
Monday, March 19, 2012

Amazing Healing Plants book by Dr. J.C. Kurian - Pharma In your Gardens

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

 I was just lent a book, "The Amazing Healing Plants, Philippine Publishing House: 20l0 by Dr. J. C. Kurian who is from Thailand.  The book features l52 trees and herbs that are supposed to be medicinal.  It is hardbound and entirely made of bookpaper and the owner of the book was set back by PHP l,800.

The preface of the book says, that as Dr. Albet Scheiwetzer, that we must individually take responsibility for our own health.

As per the scriptures, according to John the Revelator, he saw the future where people will benefit from the Tree of Life   "The leaves of the tree were the healing of the nations" (Revelations 22:2)

Indeed,  God "maketh the grass to grow for the cattle, and the herbs for the service of man" Psalms l04:l4.

We are familiar with some of them from previous post:   Moringa (malungay)  Gravioli, (anti cancer) watermelon (natural Vit V and for urinary tract problems), turmeric, cinnamon (for diabetes) pomegrante seeds, pumpkin seeds (for prostate).  However it is worth reviewing them one by one.

The plants and trees that caught my attention are:

l.  Onions    - to treat kidney and gall bladder stones  (wow many surgeons would be losing their patients and income from onions;  they will surely cry) p.12

2.   Garlic  - act as natural antibiotic and "PREVENTS CANCER" p.l4

3.  Aloe Vera  - checks the "GROWTH OF TUMORS (ANTI-CANCER?) p.l5

4,  Celery -  restore 'SEXUAL POTENCY (AN ED HERB?) p. l9

5.  Asparagus - checks tumours and inflammation (anti neoplasm?) p.25

6.  Papaya seeds antidote for cancer.   p.4l

7.  Periwinkle as anti carcinogenic agent, anti diabetic  p. 47

8.  Watermelons -kidney and bladders stones p.54

9.  Country borage -  (herba buena) for kidney problems and epilepsy. p.60

10.  Snake weed tawa tawa for control of bleeding and increasing blood platelet count in dengue.p.69

ll.  Sensitive plant (mimosa pudica) for liver disease p.94

12  Unripe banana - good diabetes.  p101.

13.  Phyllantus -  this abounds in our yard.  I did not realize that this is a treatment in diabetes and prostate. p/112.

14.  Water lettuce (quiapo) good for diabetes and kidney disease.   p.114

15  Pomegrante  for kidney stones   p.120

16.  Java plum (duhat) powdered seeds are good for diabetes. p. l35

17.  Grapes believed to cure cancer.  p.148

18.  Parsley  - anti rheumatism and cancer.  p.105

19.  Date palm for sexual debility  (an ED cure?) p107

20.  Mast tree -  Indian tree (Polythalia longifolia) anti hypertension and diabetes.  This is plentiful  p. 115

21.  Aaaron's rod (latigo) (Stachytarpheta indica) for cardiac problem p. l33

22.  Pumpkin - (Cucurbita maxima) good for urinary problems,  kidney and bladder  (pumpkin seeds are good for BHP) p.5l

23.  Cucumber (Cucumis sativus)  recommended for heart and kidney problems   p.50

24.  Red Ivy (Hemigraphis colorata) disintegrates gallstones p.72

25. Garden Lettuce (Lactuca Sativa)  good for kidney stones and gallstones. p.82

26.  Indian Heliotroe (Heliotropium indicum) (aretes aretesan) anti ulcer and cancer p.71.

Thus the anti cancer agents are:

        Indian Heliotrope
        Papaya seeds
        Aloe Vera

For kidney and prostate

       Red Ivy
       Garden Lettuce
       Water melon
       Java plum


  1. This book have a lot of good information about health and related topics . . .

  2. Nice book with good information

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