
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ebola deaths exceed 4,000 causes global panic

Live healthy and long

From the Daily Sheeple - 3 days ago

Ebola deaths have exceeded the 4 000 mark, up from 3,000 about a month ago.  The number of cases is growing exponentially, with 1,000 being reported weekly.  (This could rise to as much as 10,000 weekly With many unreported cases, or admissions denied, the number could be more

Some developments:

1.  For the first time, there are two infections outside of West Africa;  one in Spain and one in USA

2.  Death rate vs infection has gone up from 50% to 70%

3.  There are threatened strikes by health workers in Liberia who are attending to Ebola cases;   plane cabin cleaners also threatened to go on strike;

4. The death of Thomas Duncan, a LIberian national, stemmed from the inability of the Prybesterian Hospital to treat Duncan as an Ebola case. He was just given antibiotic and allowed to go home.  No universal pre cautionary measure were observed.

5. The spread of Ebola in various countries:  Spain, Czecholovakia, Brazil raises serious concern that Ebola is worldwide epidemic (a pandemic)

6.  At the rate of spread of infection and if unchecked CDC estimates that total deaths from Ebola could reach 1.4 million

7. As in the fiction movie Outbreak (see trailer and this was scary then), will it be possible that Ebola is now airborne?  Could the virus have mutated?  What precautions must be undertaken?  Will the passengers who traveled with Duncan be quarantined

Some further questions:

1. Can Ebola be spread by pets? ?   Will the the victims pets be neutered to prevent spread?

2.  Does Ebola stay in the semen for 7 days?  Is it true (from Oxford journals  Generally, Ebola is found in specimen of blood, urine, stools, milk, semen, urine,  and other bodily fluids.  Ebola can be spread by sharing food., (I would suppose it is in saliva)

1.  Are you alarmed? Panicking?

2.   Are your health authorities doing enough?

3.  What else must be done to contain Ebola?

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