
Friday, March 30, 2012

Coenzyme Q 10 Facts from Livestrong

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

Last week I found a product literature that purports that their product claim CO Q10 which is a papaya extract cum wild berry juice.  Naturally I got perplexed because current literature does not support thier claim.

And my internet research led me to the Livestrong web site.

Coenzyme is found naturally living organism, in the cell powerhouse, the mitochondria where the cell metabolism take place.  Coenzyme helps the enzyme do their job of speeding up the chemical reaction.  It is found in great concentration in all organs of the body except the lungs. CO Ql0 is an anti oxidant and help the cells scavenge toxic substances from within; and help maintain healthy growth of cells.  The amount of CO Ql0 decreases as you grow older so you must take increase amount of the co enzyme as you grow older.

It is found mostly in vegetables;  the co enzyme is lost in frying but in boiling or steaming the vegetables.  For the vegetable to be beneficial, it must be fresh and unprocessed and raw.

Foods that are rich in CO Ql0 are :   Brocolli, spinach, legumes, and cauliflower

Vegetables Rich in CO Q10 from Livestrong

Other Foods with Coenzyme Q 10

Meat, Poultry, Fish and Nuts Are rich in Coenzyme Q10

CO 10 Q Guide

Trout, Beef, Oranges, Strawberries, Nuts Contain Coenzyme Ql0

CO Q10 use in Breast Cancer Therapy

Coenzyme Q10 is useful when treating breast cancer among women.  When using Tamoxifen, triglycerides level increase and so with angiogenesis (more blood vessels going to the affected area) CO Ql0 normalizes the triglycerides level  and prevents angiogenesis.

CO Q10 and other forms of Cancer

CO Ql0 has been found to be effective concurrent with other medications treatment of colon cancer, skin cancer,  Q10 significantly  reduced the risk of cancer.  Since it strengthens auto immune system of the body, and as antioxidant prevents accumulation of free radicals

Co enzyme Q10 and other cancer cures

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