
Monday, February 8, 2016

Reuse of pet plastic bottles for water storage and liquor can be toxic

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
February 7, 2016

WORLD-CLASS. The 6-month-old lambanog brand Lakan hopes to raise the bar for the lambanog industry. All photos by Naoki Mengua/Rappler
                                                 In glass and 90% proof, 9x distilled

Why is alcohol sold in glass and not in plastic bottles?

From Rappler - Lakan super premium Lambanog 90 proof

On my bike rides I have seen outlets of lambanog and the very potent lambanog (what 90% proof?) are stored and sold in pet bottles (of water)  Now I  have learned that PET bottles and plastics emit hazardous vapor and chemicals  ((ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid) which has the tendency to leach to considerable extent if alcohol i that are bad for the health.

It could be that the lambanog has methanol, the dangerous alcohol.  The ethanol is the good alcohol.

Would that practice be not dangerous?  I have advised the seller to sell the same in recycled bottles made of glass.

What do you think?

STREET-SIDE. Lambanog is sold in street-side stores like this one in Tiaong, Quezon for P100 for 3 bottles or P250 a gallon
                                    Lambanog in Tiaong Quezon practices food safety are in glasses,
                                     Tuba is in plastic bottles

Lambanog could be a $1billion export industry and gives rebirth to the ailing (senile) coconut industry.  All ready, buko juice is making waves as a sports drink in the west.   This will give more jobs to mangangarit, coconut growers and distillers

A mgangarit could earn as much as P500.00 per day, a coconut farmer supplying coconut flower nectar for lambanog export could up the income of coconut farm from P30,000 a year (for supplying copra) to P300,000 (ten fold increase to lambanog export.

From Business Inquirer - Lakan Lambanog, the Philippine export drink for nobility

 Lakan, winner of Gold Award at 53rd  World Selection of Spirits and Liquors by                    Monde Selection International Istitute. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Roger Pe

 Handcrafted by master artisans, distilled in meticulous, multi-stage process, purity is never compromised. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Roger Pe

Lakan, extra-premium Philippine "Lambanog," now a world-class brand. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Roger Pe
                                            Distilled 4 to 6 times from nectar of coconut flower

Brand warriors Jenny and Tony Manguiat. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Roger Pe
                               Jenny and Tony Manguiat, the brains behind the Lakan Lambanog,
                               /adviser is Lawrence Lim, the Lambanog king

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