Effective Cures Can be Cheap
Yes! That is according to the book of J.C. Kurian, "The Amazing Healing Plants"
Some of them are, and you will be amazed:
1. Indian Heliotrope (Aretes aretesan) (Heliotropium indicum) prominent use is anti ulcer and cancer, good also for scabies, conjunctivitis, coughs and asthma.; the whole plant is used. p.71.
2. Red Ivy (Hemigrapis colorata) disintegrates gallstones (wow that is great?!) kidney and urinary problems, skin diseases and excessive bleeding during menstruation. Used as ornamental plant too. p.72.
3. Balsam (Impatiens balsamina) good for burns and scalds, joint pains, laxative and flow of urine. The flowers are used for medication. p.74
4. Sweet potato (Ipomea betatas) talbos, the parts used are the roots and leaves and are good for diarrhea, used as laxative, and for slow painful urination. p.75
5. Goats food Creeper (Ipomea pes-caprae) good for rheumatism, piles. Leaves are used for medicati on. A lot of these grow on newly developed properties. p.76
6. Jetropha (Jethropa Gossypifolia) tuba supposed to be used for biofuel; Bark, seeds and leaves are good laxative, vs fever, boils and eczema and promotes menstruation. p.79
7. Cats whiskers (Orthosipon aristatus) the leaf extract is useful for diabetics, the decoction of the whole plant is useful for kidney, bladder stones, edema, gout rheumatism, and lowers blood sugar. p. 101 Vol. 2
8. Betel leaf plant (Piper betle Linn)) a climber. the leaf may be drank or applied topically. For most wound application, boils and fever, the betel leaf is applied topically. For filiariasis, 7 to l0 leaves of betel are ground, mix with hot water and drink. p. 111. Vol 2
9. Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides) a tufted perennial grass with branching rootstock which is aromatic. The roots are good for: boils, swelling, jaundice, reduces fever digestive complaints. Cools the body. p. 147.
10. Oyster plant (Tradescantia spathacea) an ornamental plant and chracterized by violet color underneath with numerous white flowers underneath the leaf axils. The decoction from leaves and flowers can control nasal bleeding, bleeding stools, colds, sore throat and cough. Is an anti inflammatory. p.l46
11. Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) the decoction of the whole plant is recommended for rheumatism gout, high cholesterol levels (substitute for statins) for edema and syphilis. p 55.
12. Wiregrass (Eleusine Indica) crabgrass. We hate this. The decoction of the whole plant is used for deworming, coughs, heart problems, bladder and kidney, and high blood pressure. Wow. This is useful. But this is a big problem for a park. p.61
l3. Water hycinth (Eichornia crassipes) water lily After the whole plant is cleaned, the decoction is used for blood disorders, goiter emaciation and weakness. p. 60.
14 Taro (Gabi) Colocosia esculenta. The corm and leaves are used. The extract from the corm are used laxatives,antidote to wasp bites, Externally as treatment for ear aches or hair loss (alopaecia). Is useful for TB and leprosy. p.47
l5. Sensitive plant (Mimosa pudica) makahiya. The whole plant decoction is used for liver disease, cancerous ulcer, scorpion stings, urinary complaints, and mumps. p, 94,
16, Four-O' Clock plant (Mirabilis jalapa) it is herbaceous ornamental plant and its leaves are narrow, ovate and pointed. The flowers are variously colored. The parts used are leaves, flowers and seeds. It is recommended for removal of freckles on the skin, promotion of urinary flow, treatment of boils, healing of wounds, earaches. p.95.
17. Swamp cabbage (Ipomea aquatica) Kangkong the juice from the whole plant can be used as laxative. The whole plant is useful for general weakening and nervousness. p.85.
l8. Lantana (Lantana camara) is hairy spiny aromatic plant with white yellow or pink flowers. It bears fruits which turn purple black when mature. It is recommended for whooping cough, chronic inflammation of the skin, sprains, infection of urinary tract mumps and mouth ulcer. It can be used also as stimulant. The whole plant is used for medication. p.88
We plan to gather all the weeds in the partk and replant them in this area so that many people will appreciate the medicinal value of these weeds. Do not just throw them away; Äting Alamin.
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