Rizal Philippines
April 19, 2020
As countries prepare to end their lockdown, (as well as Philippines in a week's time several interesting questions are coming out?
*If you are asymptomatic and you become covid19 negative later on, what happens to the virus
in you? Are you no longer a carrier?
*If you recovered after a bout with coVid19 and underwent treatment in a hospital and then tested nega-
tive, does it mean you a covid19 free?
*Is there a possibility of a reinfection for a fully recovered, covid19 negative patient?
No one seems to have a definite answer yet as per WHO (still remains the authority for the disease)
1. But we hear anectdotes in SK wherein those patients who were Covid19 negative when retested
became covid19 positive
2. We hear of cases in Wuhan, who had
1. Reinfection
2. Infection of others
3. WHO said through Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of WHO emergencies prograrm
There are many reasons why we might see reactivation of infection either with the same infection or another infectious agent," he said. In general, "there are many situations in viral infection where someone doesn't clear the virus entirely from their system." Some patients can also clear the main infection but develop a secondary bacterial infection, he said.
So with reservation in most cases we can say:
1. Reinfection of oneself is possible;
2. Infection of others is possible
3. That even if you have antibodies in your plasma, you may not have rid your body of the virus, and
is therefore is a carrier
4. That unless there is a vaccine, every body is a suspect virus carrier, and a second round of infection may
Thus wiithout a vaccine, we must remain in a perpetual state of quarantine. ie:
1. Physical distancing
2. Wearing of mask
3. Hand washing.
4. Border screening/contract tracing (as what they do in Taiwan using CP and similar apps.)
Trace Together in Singapore (It works using bluetooth and lists persons /phone number of people who came in close contact with you for the last 21 days. The phone's content/data collected from Trace Together will only be examined if you tested ++.
For home service testing contact: Archie: 0975 296 9114, +632 8634 2645
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