
Sunday, April 19, 2020

If you have been tested Covid19 negative, does it mean there is no reinfection, you cant infect others? Or that you are immune?

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
April 19, 2020

Singapore government launches new app for contact tracing to ...

Coronavirus: Singapore app allows for faster contact tracing, Tech ...

As countries prepare to end their lockdown,  (as well as Philippines in a week's time several interesting questions are coming out?

    *If you are asymptomatic and you become covid19 negative later on, what happens to the virus
      in you?  Are you no longer a carrier?

    *If you recovered after a bout with coVid19 and underwent treatment in a hospital and then tested nega-
      tive, does it mean you a covid19 free?

    *Is there a possibility of a reinfection for a fully recovered, covid19 negative patient?

No one seems to have a definite answer yet as per WHO (still remains the authority for the disease)

1. But we hear anectdotes in SK wherein those patients who were Covid19 negative when retested
    became covid19 positive

2.  We hear of cases in Wuhan, who had

    1.  Reinfection

    2. Infection of others

3.  WHO said through Dr. Mike    Ryan, executive director of WHO emergencies prograrm

There are many reasons why we might see reactivation of infection either with the same infection or another infectious agent," he said. In general, "there are many situations in viral infection where someone doesn't clear the virus entirely from their system." Some patients can also clear the main infection but develop a secondary bacterial infection, he said. 

So with reservation in most cases we can say:   

1.  Reinfection of oneself is possible;
2.   Infection of others is possible
3.   That even if you have antibodies in your plasma, you may not have rid your body of the virus, and
      is therefore is a carrier
4.  That unless there is a vaccine, every body is a suspect virus carrier, and a second round of infection may

Thus wiithout a vaccine, we must  remain in a perpetual state of quarantine.   ie:
    1.  Physical distancing
    2.  Wearing of mask
    3.  Hand washing.
    4.  Border screening/contract tracing (as what they do in Taiwan using CP and similar apps.)

        Trace Together in Singapore  (It works using bluetooth and lists persons /phone number of people who came in close contact with you for the last 21 days.  The phone's content/data collected from Trace Together will only be examined if you tested ++.

For home service testing contact:   Archie:    0975 296 9114,   +632 8634 2645

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Drugs being investigated for treatment vs. Covid 19

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines
April 18, 2020

Immunometabolism Network on Twitter: "What is hydroxychloroqine ...

From Livescience - drugs vs Coronavirus being investigated

There are quite a number:

Emory's DRIVE, Ridgeback partnering for drug vs coronavirus ...

1.  EIDD 2081 published in Science Transnational Medicine can be an oral medicine just  like Tamiflu. Unlike remdesivir (given by injection) which kills virus entirely, EIDD introduces mutation into the RNA of the virus so that it stops reproducing itself.  The drug has been licensed by Ridgeback Biotherapeutics Florida based, and has obtained license  for clinical trials

Avigan: Antiviral being tested for coronavirus patients - Health ...

Fujifilm announces the start of a phase III clinical trial of ...

2.  Japan Anti Flu Drug -   Avigan (Favipiravir)  was an anti flu drug made by FujiFilm Pharmaceutical and works with mild to moderate  cases and was shown to be effective in 340 cases in Wuhan China.  However, of late, because of disruption in supply chain, Japan would not be able to cope up with the demand.

The drug prevents certain virus from replicating  and improves lung condition (Dr. Sultan reports that the action of favirapir is to disrupt the Corana virus from detaching the iron form the haema by competing with the same at the cell surface

3.  Chloroquine and hydroxycholoroquine

It works by blocking the aibility of the virus to enter into human cell and replicate.  (In our theory that it a blood disease, the medication competes with the virus from removing the iron from haeme.) The corona hairs from  reaching the ACE of the the cells  (see first picture)  Its efficacy was seen in anectdotal reports from France.   Pres Trump and Ellon Musk praised the drug to the heavens.  Its side effect, being toxic, however made some Euro countries dump the medication.  India banned the export of the drug, the country itself facing crisis with covid 19

Risks of Antihypertensive drugs with COVID-19 | Physician's Weekly

Image 1

4. Anti hypertensive drug.       Losartan it is an angiotensin receptor inhibitor and used mainly to reduce high blood pressure.  And works well when the covid 19 patient is hypertensive.   As an ACE inhibitor it may work to prevent the virus from attaching to the cell and multiplying.    Losartan is included in the protocol for treating coVid Patients (to lessen virus overload)   Persons whom we know of who were in Chinatown during Chinese New Year and who were on Losartan, and who developed the symptoms got better and were cured...

5.  Failed Ebola drug -  remdesivir. It is given to compassionate cases - ie those who are hopeless. However there has been a deluge of compassionate case and the said use is stopped.

6.  A combination HIV drug  Kaletra;  however the results of the trial was not conclusive, statistically significant.

7.  To counter auto immuno reaction  - cytokine reaction when the body overcome by infection goes into overdrive and attacks its own cells like in Lupus or arthritis. -  Actemra or tocolizumab. Mechanism of action it blocks cell receptor of Interlukine 6, a cytokine a protein that causes dangerous immune system reaction

USTC Global on Twitter: "The mechanism of using Tocilizumab to ...

The supportive treatment are Vitamin C, corticosteroid,  high flow oxygen,, and Zinc.

Maybe if we have zinc, we have people on Losartan, or safe ACE inhibitor we do not need the expensive vaccine they are developing (especially the the onebBill Gates Foundation is developing) as preventive  meds.  Those who are ill can be on Avigan.  

Is it now accepted that after preventing the findings of East Virginia, Dr. Sharif, that coVid19 is a cellular level oxygenation disease rather than a system respiratory disease?

For the former, we need more of hyperbaric chamber, blood transfusion, plasma pheresis (use of dialysis machine) and less of Ventilators and intubation.   Intubation is a dangerous procedure that infects the medical  practitioner and injures the patient...

N.B. The blogger  merely researches article and does not pretend to be a medical expert.   However, the articles are well referenced

Friday, April 17, 2020

Only Steroid and Pain killer - the Fabunan vaccine.

Live healthy and long

Anti viral preparation by Dr. Ruben Fabunan of Zambales

Patent Application of Dr. Ruben Fabunan

Fabunan Anti-Viral Injection - Posts | Facebook
Thought this was a new disruptive invention.

The much publicized invention of Dr  Ruben Fabunan from Zambales as cure for coVid19 was found to contain:

    1. Procaine (a pain killer)
    2. Dexamethasone (an anti flammatory - a steroid, a unversal cure for inflammation)

in the right formulation   A formulation

whose indication include virus caused diseases like flu, HIV, dengue. for full and speedy recovery.  And now our good doctor would like to treat coVid19  Sincerely I hope it works for all.  Sana all.

There is nothing new here because both components can readily be bought and available at all drugstores.  Surely the formulation would work vs co Vid because it is condition of inflammation - of free iron radicals disassociated from the haeme of the blood, causing inflammation of the lungs liver and other  vital organs.  Steroids, vit C, anti  LMWH anti coagulants, and steroid on top of high volume 02 are part of protocol for covid treatment.

The drug would surely mask the symptoms (inflammation and pain) but not the cause.... A vaccine would still have to be discovered.

FDA warns against use of unproven drugs, vaccines for treatment of ...

Covid 19 Management Protocol from East Virginia posted at FB of Dr. Sharif Sultan

Live healthy and long

Trending - Thailand Medical News
                                      The new protocol does not support intubation.*

*Results in 100% fatality

It is an oxygenation failure, not a respiratory failure

The paper admonishes vs use of ventilators to prevent mechanical injury.  Let nature  heal the patient, according to their literature

Covid 19 Management Protocol

URGENT! Please circulate as widely as possible. It is crucial that every pulmonologist, every critical care doctor and nurse, every hospital administrator, every public health official receive this information immediately. This is our recommended approach to COVID-19 based on the best (and most recent) available literature including the Shanghai Management Guideline for COVID and recent information from Italy. We should not re-invent the wheel, but learn from the experience of others around the world. It is important to recognize that COVID-19 does not cause “typical ARDS”… this disease must be treated differently and it is likely that mechanical ventilation may be exacerbating this situation by causing ventilator induced lung injury (i.e. the ventilator may cause the disease we think we are treating). Patients suffer from oxygenation failure and not lung failure. Furthermore, this is predominantly an immune and clotting disorder and not a lung disease. This is a very dynamic situation; therefore, we will be updating the guideline as new information emerges. Please check on the EVMS website for updated versions of this protocol. EVMS COVID website: Short url:

Intubation is not recommended

Prophylaxis While there is very limited data (and none specific for COVID-19), the following “cocktail” may have a role in the prevention/mitigation of COVID-19 disease. While there is no high level evidence that this cocktail is effective; it is cheap, safe and widely available. • Vitamin C 500 mg BID and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID • Zinc 75-100 mg/day (acetate, gluconate or picolinate). Zinc lozenges are preferred.

 After 1-2 months, reduce the dose to 30-50 mg/day. • Melatonin (slow release): Begin with 0.3mg and increase as tolerated to 1-2 mg at night • Vitamin D3 1000-4000 u/day (optimal dose unknown). Mildly Symptomatic patients (at home): • Vitamin C 500mg BID and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID (if available) • Zinc 75-100 mg/day • Melatonin 6-12 mg at night (the optimal dose is unknown) • Vitamin D3 1000-4000 u/day • Optional: Hydroxychloroquine 400mg BID day 1 followed by 200mg BID for 4 days

Mildly Symptomatic patients (on floor): • Vitamin C 500mg BID and Quercetin 250-500 mg BID (if available) • Zinc 75-100 mg/day • Melatonin 6-12 mg at night (the optimal dose is unknown) • Vitamin D3 1000-4000 u/day • Methylprednisolone 40 mg daily • Enoxaparin 40-60 mg daily • Optional: Hydroxychloroquine 400mg BID day 1 followed by 200mg BID for 4 days • N/C 2L /min if required (max 4 L/min; consider early t/f to ICU for escalation of care). • Avoid Nebulization and Respiratory treatments. Use “Spinhaler” or MDI and spacer if required. • Avoid non-invasive ventilation • T/f EARLY to the ICU for increasing respiratory signs/symptoms