
Friday, August 29, 2014

Gingkgo biloba was prescribed for my hearing disorder

Live healthy and long

Rizal, Philippines   |  August 29, 2014

From Herbwisdom

I experience tinnitus,  a hearing disorder characterized by a continuous ringing.  The cause before was traced to impacted earwax.   But the earwax is now gone and yet there is still tinnitus.

The doctor said it could be  part of growing up (este old) and may soon lead to loss of hearing.

He prescribed and I am surprised Gingkgo Biloba extract from a Malaysian tree commonly known as maidenhair
It is said to increase circulation (especially peripheral) and is indicated for Alzheimer and to quote:

Ginkgo extract has proven benefits to elderly persons. This ancient herb acts to enhance oxygen utilization and thus improves memory, concentration, and other mental faculties. The herbal extract has also been shown to significantly improve long-distance vision and may reverse damage to the retina of the eye. Studies have also confirmed its value in the treatment of depression in elderly persons. The ginkgo extract may provide relief for persons with headache, sinusitis, and vertigo. It may also help relieve chronic ringing in the ears known as tinnitus.
In studies, Ginkgo biloba has been reported as demonstrating anti-oxidant abilities with improvements of the platelet and nerve cell functions and blood flow to the nervous system and brain. It has also been reported as reducing blood viscosity. It's ability to increase vascular dilation, may help reduce retinal damage due to macular degradation and may reverse deafness caused by reduced blood flow.

The side effect though (which the elderly likes) is its benefit vs ED or impotency.  

Gingko biloba, seniors anyone?

I hope this improves my eyesight, my hearing, and....

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