Unlike evidence-based modern medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is an empirical medicine developed on accumulated clinical observations gathered over centuries of practice. It not only deals with the etiological factor to eradicate the pathogenic microbial, but also supports the body's immune function to help fight the disease and ameliorate its consequences. In ancient times, when facing infectious disease, specific pathogens could not be identified; however, doctors could observe the patient's sign and symptoms, assess the condition and develop strategies and formulas for the different stages of the illness.
So far there are over 133 ongoing registered clinical studies on TCM/integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. The results of 16 published papers on this topic (not including case reports) and a systematic review on 8 clinical trials (804 cases) have suggested that integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine can reduce the incidence of severe or critical events, improve clinical recovery and help alleviate symptoms such as cough or fever16. Two papers17,18 reported the detailed information of its adverse reactions during the treatment for COVID-19.
Mostly recommended in Chinese hospitals
Maybe this is the reason why China does not need vaccines and/or why covid19 is under control
SHIJIAZHUANG CITY, China--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Recently, China’s National Health Commission and State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly-published The Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 (Trial Version 8), recommending that Lianhua Qingwen Capsule, a Chinese traditional medicine, be used during the medical observation period of COVID-19 patients.
Lianhua Qingwen’s selection to the protocol demonstrates the recognition from Chinese authorities of its outstanding performance to control COVID-19 in China. It is learned that during the pandemic, Lianhua Qingwen has been widely used in designated hospitals and medical institutions in China, and has become the most recommended Chinese medicine in the COVID-19 treatment programs from the country’s provinces and municipalities.
Is the country missing out alternative meds vs. covid19
1. Ivermectin 2. linhua, 3. colchicine, 4. rhinovirus 5. convalescent plasma 6. VCO
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