
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Benefits of Noni Juice - cheaper and available locally

Live healthy and long

Why pay more and patronize imported products?   Patronize the products that are produced locally that are power packed with nutrients, even more than over hyped imported products.  Be benefitted with more for less.

Please view the presentation  (previously featured in this site)

Pilnoni product presentation from Jorge Saguinsin

Effectiveness in various conditions

Some of 60 phytonutrients of Noni Juice

Some herbal, alternative medicine sell more because of the hype, not because they are better

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
December 31, 2016

This blogger came across a herbal product that did very very well in just five years, growing from mere P500,000 sales in first year to over P140,000,000 this year.  It is a berry juice with its main component imported from abroad.   It commands a hefty price, does not use mlm, and uses a different marketing strategy. Very briefly, it sells more because there is more benefit but because there is more hype.

On the other hand, there is this local juice that sells only 30% of its production locally and the rest exported to Japan and Korea (another case of the prophets not known in its own country).It only managed to grow  to 1/7 of the size of the sales of the imported product.

The imported product faces great risk because it is imported and the foreign currency fluctuation does not favor imported goods.  Furthermore, the shelf life is limited because the potency of their product is affected by the shelf life.

The indications are the same:   cancer prevention, better over all health, more energy, for more potency as a male.   They could be very well considered generic product but the difference lies in marketing.

So why pay more;  patronize our own native products and give more jobs to Pilipinos if the product is cheaper and as effective

Pilnoni Product Presentation at cheap cures

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Natural fruits taken are better; cheap cures are available; know what they are

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
December 18, 2016

                                                         Many dragon fruit farms in Jalajala Rizal
                                                            biggest by a classmate Edna Sanchez

From Naturally Proven

There has been allure of more income (multi level marketing) and more business for distributors to reap huge profits from the masses through spin and huge adspend.  say like on Acai berry, on mangosteen, wheat and barley grass.  They claim to have huge health benefits such as more energy, strong immune system, better circulation, cancer cures.  But most are anecdotal and story telling and not  supported by research.  Furthermore, having been processed for capsule or other forms, they would have lost their potency or bio availability.

Better go for Naturals

Can Fruits Cure/:Prevent Cancer

Related image
                                                Go go guyabano

Image result for phytonutrients from noni juice

                                                               Noni fruit and juice

                                                              Health benefits of Noni

                                                   Guyabano -  plentiful in bike routes at Bugarin
                                                  Marcos Highway in Teresa, Baras and Pililla

Are superfoods, super juice more of supermyths?

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
December 18, 2016
Superfood Antioxidant Content

Wheatgrass shots

I just came yesterday from a product and strategic plan presentation of Acai Berry Juice distribution in the Philippines and was wondering about the claims made as to efficacy, active components that re beneficial to the drinkers/users.  At P1,800  per 500 ml container, the Acai Berry whose contents are made and exported from USA, and whose berries come from South America, are not cheap.  And yet the Noni juice contents seem to be similar with Acai berry and would be cheaper since Noni trees abound in the Philippines.  I came across a professor who from Los Banos, from UP formerly from FAO who manufactures and markets Noni Juice and other variants here and abroad.  Acai berry targets the health conscious AB and emerging C (middle class) Primary Target Market and employs premium pricing

Noni juice is more competitive and higher phytonutrients

The Noni juice looks like a value for money and would help the  local industries/Filipinos more.   But the Acai Berry is a P140 million business.

From immunehealth - mango, strawberry and grapes have higher anti oxidant content that Acai berry

Image result for comparison of Acai Berry, Wheat Grass and Noni Juice

 And yet these fruits have higher anti oxidants than acai berry:   mango, strawberry and grapes.    Why spend more

MX 3 which comes in various format and in affordable packages  like tea and tablets.   Acai Berry is in tablet and liquid form.

What are  they supposed to be good for:   1.  Increased energy   2. Increased circulations (as there is less inflammation of the blood vessels.  3.  Vs cancer since they are contain anti oxidants   4. For strengthening the immune system

I was warned by my family physician that a mangosteen extract capsules which retail for P20+ is absolutely worthless.  No effect at all for any symptoms, even for more energy and better sleep as claimed by a fellow senior citizen.  I tried it when I had painful eye infection and the Dr. was right.

The products which are marketed in processed form lose their high potency in fresh form, as the phytonutrients lose their potency as their molecules are processed.   Thus being organic and natural becomes a false claim.

We buy because of huge adspend and the spin

Sunday, July 31, 2016

What works and does not work in Telemedicine

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
July 31, 2016

Phil Health Information Exchange by Dr. Ted Herbosa

National eHealth
Technical Working
Health Data
Experts Group
Health Data
Security and

A noted surgeon medical informatics expert spoke in a forum yesterday of medical doctors and other health practitioners.  He is considered Father of Telehealth in the Philippines and was SVP of Philhealth during the time of Presidency  Dr Banzon.  He authored because of his expertise in telemedicine an eclaim system for Philhealth to encourage the mds and hospital to computerize their records and tie in with PHIE. (Philippine Health Information Exchange)

What works in telemedicine: at the regional level only:  specialists and doctors to the barrio system, but will not work with MM specialists and doctors to the barrios. It is not likely to work because MDs would not like to be at  high volume work low returns where they feel they are only call center agents.  Anonymous.  They would like to build up their practice, name and income  (That is the truth)

What would work according to the good doctor (who says he became bald because of too much hair pulling figuring out solutions to the health problems) are SELF DIRECTED HEALTH SERVICES (preventive)  Once the disease is there, it all ready at the hands of the doctor, no longer the province of telehealth and medicine.

SELF DIRECTED HEALTH SERVICES  are not curative but preventive.  Which is the mission of this site. Disease prevention through sensible diet, exercise, toxic free and healthy living, organic foods.

The platform of the health medicine (e medicine ) are lab/diagnostics, medicine. patient and hospital records

This site is aligned with the self directed health services.  This site works, It aims to help prevent diseases via good food, diet and exercise.  That is why hundreds of thousands have visit this site. Several hundreds visit this site daily even when there are no posts

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Habits worth stealing from famous rich people

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
June 21, 2016

From Medical Daily - Famous people write down their goals
These are the habits worth emulating from successful smart people:

1. They wrote down their goals

2. They are disciplined

3.  Critical thinkers

4.  Are disciplined

Are you?   Are you successful now?

Protecting male fertility

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
June 21, 2016

Avoid Male Infertility from Medical Daily

Here are five ways you can preserve your male fertility

1.  Keep off laptop from your lap
2.  Eat carrots and walnuts
3.  Avoid bacon
4  Sleep more
5.  Wear those boxer shorts

Why soda can be bad for you

Live healthy and long

6 ways soda can damage your body.  This is not a campaign vs soda companies but a campaign for people to live healthy and strong

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Brown Adipose Tissue for control of obesity and diabetes

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
June 2, 2016

From Readers Digest

                                      From Knowledge of health

There is a growing interest in Brown Adipose Tissue in control of obesity and diabetes.  This fat is found near the side of the neck and chest, and near the areas at the shoulder.  Those with high level of BAT have lower glucose level, hence its role  in control of diabetes, and increases metabolism (fat burning of white fat) by 15x.

The BAT is featured in the Diabetes Protocol by Dr. Kenneth Pullman

Some of the tips for activating the BAT:

1.  Exercise in cold temperature (say 60 F to stimulate the BAT activity; or take cold shower (Are we reminded of ancient practice of taking a plunge in icy waters?)

2.  Eat low fat, high carb diet

3.  Eat apples and other plants rich in ursolic acid like oregano, basil, thyme, peppermint

Diabetes Protocol

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Designer babies (Genetically Modified Babies)

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
March 15, 2016

There was a recent feature in the TV again about designer babies:  you can choose babies color of the eyes, beauty, height, athletic ability and sex.    The science behind this are cloning, genetics,

There are pros and cons about this new trend. Mostly moral and financial

How the process works eg to have cancer free baby:

Innovation in health care that reduce costs

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
March 15, 2016

There was interview at CCTV today about innovations that lower health care costs. For instance there is a company in Mexico that was able to successfully lower diabetic care cost from $10,000 to only $2,000!!

                           From health affairs

Most of the innovations we know result in higher cost of health care cost:   new equipment, new drugs new processes.  Which deplete health insurance funds, and make the treatment inaccessible.

The classes of innovation:

1.   new products
2.  new processes
3.  substitutions

Coupled with these are the concerns on regulation, tax policy, and the health insurance practices
and reduction of waste, fraud, admin complexity, excessive prices

How much can be saved?

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Some great valuable medicinal food from the Philippines

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
March 12, 2015

Open Coconut
A man who needs to lose weight

I was discussing with some friends from the province and discussed some great products from coconut:

1.  Virgin coconut oil - good for many ailments, good for keeping skin protected from UV rays and when drank (1 tsp a day) by the elderly helps prevent the onset of Alzheimer.  It is so easy to produce and and can help many coconut farmers.

10 Health Benefits of VCO from Authority Nutrition

Some of the noted benefits:

1.  Lowers cholesterol levels
2.  Those who have coconut as part of their diet are some of the healthiest people in the world;
3.  Can reduce seizure in epileptic children
4  Effective sunscreen
5  Helps you burn more fat
6.  Stave off hunger
7.  Helps reduce abdominal fat,, the most dangerous of all surface fats
8.  Has anti bac and fungal properties

Monday, February 8, 2016

Reuse of pet plastic bottles for water storage and liquor can be toxic

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
February 7, 2016

WORLD-CLASS. The 6-month-old lambanog brand Lakan hopes to raise the bar for the lambanog industry. All photos by Naoki Mengua/Rappler
                                                 In glass and 90% proof, 9x distilled

Why is alcohol sold in glass and not in plastic bottles?

From Rappler - Lakan super premium Lambanog 90 proof

On my bike rides I have seen outlets of lambanog and the very potent lambanog (what 90% proof?) are stored and sold in pet bottles (of water)  Now I  have learned that PET bottles and plastics emit hazardous vapor and chemicals  ((ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid) which has the tendency to leach to considerable extent if alcohol i that are bad for the health.

It could be that the lambanog has methanol, the dangerous alcohol.  The ethanol is the good alcohol.

Would that practice be not dangerous?  I have advised the seller to sell the same in recycled bottles made of glass.

What do you think?

STREET-SIDE. Lambanog is sold in street-side stores like this one in Tiaong, Quezon for P100 for 3 bottles or P250 a gallon
                                    Lambanog in Tiaong Quezon practices food safety are in glasses,
                                     Tuba is in plastic bottles

Lambanog could be a $1billion export industry and gives rebirth to the ailing (senile) coconut industry.  All ready, buko juice is making waves as a sports drink in the west.   This will give more jobs to mangangarit, coconut growers and distillers

A mgangarit could earn as much as P500.00 per day, a coconut farmer supplying coconut flower nectar for lambanog export could up the income of coconut farm from P30,000 a year (for supplying copra) to P300,000 (ten fold increase to lambanog export.

From Business Inquirer - Lakan Lambanog, the Philippine export drink for nobility

 Lakan, winner of Gold Award at 53rd  World Selection of Spirits and Liquors by                    Monde Selection International Istitute. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Roger Pe

 Handcrafted by master artisans, distilled in meticulous, multi-stage process, purity is never compromised. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Roger Pe

Lakan, extra-premium Philippine "Lambanog," now a world-class brand. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Roger Pe
                                            Distilled 4 to 6 times from nectar of coconut flower

Brand warriors Jenny and Tony Manguiat. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO/Roger Pe
                               Jenny and Tony Manguiat, the brains behind the Lakan Lambanog,
                               /adviser is Lawrence Lim, the Lambanog king

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Proven anti cancer foods

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
January 30, 2016

Cancer foods

Proven  anti cancer foods

According to natural news there are foods that have been scientifically proven to be anti cancer:

1.  Omega 3

2. Cruciferous vegetables. (cabbage, kale, cauliflower, turnips, radish)

3.  Berries

4. Tomatoes

5  Garlic

6.  Grapes

7.  Shitake and maite Japanese mushrooms

8.  Turmeric

9.  Folate

Friday, January 29, 2016

Zika virus infection could each reach pandemic proportion?

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
January 29, 2016

From BBC News

Alice Vitoria Gomes Bezerra, three months old, who has microcephaly, is placed in her crib by her father Joao Batista Bezerra in Recife, Brazil, 27 January
                                            Infant with microcephaly born in Brazil

Graphic showing babies' head size

Infections from Zika virus could reach pandemic proportions if uncontrolled. possibly infecting a couple of millions especially in Americas where it has infected 23 countries.  Its vector is Aedis Aegypti mosquito (did we not tell you that the animal that kills most people is the mosquito?)

Is symptoms generally includes rashes, reddening of the eyes and fever.  It rarely causes death and has no known cure.

But what makes it so alarming is that it causes microencepaly in infants (small heads) and there are about 4,000 reported in Brazil.  Pres Obama, CDC, and WHO have issued warning regarding Zika virus.  Advisory has been issued for pregnant women not to travel in countries known to have Zika infection

Zika spread map

                                              How Zika virus spread from Africa (meron sa Pilipinas?)

Female Aedes aegypti mosquito in the process of acquiring a blood meal from a human host.
                                     Aedis aegypti mosquito, which also carries malaria is the vector

Aedes aegypti are one of two species of mosquito known to carry the Zika virus.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Home remedies for hiccups

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
January 24, 2016

Hiccups Picture

                                   Home Remedies for Hiccups

                                   Hiccups Cure from Medical Daily

I had a colleague who seemed to have uncontrollable hiccups.  He was having difficulty of breathing and was all ready talking incomprehensibly.  So  I I researched and found the following:

1.  Pull out your tongue;

2.  Have a rectal massage

3.  Drink water continuously from a glass with a straw;  or drink through paper towel or handkerchief.  This will force you to draw in your diaphragm which is having nerve problems due to over eating or over drinking

4.  Put sugar at the back of your tongue.


5. Have an orgasm

6.  Bite into a lemon

7  Chew ginger

It it lasts long, you probably would see a doctor and he would probably prescribe anti convulsant drug like Thorazine to end the hiccup episode.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

You are one of the best doctors

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
January 5, 2016

There are only two best doctors:  the Almighty and You.  Your belief can heal you from your pains and sickness.

Many of the friends, relatives  and acquaintances I knew who died do not  listen to advice given by well meaning friends.  They always insist on clinging on to their beliefs and previous knowledge which could be wrong.

For instance, my brother died of colon cancer about nearly 2 years ago.  In his sick bed we often had conversation and I gave him advice.  He never listened.  I have a neighbor who is sick.  However the medical doctors whom he consulted (about 7  all ready) could not determine what his sickness is. I have been giving him suggestions.  However, since he is an AM himself (at may anting2), I guess he never listens to my suggestion nor to other 2nd opinion of other healers I know.  What he keeps doing is consulting medical books, PDR and engaging in self medication which, in the absence of knowledge of pharmacology, are often wrong.  He keeps on taking antibiotics which are not indicated for his complaints, and analgesics which of course gives him temporary relief.

There is another friend who died last Saturday.  She had colon cancer.  She had a steadfast view of the world and her sickness.  She never listens to anyone. She is now dead.

That is why old and mature Western doctors make sure patients put complete trust and confidence in them by  making prediction on how long the patient will live.   That is the prerogative of God..  The doctor definitely gets your attention and reverence. As you believe him, you pay him more, and your faith gets you better.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Manggagamot at Antipolo Church courtyard - DocMong

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
January 2, 2016

Vote for 'Hilot' by visiting:

Hilot Healing

Commercialized hilot - hindi cheap cure

I biked to Antipolo Church today. While listening to the mass, I saw a tricycle with 3 pax  alight and talk to the parking attendant whom I learned was named Romy Immaculata or Doc Mong  The 3 pax said they were looking for a "manggagamot"  I asked who the "manggagamot was and said he was" He would be a hilot.

The patient an elderly woman aged past 50, slightly obese, was complaining of immobility - cant walk and had painful back and hips.  Doc MOng asked what happened and said she slipped and fell on her right side and twisted her left leg/knee.  She said she all ready saw an orthopedist and she was due for operation of the knee and steel support would have to be installed.

Doc Mong said there is no need;   he can straighten the crooked knee, and or rearrange the nerves and the tendons.  He also analyzed that the ankle needed loosening up.  She asked the lady to rotate her ankle which was unable to do.  He massaged and straightened the leg/knee and ankle using katimko and some coconut oil.  He said, like a miracle healer that she was sick no more.  And she was. She gave Romy P50.00.  Wow that is wonderful.  Romy said he serves a billionaire realtor and a foreign sounding business tycoon   Wow You can contact Romy at cp +63908 454 0114

Friday, January 1, 2016