
Monday, May 13, 2013

Killer Blood Pressure Drugs; walk, eat real food, drop few pounds instead

 Repost from Joe Barton Publishing

I do not need to annotate this post;   it is so simple enough to read.   This very warm summer, (hot), this article is very timely.  Many people suffering from high bp are very likely to succumb to stroke or heart attack.  Pharma drugs give dramatic results but have side effects.  Read on.


Some of the most commonly prescribed blood pressure drugs are
very, very dangerous.

If there's any way you can avoid it, you want to avoid taking
these drugs.

But chances are, if you've been diagnosed with hypertension (high
blood pressure), you're already taking one or more of these

Here are the most frightening side effects that are brought on by
the more popular blood pressure medicines:

1. Beta blockers like Sectral, Zebeta, and Bystolic  have been
shown to cause stroke, pulmonary edema, heart attack, and

2. Also blockers like Prazosin and Vasoflex  can damage your
kidneys or your liver.
3. Diuretics have been shown to cause gout or even kidney

4. Beta blockers can mask the signals of low blood sugar,
dangerous to diabetics... And equally dangerous, diuretics can
actually increase blood sugar levels.

5. Calcium channel blockers, such as Norvasc and DynaCirc CR,
cause all sorts of side effects: rashes, flushing, dizziness,
fatigue, nausea, and frequent severe headaches.

So what are you supposed to do if you suffer from high blood

I suggest you take matters into your own hands, and rely on
proven, natural solutions. Medical researcher Joe Barton
recommends these 3 tips to help bring down your blood pressure
without drugs...

1. Take a walk every day. Nothing crazy. Just a brisk 20 minute
walk will do the trick.

2. Eat more real food. If it comes in a box, a bag, or plastic
wrap, don't eat it. Only eat "real food".

3. Drop a few pounds. Carrying extra fat on your body raises your
blood pressure. Losing that extra fat helps lower those blood

pressure numbers.

These three simple tips will help get you started lowering your
blood pressure naturally.

What Barton also found was that adding these tips to a very
simple program he and his research team have devised can make a
dramatic, fast, and lasting reduction in your blood pressure.

They have prepared a free, quick video presentation that explains
exactly how their system works.

>> Click Here For a Video Showing The Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure <<
Yours for excellent health,
Joe Barton
Founder & CEO
Barton Publishing Inc.

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