Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cholesterol test results often wrong? John Hopkins School of Medicine Study

Live healthy and long

NewsMaxHealth by NIck Tate | March 27, 2013 

The John Hopkins School of Medicine found out that the test results, l in 4, for measuring LDL, the bad cholesterol, using the 1972 Friedewald equation had it wrong.  And this could lead to serious implications in the treatment of heart diseases. 

The lead researcher, Dr. Seth Martin, used direct calculations, vs the Friedewald equation, and found that figure to be higher than the desired level.  Thus many patients had false sense of security that they have safe triglyceride level.  

The study covered the period 2009 to 2011 and involved l.3 million Americans. The researchers used the more accurate but lengthy process known as ultracentrifugation.  The Friedewald method used in l972, was supposed the time and expense of ultracenftrifugation.  However, the research found the difference to be significant. 

So sometimes, no measurement is better than wrong measurement.?  Yesteday, my daughter got dizzy after she measured her bp with a digital sphygmo, which she usually does not do.  She got dizzy because of the measurement?

So with this error  of measurement, many patients think they are OK, but they are not?



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