
Monday, May 13, 2013

What is the greatest superfood on earth?

Live healthy and long

Repost from Joe Barton publishing

What is this superfood?  Is it chorella or spirullina?  Yet there are no animals that feed on chorella or spirilluna.

This superfood is at the bottom of the food chain - a phytoplankton.  This delivers energy at the cellular level;  even tinier than a RBC.  It is called Nannochloropsis gatidana and was discovered from among 43,000 strains by marine biologist Dr. Luis Lubian.  This superfood is being marketed by Ocean Alive.

A single drop would contain 170 billion cells directly into your body containing beta carotenes, omega 3 fatty acids and asthaxanthin that would cure your failing eyesight and even make you 10 to 20 years younger. It would contain over l00 vitamins and minerals

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