
Saturday, October 11, 2014

#Ebola now a growing global emergency and concern.

Live healthy and long

From Independent

What started as a trickle in February of this year in Guinea, and nobody was paying attention has become a global concern and tsunami. It is a global concern and emergency

One American LIberian in Texas died, one nurse in Spain contacted the disease from an Ebola patient in Spain, the first infection to do so outside West Africa.

Thomas Duncan died while in a Texas Hospital.  Reason?  He was not correctly diagnosed and was not isolated and just given anti biotics and sent home...  He died yesterday

All ready, 3,800 have died and 8,000+ have been infected.  Experts say that the economic cost will be over $2.00 billion world wide and about $300 million in affected countries.  Thus US has set aside $500 million and sent 3,000 soldiers to help contain the disease.    World Bank has committed to lend $500.00 million vs the disease. The President of World Bank has said it is better to spend much now than much much more later on.

Melinda Gates of Bill Melinda Gates foundation has pledged /donated $50.00 million that she suggested would be used for vaccine, vaccine research, blood donation of Ebola patients who survived to those who are sick.

But while Ebola disease is deadly, it is not highly infectious.  It can be contained.  Its spread can be prevented by simple stuff like gloves, disinfectant, masks.


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