Rizal Philippines
January 10, 2017
There was a feature in NHK today about the secrets of longevity of Japanese. They eat plenty of fish as in sushi and sashimi which are rich in Omega 3. Omega 3 contains three active ingredients: EPA, DHA and ALA
EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid
DHA - docosahexaenoic acid
ALA - alpha-linolenic acid
The first two are important in medical applications in Japan. EPA capsules are prescribed to patients. They are said to improve cardiovascular functions. EPA prevents from clotting in inflamed section of blood vessels, makes for more elastic blood vessels, preventing infarcts that are causes of cerebrovascular accidents (strokes) and heart attacks. The visible results are lowered triglyceride levels lower bp, lower heart rate.
On the other hand DHA has been shown to improve brain functions. It works on the hippocamus of the brain where brain cells are regenerated. It has been shown that brain cells are generated at the said area when the patient is given DHA. The administration of DHA in senior citizens has shown increased short term memory by 0.26%
A dietitian showed that straight from the can, the sardines can be served uncooked with say tomatoes, brocolli, avocado and other vegies.
There are other sources of omega fatty acids like Omega 6 from vegetable oil. It has been shown that good ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3 promote good health. A ratio of 1:0.6 seems to be produce the best result. A lower ratio for Omega 3 does not show positive results
Other Readings on Omega 3 - Mercola
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