
Monday, June 16, 2014

Re Diabetes cures

Regarding the "diabetes" of child

1.  It does not look as bad as was pointed by Dr. Z.  Dr. Zs regimen and approach has been different since Tita  died.  It is all drugs about symptomatic treatment  ie to remove sugar.  My bs was 6.7  and I am alive up to now.  There has to be some sensible way to survive. Dr. Zs dictum before was wellness:

    1. Maintain IBW
    2.  Exercise
    3.  Diet and nutrition  (primal diet)
    4.  Monitor BS with a good glucometer
    4.  Avoid toxic foods:

        1.  apat ang paa
        2.  salt
        3.  sugar
        4 fatty food

         1.  Food with aspartame and HFCS
         2.   Fast food (that are oily etc)
         3.  softdrinks even noodles and 3 in one coffee

2  Diabetes is not a disease but a metabolic disorder resulting from body's inability to metabolize sugar for use of the body.  Too little sugar is worse than having too much

When there is a diabetes, blood sugar spikes and declines too low (and hypoglycemia results)


    1.  Graze  - avoid large meals but eat small quantity of food every 2 hours

    2. Fight off hypo with a teaspoon of brown sugar, or milo, or with ordinary coke (1/2 glass)

3.  Diabetes is a lifestyle disease resulting from:

    1.  Sedentary living that results in
    2.  Obesity
    3. Stress
    4.  Lack of sleep

About 1/3 of the world is obese;  obesity leads to diabetes.  Less is more


1. Avoid stressful job,
2.  Lessen weight
3.  Exercise
4.  Have plenty of rest .  Sleep early


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