
Thursday, January 10, 2013

UPDATE to the X-Factor Revolution

It prevents calcification of blood vessels and direct calcium to the bones...You need Vitamin K2.  Vitamin K2 creates ostealacin that directs calcium to the bones.  Otherwise, your heart becomes calcified into stone.... A heart of stone

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From: Discovery Health Publishing <>
Date: Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 7:31 PM
Subject: UPDATE to the X-Factor Revolution

Discovery Health Publishing
Dear Jorge Saguinsin,
There's another piece of the vitamin K2 puzzle I want you to know about: If you're taking a calcium supplement without vitamin K2, you could be in real danger.
Even the mainstream is taking notice. It happened recently when research revealed that people taking a regular calcium supplement increase their risk of a heart attack by a staggering 86%.1
The Swiss study, published in the journal Heart, looked at the calcium use of almost 24,000 people over an 11 year period. The researchers were so concerned they warned that calcium supplements should only be taken with caution.
In these heart scans, the large white areas are hardened calcium. Over time, your organs and soft tissues can literally "turn to stone."
What's going on?
If you've read my book "The X-Factor Revolution" you already have a pretty good idea. You see, calcium supplements can harden your bones but they can also... calcify your heart.
That's right. Calcium can turn your heart to stone.
Could it happen to you? It depends on whether you have enough of the X-Factor, an essential nutrient that even your doctor probably hasn't heard of yet.
Studies now show that low levels of the X-Factor are associated with an increased risk of heart disease and hardening of the arteries.
In fact, many researchers are starting to talk about heart disease as an X-Factor deficiency.
How the "X-Factor" Prevents and
Even REVERSES Heart Disease
In the 1990s researchers discovered that the plaque buildup seen in clogged arteries is actually a type of "bone tissue" protein.2
How does bone tissue start building up in your cardiovascular system? The answer is the lack of fat-soluble vitamins in our diet... like X-Factor, or vitamin K2.
In a nutshell, vitamin K2 acts like a calcium traffic cop. It directs calcium into your bones and away from your other organs, including your heart.
Here's how it works. Your cells produce a protein called osteocalcin that helps calcium stick to your bones. Vitamin K2 activates the osteocalcin and directs it to your bones.
If there's no vitamin K2, the osteocalcin floats through your blood stream and gets stuck to the walls of your blood vessels and the valves of your heart. Once there, it grabs onto calcium - just as it would in your bones.
It's this calcium run amuck that hardens your arteries and spikes your risk of heart attack.
But vitamin K2 stops calcium from building up in your heart and blood vessels.
The landmark Rotterdam Heart Study published by The Journal of Nutrition,followed 4,800 people for 7 years. It revealed that those who took in the highest amount of vitamin K2 had less calcium buildup in their aorta and 57% fewer deaths from heart disease.3
But here's the most amazing thing. Even after calcium starts to build up in your blood vessels, vitamin K2 can reverse the damage.
It does this by activating two proteins that clear away dead cells and other debris. This is the garbage that combines with calcium to form deadly arterial plaque.4
In fact, an animal study from the Netherlands showed that high levels of vitamin K2 can actually reverse the buildup of plaque in the arteries by up to 50%.5
How to Get the Life-Saving Benefits of Vitamin K2
It's estimated that 80% of Americans do not get enough vitamin K2. That means calcium may be sticking to their hearts instead of their bones.
And most of them have never even heard of vitamin K2. That's why I wrote "The X-Factor Revolution."
Here's how you can get this life-saving nutrient.
Your body can convert vitamin K2 from vitamin K1 found in leafy green vegetables. Or you can get vitamin K2 directly from certain foods like Japanese natto, goose liver paté, and soft cheeses like brie and Gouda.
But to really get enough of this essential nutrient, it's best to take a supplement.
I like Dr. Joseph Mercola's vitamin K2 supplement. It's a long-lasting bioactive form, derived from fermented soybeans. The daily dose is 150 mcg. You can find it under the "products" section of his website:
Also you can also go back and check your copy of the "X-Factor Revolution" for more information on the best forms of vitamin K2 and other recommended suppliers.
Wishing you strength and vitality,
Jason Kennedy
Jason Kennedy
1 Kuanrong Li, Rudolf Kaaks, Jakob Linseisen, Sabine Rohrmann Associations of dietary calcium intake and calcium supplementation with myocardial infarction and stroke risk and overall cardiovascular mortality in the Heidelberg cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study (EPIC-Heidelberg) Heart 2012;98:920-925 doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2011-301345
2 Bostrom K, Watson KE, Horn S, et al. Bone morphogenetic protein expression in human atherosclerotic lesions. J Clin Invest. 1993 Apr;91(4):1800-9.
3 Geleijnse JM, Vermeer C, Grobbee DE, et al. Dietary intake of menaquinone is associated with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease: the Rotterdam Study. J Nutr. 2004 Nov;134(11):3100-5.
4 Berkner KL, Runge W. The physiology of vitamin K nutriture and vitamin K-dependent protein function in atherosclerosis. J Thromb Haemost. 2004;2(12):2118-32.
5 Schurgers LJ , Spronk HM , Soute BA, Schiffers PM, DeMey JG, Vermeer C . Regression of warfarin-induced medial elastocalcinosis by high intake of vitamin K in rats. Blood. 2007 Apr 1;109(7):2823-31.

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