
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Preventing curing onset of cataract

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
September 1, 2015

Yesterday, I had new glasses outfitted.  The edges of the lenses were chipped and besides, I have been experiencing blurred vision lately.  When my eyes were checked, the optometrist said I was progressing towards cataract.  Probably because of my diabetes.  The grade a the left went up (this had progressive sign of cataract) while the right eye's grade went down.  But the thought of having cataract of course saddened me.  So I researched on cataract. (Although we had students who were cataract surgeons)

What are cataracts?  They are blind spots or opacities in the eye lenses brought about by advancing age.   It comes earlier with elderly with diabetes (I am 64 with signs of diabetes) About half of 65 years or above would have cataracts (so that puts me in the statistics) and 1,500,000 cataract operations are done annually in the USA. (In the Philippines, because of Philhealth provision there is a slew of cataract operations)   Many opha have free cataract operations in the south.

In India, there is the Aravind hospital that caters to many Indian poor who have cataracts for as low as $5@ operations

From Dr. Whitaker - one of USAs trusted wellness doctor

What are the tips from Dr. Julian Whitaker

1. Take plenty of vitamin A and C
2.  Remove that sunglasses
3.  Take billberry
4.  Take multi vitamins
5.  Take at least 15 -30 mg. of lutein and 2 mg of zeaxanthin

Tips from VSP on cataract prevention

1.  Visit your eye doctor annually
2.  Mind your diet especially if you are diabetic
3.  Wear sun shades (vs the advice of Dr. Whitaker
4    Keep your vices in check. (enjoy them in moderation - wine, and cigarettes)

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