Live healthy and long
From lean green coffee this could be a sales pitch.
The new revolution in weight loss comes from green coffee beans. It reduces blood sugar and body fats. The active ingredient is from chlorenergic acid. There is also caffeic acid; caffeine is only 30 mg. (an energy drink contains 130 mg of caffeine.)
The green coffee extract reduces weight by burning fat instead of glucose. It causes the liver not to release glucose into the blood stream.
It contains powerful anti oxidant and by burning fat, detoxifies the body; prevents toxic waste from accumulating in the body.
The active ingredient is lost by roasting coffee beans.
Those who took the green coffee extract lost an average of l7.5 lbs in 22 wks and 10% reduction in body weight.
The South Americans take this green coffee extract and are one of the healthiest people in the world
Weight reduction has the following benefits:
l. Lower bp
2. Shortness of breath and minimal mucus
3. Type 2 diabetes
4. Lack of energy
5. Stroke
6. Excessive sweating and body odors.
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