Showing posts with label amagydylin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amagydylin. Show all posts

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Anti Cancer Cure from Laetrile Vit B17, from Apricot Seed

Effective Cures Can be Cheap

This is another effective cure hidden from the mainstream by those who profit from mainstream cancer treatment.

Laetrile Vit Bl7

In l952, Dr. Ernest Krebb of San Francisco researched what could be missing from a person suffering from poor diet.  He found this to be amagdylin.  In his research, he found the highest concentration to be in apricot seeds. A group of primitive tribe the Hunzas consumed large amount of apricot seeds and had no cancer and lived a long life.  Amagdylin could be extracted from the apricot seeds by just breaking the soft kernel and extracting the compound.  Other food containing laetrile are macadamia nuts, grape seeds, blackberries, strawberries, bean sprouts,  lima beans.

 Amagdylin belongs to a group of substances called nitriosolide which are difficult to classify. He  termed this laetrile, or Vit Bl7 since there were l6 Vit B all ready named before it.

Mechanism of Action

Laetrile contains four compounds:    glucose, benzaldyhide and cyanide (both are poisonous) and rhodanese, an enzyme that binds the poison to sulfur, causing the passing of the poison harmlessly.  However, when used in cancerous situation, (because the cancer cells contain an enzyme, beta glucosidinase, which the normal cells contain and the r causes the release of the two poisons which attack the cancer cells, but is harmless to the normal cells  It will take a large amount of laetrile to treat cancer because the rhodanese of the normal cells will block laetrile.

Laetrile has an 85% cure rate (and even l00% in Mexico) vs the 3% cure rate for chemo.

Laetrile will not be in the mainstream

Extract from apricot seeds are not patentable and big pharma or mds will not pay attention to this;   there is no money to be made, and cancer specialists and onco pharma will run out of patients and cash flows.  And may use lobby or even the strong arm of the govt:   FDA, FBI, IRS to stop this form of treatment (as with essiac?!)

There are allegations that there are no cancer cures because the cancer industry does not want a cure. (I am just quoting from the article).  A young man from Brooklyn was imprisoned because he refused to stop telling on TV how he got cured by those lousy apricot kernel from cancer. Laetrile which is not toxic was banned by FDA in l97l.

What is sad how in leading organizations, findings on the efficacy of the drug in leading health institution were hidden and obscured from public.

How to treat cancer with laetrile

Laetrile treatment will be effective for cancer in early stages.

5 to 7 kernels are recommended everyday but must be increased by 3 to 5x in cancer cases.  (l kernel for every l0 kg body weight)  Too much apricot kernels can cause dizzines.  They can used together with papaya and pineapple which contains bromalane.  It is recommended that laetrile be taken in condjunction with proteolytic enzymes as contained in the two mentioned fruits.

 There are success stories with laetrile;  however it must be used in conjunction with other treatment.

Laetrile as Cancer Cure from Naturalnews, read on

More on Laetrile

Cancer Tutor on Laetrile

CureZone on Laetrile

You Tube Videos on Laetrile

N. B.  some procedures mentioned here, as is concerning health varies from individual to individual; self medication is not recommended