I don’t run a supplement company or endorse any brands—ever! Only in this way can I give you independent, unbiased advice about whether natural supplements, prescription drugs, or other therapies are the best choice for your health condition. I’m free to show you how to avoid the deceptions and imposters and zero in on the real natural healing miracles in nutrients.
Reverse Heart Disease and Clean Out
Heart disease is the No. 1 killer in the United States. For too many victims, their first symptom is a fatal heart attack. A key cause of heart attacks is the build-up of deadly plaque in the arteries. In The Vitamin Doctor, I’ll show you how you can reduce plaque naturally.
For example, research has shown that vitamin K (also known as phytomenadione) can prevent the “vascular calcification” that leads to heart attacks and strokes. Get complete instructions and dosages in my Special Report, 40 New Miracle Vitamin Cures. It’s yours FREE with an introductory subscription.
In the FREE Reports you’ll receive with your trial subscription of The Vitamin Doctor, you’ll also discover how to:
  • Halt Arrhythmias: This natural nutrient can bring irregular heartbeats back to normal.
  • Cut Your Risk of Sudden Death From Heart Attack by 45%: If this nutrient were a prescription drug, it would be an all-time best seller.
  • Cure Angina: Angina is basically a muscle cramp in the heart. It gives you chest pain and shortness of breath. This mineral helps relieve angina, stop the pain, and bring more oxygen to your heart muscle. See my Special Report, The Miracle Mineral for Heart Health and Pain Relief for details and dosages.
Save Your Vision from
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness for people in their senior years. The macula is the tiny yellow spot near the center of the retina in the back of your eyes. It controls the central field of your vision.
Thankfully, clinical studies have proven that a few natural supplements can help halt the effects of macular degeneration. One of the most effective is Zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin is a “carotenoid” found in highest concentrations in the central maculae in the retinas of your eyes.
The Vitamin Doctor and my Special Reports will show how to use nutrients to help keep your precious eyesight as you age. See my Special Report, “40 New Miracle Vitamin Cures.”
  • Keep Clear Sharp Vision at ANY AGE: Studies show that this natural secret can protect your eyes from deterioration.
  • Halt Cataracts: This vitamin stops the dangerous free radicals that contribute to age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.
Healthy Blood Pressure
Did you know that some people can be on two or three different prescription blood pressure medications—AND THEIR BLOOD PRESSURE STILL WON’T GO DOWN?! They suffer many serious side effects from their meds—everything from confusion to fatigue to impotence. That’s why I prefer to start patients with a natural approach. You’ll discover how to:
  • Cut Blood Pressure Risk by 65%: This delicious type of tea helped slash rates of hypertension by 65% in people who drank it for a year. See my Special Report, The Miracle Mineral for Heart Health and Pain Relief.
  • Drop Your Blood Pressure 10%: This nutrient was shown to reduce blood pressure naturally by 10%. And instead of nasty side effects, it has many other great health benefits. See my Special Report, 40 New Miracle Vitamin Cures. It’s yours FREE with a trial subscription to The Vitamin Doctor.
Use Natural Solutions to Heal
Unlike many of the self-appointed health gurus, I’m a board-certified medical doctor. I know BOTH: 1) when you should use prescription drugs and surgical techniques; and 2) when you should consider natural supplements instead, or in combination with conventional treatments.
Plus, I prescribe supplements every day in my medical practice and know firsthand which ones really work. What’s more, I keep up with the latest research on new natural breakthroughs. So when I recommend a supplement, a dosage, and a brand, you’ll know this recommendation is based on scientific research and my personal results working with real patients every day.
I don’t recommend things that might work or help just a bit. I know that when you’re in pain, when your heart is skipping beats, when you’ve got real health problems, you want things that really work and work fast.
See my special report, 40 New Miracle Vitamin Cures for expert guidance on the crucial difference between using a supplement for nutritional support and using one to cure a disease. It’s FREE with your trial subscription.
The New Arthritis Cure
That’s Spelled “ASU”
“Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables” (ASU) is the collective name of a new breed of natural pain-relieving supplements. People take them to reduce pain and inflammation in the knees and hips, and to reduce deterioration of these joints. ASU is the newest effective arthritis treatment. Studies show that it can relieve arthritis pain, repair damaged cartilage, and reduce the need for painkillers.
In France, it’s available only by prescription; but over here, you don’t need a prescription. See my Special Report, Natural Nutrients for Joint Pain, for the brand name to look for. This fact-filled special report is yours FREE with your trial subscription to The Vitamin Doctor.
Did you know that some 100 million North Americans suffer from some type of chronic joint pain? Plus, many suffer deadly side effects from painkilling drugs. The prescription painkiller Vioxx® was taken off the market after it caused some 60,000 fatal heart attacks. And over-the-counter drugs, such as aspirin kill over 16,000 Americans every year from stomach bleeding.
But when you treat your joint pain with natural supplements, instead of just covering up the symptoms, you...
In my Special Report Natural Nutrients for Joint Pain you’ll receive expert guidance about how today’s natural supplements can help you:
  • Rebuild Joint Cartilage: This natural wonder restores the cushioning in your joints, improves your flexibility, and relieves your pain.
  • Relieve Pain BETTER THAN DRUGS: In a clinical study, this natural solution outperformed acetaminophen for pain relief.
  • Ease Muscle Spasms: This natural mineral helps strengthen your cartilage, increase blood flow to your joints, and relieve muscle spasms.
  • Stop Pain at the Source: This tasty natural spice stops pain messengers called “prostaglandins” that cause inflammation and pain.
  • Heal Your Joints: This natural enzyme helps break down and eliminate “fibrin,” a protein that causes pain and inflammation in the joints.
  • Ease Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms: This natural oil helps reduce inflammation in your joints and throughout
    your body.
  • And much more.
Lose 4.5 Pounds in Two Weeks
A clinical study of 20 patients who were overweight and had type 2 diabetes found that taking 750 mg a day of this nutrient extract made them lose 4.5 pounds in just two weeks.
These patients lost weight even though they didn’t actively diet. The supplement simply helped them naturally lower their carbohydrate intake by a whopping 75%.
Burn More Fat and Calories
In my Special Report, The Healing Power of Natural Vitamins, you’ll discover how this amazing natural wonder helps boost your metabolism. You burn more fat and calories, and do it faster—even if you don’t exercise or eat less. Plus, it increases your levels of leptin, a hormone in the brain that tells you when you’re full and reduces feelings of hunger.
Natural Depression Relief
Many small studies have found this nutrient to be as effective as regular antidepressant drugs. One study pitted the supplement against Prozac®. The six-week study included 63 patients with mild to moderate depression.
They received either 50 mg of Prozac® or 100 mg. of the nutrient three times daily. Researchers discovered that both treatments had equal benefit, but the natural supplement excelled in one area: it caused fewer and less severe side effects.
Get the Full Story On
With every disease or condition, I’ll help you narrow your many options down to the best choice. You can rest assured that whether it’s a supplement, a prescription drug, or any other option, I’ll help you choose the safest and most effective solution.
Every month, The Vitamin Doctor will help you find the best possible treatments from all the latest health options. I give you recommendations based on clinical studies and what works in my medical practice with real patients like you. Sometimes, conventional medicine is your best choice. But today’s revolutionary natural supplements can almost always help.
Plus, I won’t just throw names of supplements at you and say, “try this.” I’ll review the full story about your options, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs. I’ll describe potential interactions of supplements with foods and drugs. Then I’ll give you a specific treatment plan.
Natural Relief from
Bronchitis and COPD
Bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can leave patients debilitated and gasping for breath to perform even routine activities. COPD is America’s No. 3 killer, but COPD drugs have serious side effects.
The good news is one amino acid might be your best alternative treatment: N-acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Eight clinical studies suggest that NAC can reduce bronchitis attacks and improve quality of life for people with lung problems. See my Special Report, The Healing Power of Natural Vitamins, for the best forms of NAC and how to take it.
Is Your Health Suffering Silently from
The “missing ingredient” is expert, unbiased guidance about your best health choices—drawing from all your health options today. Virtually every other source of health information is either selling you a drug or a supplement, or they’re heavily swayed by drug research and advertising money.
But my newsletter is different: I’ll give you solid knowledge about which supplement is your smartest choice, how to use it, which is the best type, what are the finest brands, how to avoid food or drug combination pitfalls, and much more. At last, it’s the medical guidance that will give you confidence, simplify your life, and give you real results.
Virtually every other source of natural health information is trying to sell you something. They’re either pushing supplements—or they’re bashing them so you’ll keep taking prescription drugs. My loyalty is only to you, dear reader.
I have NOTHING TO SELL except this newsletter. So I can name vitamin brand names and prescription drug names and let the chips fall where they may. I don’t recommend a supplement in one article then offer to sell it to you in the next.
Fight Alzheimer’s Disease
Did you know that India has one of the lowest rates of Alzheimer’s disease in the world? Researchers believe the reason might be a delicious spice that many Indians consume with every meal: turmeric.
Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. In clinical research, the key component of this spice is shown to have remarkable medicinal properties.
For instance, it can block the formation of amyloid beta plaques in your brain. This natural ingredient gives you other key health benefits, too. It blocks the activity of the COX-2 protein that causes joint pain and stiffness.
Cut Your Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
You’ll discover another natural secret proven in clinical research to slash your risk of Alzheimer’s disease by a whopping 60%! See my Special Report, The Amazing All-in-One Natural Healer You Must Take for Health and Longevity.
Cut Migraine Headaches IN HALF!
Everyone gets headaches once in a while, but the splitting pain of a migraine headache leaves many people locked up in a dark room for hours several times each month. Thankfully, there’s a natural way to stop migraines before they start. It’s butterbur, a plant with tall, reddish flowers.
It has such a long history as a healer in folk medicine and is routinely prescribed by doctors in Europe. Clinical research shows that it can cut the frequency of migraine headaches in HALF. In the FREE Special Reports you’ll receive with your trial subscription, you’ll discover how to:
  • Cut Migraine Frequency by 40%: This mineral was shown to slash the
    occurrence of migraines by more than 40%! Combined with butterbur, it could dramatically reduce your migraines.
  • Get Natural Migraine Relief as Effective as a Prescription Drug: In a six-month study of 124 people, 600 mg a day proved just as effective
    as the drug Methysergide. The nutrient reduced both the intensity and the
    duration of migraine episodes.
  • And much more.
Every month in The Vitamin Doctor, you’ll get practical tips you can put to immediate use, such as...
Which Supplements Are
You receive all sorts of flyers for vitamins and supplements in your mailbox. Some products are hyped as cure-alls. But what really works? What doesn’t?
There can be huge differences between various forms of supplements. For example, many experts believe synthetic beta carotene does not have the same benefits as natural forms do. In The Vitamin Doctor, I’ll reveal the best forms and how to read labels to make sure you’re getting them.
Probiotics are all the rage these days. People are popping probiotic pills and gulping down pints of yogurt. But there are literally thousands of different strains of probiotics. Some are true miracle healers and others are worthless. Which should you use?
Researchers tested various probiotic strains and discovered the ones that were most likely to benefit your digestive system. Some types didn’t even survive the journey through the acid in peoples’ stomachs! See my special report, “The Amazing All-In One Natural Healer You Must Take for Health and Longevity,” for the best strains and types. If you buy the wrong type, you could be wasting your money and missing a key opportunity to improve your health.
Cut Your Risk of
Hip Fractures in HALF!
Osteoporosis causes crippling fractures among both men and women in their senior years. Hip fractures are one of the leading reasons why people need to enter nursing homes—often for the rest of their lives. Even worse, half of all elderly people who break their hips die within six months.
So I strongly advise my patients (both men and women) to take action now to prevent osteoporosis and keep their bones strong. But in my experience with patients, prescription bone-building drugs are not very effective. Plus, the drugs cause a long list of side effects.
That’s why my patients and I are using natural solutions to keep our bones strong. One of these solutions is niacin. A scientific study showed that this B vitamin halted painful osteoporosis symptoms by 30%.
In the Special Reports you’ll receive with your subscription to The Vitamin Doctor, you’ll discover how to:
  • Cut Your Risk of Hip Fractures in HALF: In a study of 13,000 women, those who took this little-known vitamin were 55% less likely to suffer hip fractures.
  • Fight Osteoporosis: This natural nutrient helps enhance your body’s absorption of calcium to build stronger bones. It also lowers levels of osteoclast, a type of cell that dissolves bone tissue.
  • Build Strong Bones: This mineral is essential for building strong bones and fighting osteoporosis. Hint: it’s not calcium, but it is essential for bone strength. See my Special Report, The Miracle Mineral for Heart Health and Pain Relief for details and dosages.
  • Plus many more!
Virtually anything drugs
can do, nutrients can do
As a subscriber to The Vitamin Doctor, you’ll receive the guidance of a board-certified M.D. who’ll steer you to the most effective and safest non-drug treatments available. These natural solutions usually give much better results than drugs and are virtually always safer. But when a prescription drug or a combination of drugs and supplements is your best option, I’ll tell you that, too.
In The Vitamin Doctor you’ll also discover how to use supplements in combination with, or instead of, conventional therapies. This includes treating diseases such as cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, hypertension, vision problems, digestive disorders, arthritis, breathing problems, acid reflux, skin and hair problems, urinary tract issues, and many others.
Because they’re made by nature, individual vitamins and nutrients can’t be patented. So even though they’re incredibly powerful healers, no pharmaceutical company can get a monopoly on them. That’s why the drug companies aren’t interested in producing them. In fact, they often spend their research money on trying to alter natural chemicals that already work great—just so they can patent them!
You want to include natural healers in your healing “tool kit,” but you need expert guidance on how to do it. Some supplements can interfere with prescription drugs, and some might make the drugs more dangerous or stronger or more quickly absorbed.
Plus, some doctors are ignorant of (or old-fashioned about) the role of vitamins and nutrients in your healing. So I’ll give you the clinical studies and other research that back up my recommendations, and you can show them to your doctor.
What are today’s
As you know, supplements aren’t cheap. You can pay $30 to $50 a month for each one. So you want to be sure you’re getting the best value, using them correctly, and avoiding the overpriced or poorly manufactured brands.
Some well-known brands are some of the worst offenders. Despite their millions of dollars of TV ads, they persist in providing substandard, frankly poisonous, so-called nutrients. But thank goodness there are also some excellent companies on the cutting edge of today’s science.
These small start-ups and mom-and-pop companies are creating great supplements, but don’t have the big advertising budgets. I’ll help you find the true gems in the supplement industry. These small companies are all about results, not hype. They spend their money on product development and research, not marketing.
Each month, in The Vitamin Doctor you’ll always get an unbiased M.D.’s recommendation of the finest brands and the most effective forms to take. Many big-name brands you see on TV are NOT your best choice. In my special report, The Healing Power of Natural Vitamins, you’ll discover:

  • How to Tell a High-Quality Supplement: The keys to evaluating the science, ingredients, and production processes.
  • 13 Top Vitamins, Their Functions and Sources: Here you’ll learn about some of the most-useful vitamins and the roles each one plays in your health.
  • Today’s Best Vitamin Brands: Here you’ll find 19 of my most trusted vitamin makers, plus contact information. Start with this list and you’ll avoid many problems with ineffective formulas, and overpriced, or poorly
    made products.
Some of today’s great supplement companies are small and not well-known, but they offer you unsurpassed research, quality, and value. Get all the details in The Healing Powers of Natural Vitamins. It’s yours FREE with your introductory subscription.
“Feel-Good” Relief From
Fibromyalgia is a mysterious condition that plagues some 15 million Americans, mostly women. Sufferers endure pain, fatigue, sleep problems, and other chronic symptoms.
But studies show that a unique molecule extracted from an African plant significantly relieves fibromyalgia symptoms. It’s called 5-HTP and it helps boost serotonin, the “feel good” brain chemical.
5-HTP can lower anxiety, pain, and the number of “tender points” on your body. You can sleep better, feel less stiff in the morning, and feel more energetic. These findings came from a study of 50 patients who took 300 mg a day for one month.
Plus, a clinical study showed that a certain natural mineral relieves chronic pain in peoples’ joints, neck, hips, and spine. Fibromyalgia patients got significant relief in just two months! See my Special Report, The Miracle Mineral for Heart Health and Pain Relief for details and dosages.
Beware of Drugs and Supplements
In my daily work with patients in my medical practice, I see the real-world results—good and bad—of combining supplements and drugs. There are warnings and precautions you must know if you’re taking both prescription drugs and supplements. In each issue of The Vitamin Doctor, I brief you on the latest red flags. You need specific guidance from an M.D. to do this safely.
For example, in recent issues of The Vitamin Doctor we covered:
  • Milk Thistle and Estrogen Drugs: Milk thistle is an excellent herb for supporting your liver, but it might increase or decrease the effects of drugs such as estrogens, contraceptives, and others.
  • Fish Oil and Blood-Thinning Drugs: Beware of mixing fish oil with drugs such as heparin, warfarin, hypertension meds, and other drugs.
  • Black Cohosh and Cholesterol Drugs: Black Cohosh can give blessed relief from hot flashes and other menopause symptoms, but taking it with Tylenol® can raise the danger of hepatitis and liver failure. Taken with the cholesterol drug Lipitor®, black cohosh may cause elevated liver enzymes.
If you’re taking both vitamins and prescription drugs (and more than 85% of my senior patients are), then you need this vital guidance about how to use them both safely and effectively. The Vitamin Doctor covers this in every issue.
Without detailed, unbiased advice about how to choose the best supplements for your condition, where to find the finest brands, and how to use them correctly, it’s virtually impossible to get good results. It’s gambling with your health, not to mention wasting your money.
The Vitamin Doctor will help you avoid cheap, tainted ingredients; poor processing; and incomplete nutrients that lack the critical cofactors and enzymes that you need to absorb them. And with some supplements, you also face serious risks you need to know; for example…
  • Folic Acid Supplements MAY DOUBLE CANCER RISK. A new study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that taking folic acid supplements daily could DOUBLE a man’s risk of prostate cancer. But don’t confuse synthetic folic acid with folate, the natural form of the vitamin. Natural folate is proven to DECREASE cancer and memory problems.
So this is yet another area where getting accurate and up-to-date information is critical because: 1) taking the supplement in the wrong form might make you worse off and 2) taking it in the right form (natural folate, not folic acid) could save your life! You’ll also discover other vital guidance such as:
  • Calcium Supplements: Are They Safe for Your Arteries? If you’re taking calcium for bone health, will it also raise your coronary artery calcium levels and put you at GREATER DANGER OF A HEART ATTACK? The Vitamin Doctor will tell you.
  • Iron Supplements Are Hazardous for Post-Menopausal Women: Women who are still menstruating need to take supplemental iron. But for post-menopausal women, taking a supplement with iron in it is shown to increase risk of death. A survey of 39,000 older women found that the link to a higher death rate was highest with supplemental iron. If you’re a man or a post-menopausal woman, make sure your multivitamin
    DOES NOT contain supplemental iron.
This is the kind of crucial information you’ll almost never get from “natural health” newsletters published by editors who also sell supplements. What’s more, many health doctors you’ll find on the Internet would NEVER tell you anything bad about a supplement. That might be bad for their supplement sales.
Don’t Just Treat the Symptoms,
Vitamins and nutrients help relieve the real causes of disease—many of which begin with poor nutrition or with toxins. Plus, vitamins and nutrients give you far fewer side effects and cost less than drugs.
What’s more, vitamins and nutrients can help you solve multiple problems at once. You might take a supplement for heart health, then find that you’re thinking more clearly and your joints feel better too!
Prescription drugs, by contrast, tend to treat only symptoms. Plus, the side effects of drugs are epidemic! For example, did you know that acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is the No. 1 cause of liver failure in the U.S? In a recent issue of The Vitamin Doctor, I updated my readers on the dangers of prescription and over-the-counter pain relievers.
In the same issue, I provided a full list of natural pain relievers—25 in all—everything from artichoke for indigestion to willow bark for back pain and arthritis. Plus, I covered non-supplement alternative therapies, too, from acupuncture to prolotherapy to yoga.
The Single Biggest Vitamin
Rip-Off of All
In all the noise about health, consumers just aren’t getting good information about supplements. For example, most supplement labels give you only skimpy directions, such as “take two tablets daily with meals.” This is woefully inadequate if you’re going to use vitamins and supplements as targeted healers. And if you’re going to use them instead of drugs, you need much more complete guidance.
So the biggest vitamin rip-off is this: you’re being robbed of the true healing potential of vitamins if you’re not getting unbiased, expert advice (on a regular basis) about how to use vitamins and supplements as targeted healers.
In The Vitamin Doctor, and in the FREE reports you’ll get with your introductory subscription, you’ll get all the information you need to find and use today’s best supplements. I tell you the finest brands, the most effective forms, the exact dosages, when to take them, and precautions about mixing them with certain drugs or foods. I even include medical references so you can share this information with your doctor.
That’s why The Vitamin Doctor is your complete “prescription” for using vitamins and supplements as medicine safely and successfully. Subscribe today and discover how nature’s powerful healing nutrients can be safer, less expensive, and more effective over the long term.

Why The Vitamin Doctor
Is the Trusted Health Source for
Tens of Thousands of Subscribers
  • Reliable Guidance from a Board-Certified M.D.— I don’t recommend unproven, pie-in-the-sky therapies. I’m a board-certified medical doctor who sees patients every day. Unlike some self-appointed health gurus, as a medical doctor I know both when prescription drugs are most effective and when supplements are best. So when I recommend a vitamin or nutrient as the best course of action to give you long-term results, you know it’s based on many years of experience with drugs, vitamins, and foods while working with thousands of real patients.
  • Proven Cures and Remedies—All of the vitamins and nutrients I recommend have been proven in clinical studies or in my work with patients in my medical practice. You and your loved ones can use them with full confidence that they’re both safe and effective to heal your condition.
  • No Advertising—We don’t accept advertising. Never have, never will. So we have no axe to grind when it comes to giving you the straight story about the best ways to heal yourself and stay healthy. You’ll get the unvarnished facts about what really works best. And most important...
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    unbiased opinion about the finest brands—and when prescription drugs or foods might work better instead.
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Yours in good health,
David Juan, M.D.
Editor, The Vitamin Doctor
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This advertisement should not be considered a substitute for medical care from your doctor or other healthcare provider. This is presented for information purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice or instruction. On any matter relating to your health or well being, please check with an appropriate health professional. The opinions herein are exactly that, they are opinions of the author.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Amazing information! Thanks for sharing. I was looking for the list of best vitamin brands and found your post which is quite informative. Will keep all things in mind while buying supplement.
