Effective Cures Can be Cheap
I was intrigued by the question on the use of stem cells for cancer posed by my brother. By what I know, there is none that has come to my knowledge. And I was led to ask Dr. Bengzon and his regenerative department at The Medical City.
The link on Stem Cell at Livestrong show its useful in leukemia and other blood disorder.
Here is a video on a product presentation on AFA. AFA enchances the body's production of stem cells. The hypotheses is that stem cells is the body's own system of growth and renewal. Stem cells become any body cell of any tissue. The product, StemEnhance or AFA casues the body to produce more stem cells and promote regeneration and vitality.
Not a cheap cure. But maybe for heart disease, leukemia, this may be a cheap cure or going to China for stem cell therapy.
Natural Stem Cell Nutrition Video
Stem Cell Treatment from Livestrong
Stem Cells Treatment in China
China wants stem cell to be l0% of its GDP in the next 20 years. So they must be pushing world interest in stem cells treatment in China (it is currently banned in US and so people go to India or China or Thailand)
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