
Friday, April 25, 2014

Can You Survive Without Antibiotics? Bacteria has won the war

This article which is linked by Personal Liberty Digest tells us about many death arising from antibiotic use.  The antibiotic cause liver damage.  One of the culprit is erythromycin.  And we love to use  the single dose Augmentin.  They are not so good. !

The article says that the bacteria has won the war.  And antibiotics have lost it.  There are other forms of treatment though that are as good as antibiotics.

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From: Bob Livingston <>
Date: Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 1:03 AM
Subject: Can You Survive Without Antibiotics?

Can You Survive Without Antibiotics?

jorge, thanks for subscribing since 04/28/2012View as Webpage | White List Us | Unsubscribe

Personal Liberty

Dear jorge,

Please find below a special message from our friend
Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby. He has some important information to share with you.

Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, Personal Liberty Digest™
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

The Golden Age of Antibiotics is Over!

Modern antibiotics are not just failing big time; they are DANGEROUS. Antibiotics can be lethal in their own right.
Did you know that antibiotics are the most common cause of death from acute liver failure? (acute means sudden and unforeseen; as opposed to "chronic", which everyone can see coming).
The truth, is statistics show that antibiotics are the single largest class of drugs that cause fatal liver damage.

Yes, antibiotics were the most common cause of death due to liver injury (45%). The next group, nervous system agents, were only 1/3rd as common (15%). That puts antibiotics way out on their own as deadly drugs.
Chief offenders are macrolides (erythromycin type), penicillins, clavulanic acid (Augmentin), tetracycline, and more.
I'm constantly amazed when I hear of colleagues prescribing erythromycin as a first line medicine for a sore throat. Don't they know how toxic this stuff is?
It had a bad reputation when I was in med school in the 1960s. Doesn't anybody pay attention? If it's to be used at all, it's in a life-threatening situation where penicillin’s and safer drugs have failed.
The bottom line is nobody should be thinking "antibiotics". We should be thinking of "alternatives". And here's the joke: there are 1,000s of viable alternatives. Hundreds of them work as well as antibiotics.
The Golden Age of Antibiotics is over. Bacteria have won the war, hands down, and that's the truth. We're all out of ammunition! The cupboard is bare.

Well, not quite. There are, as I said, hundreds of healthy, safe and EFFECTIVE alternative modalities of treatment. You need to find out about them and learn NOW, not when somebody is in bed with life-threatening pneumonia (non-hospital pneumonia, which is the 4th most common cause of death in the UK; 6th commonest in the USA).
Click here to get the knowledge you need to stay safe and take care of your loved ones. Go here to learn what you need to know to SURVIVE IN A WORLD WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS.

Here's to the new era of safe alternatives,

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby

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