
Monday, October 27, 2014

Could Ebola be airborne? Yes USMARIID reports in 1990

Live healthy and long

There are allegations that Ebola could not be airborne

But USAMRIID (US Army Medical Research Institute of Infection Disease reports this to be airborne as early as 1990  (I guess this is the basis of the movie "Outbreak."

The narration beginning on page 273 narrates an airborne Ebola, unlike what the current USA administration is suggestion. This is contained in the book Hot Zone by Richard Preston...

From Scientific American - Ebola could be airborne


"Ebola... jumped quickly from room to room... a lot like influenza"

What happened in that building was a kind of experiment. Now they would see what Ebola could do naturally in a population of monkeys living in a confined space, in a kind of city, as it were.

The Ebola Reston virus jumped quickly from room to room, and as it blossomed in the monkeys, it seemed to mutate spontaneously into something that looked quite a lot like influenza. But it was an Ebola flu.

The monkeys died with great quantities of clear mucus and green mucus running from their noses, mixed with blood that would not clot. Their lungs were destroyed, rotten and swimming with Ebola virus. They had pneumonia. When a single animal with a nosebleed showed up in a room, generally 80 percent of the animals died in that room shortly afterward. The virus was extraordinarily contagious in monkeys.

"...could look like the flu... a different strain could appear in a month's time... drifted through the air-handling ducts"

The Institute scientists suspected that they were seeing a mutant strain of Ebola, something new and a little different from what they had seen just a month before, in December, when the Army had nuked the monkey house. It was frightening -- it was as if Ebola could change its character fast -- and could look like the flu. As if a different strain could appear in a month's time.

The clinical symptoms of the disease served as a reminder of the fact that Ebola is related to certain kinds of flu-like illnesses seen in human children. It seems that the virus could adapt quickly to new hosts, and that it could change its character spontaneously and rapidly as it entered a new population.

Ebola apparently drifted through the building's air-handling ducts. By January 24, it had entered Room B, and monkeys in that room started going into shock and dying with runny noses, red eyes, and masklike expressions on their faces. In the following weeks, the infection entered rooms I, F, E, and D, and the animals in these rooms virtually all died.

"USAMRIID concluded that Ebola can spread through the air"

John Coleus certainly caught the virus when he cut himself with a bloody scalpel, no question about that. What is more worrisome is that the others did NOT cut themselves, yet the virus still entered their bloodstreams. It got there somehow. Most likely it entered their blood through contact with the lungs. It infected them through the air.

When it became apparently to the Army researchers that three of the four men who became infected had not cut themselves, just about everyone at USAMRIID concluded that Ebola can spread through the air.

Photos of the pages from the physical book, published in 1994

Which is deadlier ? #Ebola or H fever (#dengue)

Live healthy and long

Philippines   | October 27, 2014

Dengue was first reported in 1950s in Philippines and Thailand

So far there are 10,000 reported cases of Ebola in West Africa.  So far 4,500 have died.  This is the number since March of 2014.

Compare that to the number of dengue cases in the Philippines - there were 42, 207 cases from January 193 being fatal.


The incidence of dengue has grown dramatically around the world in recent decades. Over 2.5 billion people – over 40% of the world's population – are now at risk from dengue. WHO currently estimates there may be 50–100 million dengue infections worldwide every year.

Cases across the Americas, South-east Asia and Western Pacific have exceeded 1.2 million cases in 2008 and over 2.3 million in 2010 (based on official data submitted by Member States). Recently the number of reported cases has continued to increase. In 2013, 2.35 million cases of dengue were reported in the Americas alone, of which 37 687 cases were severe dengue.
Not only is the number of cases increasing as the disease spreads to new areas, but explosive outbreaks are occurring. The threat of a possible outbreak of dengue fever now exists in Europe and local transmission of dengue was reported for the first time in France and Croatia in 2010 and imported cases were detected in three other European countries. In 2012, an outbreak of dengue on Madeira islands of Portugal resulted in over 2000 cases and imported cases were detected in 10 other countries in Europe apart from mainland Portugal.
(Dengue and Ebola are both level 4 diseases:  fatal usually and no known cures.  Only strong body resistance can halt its morbidity;  both are hemorrhagic)

We should be more worried about dengue, and other mosquito borne diseases.  About a million die annually from mosquito bites making it the deadliest animal on earth

About 390 million are infected by mosquitoes, with 500,000 of them developing into dengue; 25,000 deaths result form dengue

Nigeria is now Ebola free

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WHO and partners celebrating end of Ebola virus transmission in Nigeria.

From WHO - Nigeria is now Ebola free

How come Nigeria is now Ebola free?  And in US, there was one death, and 3 cases of infection?

Nigeria is one of the most populous countries in Africa.  It has some 21 million population and it equivalent to the population of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia combined.

It has also controlled the Nigeria worm disease; and it has 650,000 reported cases.

Nigeria was able to do this by:

1.  Banning travel from Ebola infected areas;

2.  Close monitoring of suspected Ebola cases;

3.  Strong public health system,

4.  Strict observance of protocol.

What happened?  An LDC surpassing US in control of outbreak?

Friday, October 17, 2014

Is the world (WHO, US EU) over reacting to #Ebola?

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Dr. Kent Brantley's blood as vaccine vs Ebola

Rizal Philippines   |  October 17, 2014

On one hand there is a reason to be scared;  9000 have been infected and death has surpassed 4,000.  1,000 cases are reported weekly and WHO predicts this to be high as 10,000 weekly, and cases could reach as high as 1.4 million by January 2015.

Remember, the first case was reported in Guinea last December 2013.  There were only 2 deaths out of 59 in Guinea last March.

Senegal and Nigeria now Ebola free?

At the same time Nigeria and Senegal would have passed the 42 days timeline to be declared Ebola free.

Health is wealth - sell off at NYSE on #Ebola fears

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Rizal Philippines   |   October 17, 2014

From Reuters

Why is DJIA down 400 points

There was a marked sell off at New York Stock Exchange on fears of Ebola outbreak...Those who suffered were airline and hotel stocks

Two nurses contacted Ebola after caring for Thomas Duncan, a Liberian national who was confined in Texas hospital.  One of the nurses, travelled to Ohio, was in close contact with several other persons plus airline passengers (100+)

It was bad enough that Duncan was misdiagnosed, and the nurse who cared for Duncan allowed to travel in a commercial airline from Texas to Ohio.  It should not happen to USA. Thus the head of CDC, Tom Frieden was put on the spot.  For this lapse.

Even Pres Obama had to cancel his campaign trip to attend to this crisis.

How could lapses here affect the trading at NYSE?

Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange October 2, 2014. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to avoid catching #Ebola? --> by sanitation, hygiene, no kiss, handshake and sex

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Rizal Philippine   | October 16, 2014

From Guardian October 14, 2014

Ebola is highly infectious, deadly without no known cure but its spread can be prevented.   Universal rules of hygiene are just be observed to avoid its spread.

Ebola is spread via contact and body fluids:  stool, blood, urine (but not sweat) and its contact with mouth, open wound or other mucosa can cause infection. Washing of hands, use of masks and gloves are necessary if we want to be near Ebola patients..

Ebola deaths exceed 4,000 causes global panic

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From the Daily Sheeple - 3 days ago

Ebola deaths have exceeded the 4 000 mark, up from 3,000 about a month ago.  The number of cases is growing exponentially, with 1,000 being reported weekly.  (This could rise to as much as 10,000 weekly With many unreported cases, or admissions denied, the number could be more

Some developments:

1.  For the first time, there are two infections outside of West Africa;  one in Spain and one in USA

2.  Death rate vs infection has gone up from 50% to 70%

Saturday, October 11, 2014

#Ebola now a growing global emergency and concern.

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From Independent

What started as a trickle in February of this year in Guinea, and nobody was paying attention has become a global concern and tsunami. It is a global concern and emergency

One American LIberian in Texas died, one nurse in Spain contacted the disease from an Ebola patient in Spain, the first infection to do so outside West Africa.

Thomas Duncan died while in a Texas Hospital.  Reason?  He was not correctly diagnosed and was not isolated and just given anti biotics and sent home...  He died yesterday

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Common cold virus used for treatment of pancreatic cancer

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Jan Urbanick a pancreatic cancer patient under a randomized Phase 2 study

From Ohio State U hospital

Dr Tanios Bekai Saab was recently interviewed on TV (Fox News) about using common cold virus to treat pancreatic cancer, one of the most difficult cancer to cure (only 3% survival rate) without serious side effect. There was considerable reduction of tumor size, and increased survival.  Pancreatic cancer affects 44,000 people yearly.

Death from Ebola virus tops 3,000

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  October 1, 2014

Repost from Time Magazine

Death from Ebola virus which is raging in West Africa topped the 3,000 mark (3080) coming from Guinea, Libera. Sierra Leone in  West Africa.  More than 6,000 have been infected.  As many as 1.4 million may be infected.

This seems to be double (exponential than the number of cases reported last month.

The epidemic is showing signs of gaining speed—6,574 cases had been reported officially as of Sept. 23, with 3,091 deaths. Those fatalities are more than double the number of both a month ago. The actual number of cases is believed to be three or four times as high. Had no international aid come, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, the number of cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone might have soared to 1.4 million by mid-January.