Tuesday, January 28, 2014

MEM devices: the future of medicine, infrastructures, oil drilling

This device could end/or lessen many diseases. A cure all or merely diagnostic device?

This uses microcropressors and nano tech.  Find out more

There is an existing device, called MEMS Micro Electronical Mechanical Device that shows promise in many areas:    medicine  -  to combat heart disease, asthma, and other diseases, in military, oil drilling, infrastructures monitoring

This devices have sensors and microprocessors.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Hookworms gaining attention in immunotherapy vs asthma and chronic diseases.

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  January 24. 2014

Why doctors are treating allergies with parasitic worms

A strategic paper on Roche's oncology drugs led me to its new drugs research, monoclonal antibodies and immunotherapy.  Immunotherapy will be a new treatment in cancer and other chronic diseases treatment and that may cotnrol 60% of the cancer threatment market.

For asthma and treatment of allergies, the hookworm, Necatour americanus  which causes 85% of hookworm infestation,   Hookworms emit molecules that make them evade detection by body's immune system.  This molecule could be helpful in treatment of auto immune diseases such as MS, Krohn, and other allergic reaction.

The findings came out of the observation of immunologist David Pritchard of University of  Nottingham noted while in Papua New Guinea that those who had worm parasites had less incidence of asthma and other allergic reactions. or auto immune system where the body's defense mechanism turns against iteself.  He and his team examined the stools and blood of the PNGs and noted lower level of antibodies in patients who had high levels of fertile eggs of worm in their feces..  In order tr survive, the worms have found a way to swith off the immune system of the host  which benefits the host too by not having auto immune disease,and allergies.

"And Pritchard's hypothesis has been holding water, both in his own experiments as well asothers. Symptoms from autoimmune disorders ranging from asthma to Crohn's disease have been shown to be noticeably reduced in study volunteers administered "safe doses" of hookworm therapy. Clinical trials that use hookworms to treat Multiple Sclerosis are slated to begin later this year."

One such article is about an Englishman who prescribed injecting ascaris to help cure asthma.  He noted that chidlren in UK have asthma.  In Central Aftica, there is no asthma.  But the children had Ascaris infestation. That could be difference.  The dirty/clean thinking maybe causing plenty of asthma attacks.  So he experimented and injected Ascaris eggs into his asthmatic patients and got well..  Another Brit,Jasper  Lawrence put a  clinic after he was able to treat himself of asthma by having himself infected with hookworm in Central Africa.


Would you go through a hookwork therapy to cure your asthma?  If that is the only way?

Hookworm therapy for beginners.

AIT (Auto Immunte Therapy) by Lawrence Jasper

Why doctors are treating allergies with parasitic worms

Immunotherapy, a growing trend in fighting cancer and other chronic diseases

Live healthy and long

Angono, Rizal Philippines

Breakthrough of the year: Immunotherapy in Cancer cure in Science magazine

Adoptive immunotherapy for cancer: harnessing the T cell response
There are three modes:

1.  monoclonal antibodies that can be paired
2.  cloning T cells
3.  vaccines

There is a an article that says that in the next decade, 60% of cancer cures will come from immunotherapies. This industry will be about $35 billion.

What is immuno therapy?  It is aiding or suppressing body's immune system to fight diseases, allergies, or chronic condition.  While the body's soldiers are very effective, on their own, to locate the invaders and destroy them, the invaders protein/enzymes can fool the body's defense mechanism to ignore them.

One of the research center is that of Fred  Hutchinson  They have worked on cloning T cells to attack cancer cells, and also using radio immunotherapy (cloing antibodies with irradiated bodies, monclonal cells) to target the affected cells, which is more targetted vs. having radiation destroy both healthy and tumor cells.

Watch video of Stan Riddel, oncologiest and researcher at Fred Huthinson  cancer research center.

Read more on immunotherapy at Cancer Research Institute of America

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Immunotherapy drugs from Roche and the rest of pharma, medicinal mushrooms

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  | January 23, 2014

From Trefis

Roche, the Swiss drug manufacturer is having a banner year on account of its strong performance on oncology drugs.  Sales and net income are up, and its latest drug Kadycla has been approved by EU.  Much of its performance has come from pharmaceutical products:   $ 18,6 billion and $5.13 billion on diagnostics. /$3.3 billion comes from oncology drugs.  85% of company's value  cancer drugs.

First pharma reports that the total sales for oncology pharma reached  $50 billion in 2013 and Roche dominated the market with its top 3 onco drugs controlling  40%  of total market:

     Rituxan  -  $7,156  for lymphoma
     Herceptin - $6,683 for HER 2+ breast cancer
     Avastin -    $6,150  for colorectal, lung, breast, cancer, ovary cancer
     Xeloda -      1,624  for breast cancer
     Terceva       1,402  for lung cancer

(Since PHIL has highest incidence of breast cancer in in the PHIL, Roche must have a field day for Herceptin and Xeloda)

Is Roche into immunotherapies?  Or just leader in oncology drugs?

Its strong performance comes these drugs: Herceptin, Avastin and MabThera/Rituxan — continue to lead in their respective segments. Together, these drugs accounted for nearly 40% of the company’s revenue in the first six months of 2013, and have been growing at healthy rates in recent  months

Roche cancer therapy use immunotherapy of which there several modalities (from Wiki)

1.  monoclonal
2   dendritic
3.  adoptive T cells

In   a patient with tumor or cancer, the body's immune system ignores the bodies which are the cancer cells.

Thus the cancer drugs are meant to provoke or strengthen the body's immunie system.

1.  Adoptive T cells involve the vaccination of short peoptides that cause the body to produce tumor specific antigen.  The ony approved vaccine is Sipulecuel T (Provenge)

2.  Monoclonal antibodies.  The advent of monoclonal antibody technology, it is possible to create antibodies specific to certain cells and they could be:
     1.  naked - stand alone antibodies
     2.  conjugated with a molecule or cell (that is toxic to the cancer cells.)

Some examples that have been approved: tositumab/iodine, rituximab, ipilumumab, ibiritumumab trixeutan, alentuzumumab, bevaxumimab, brentuximumab ventodin, cetuximab, gentuzumumab ozogomacin

There are natural products like medicinal mushorooms: like agaricus subrufescents, which are rich in protoglucans and beta glucans, which stimulate the production of macrophages (the bodies soldiers vs tumor and infection)

Dendritic cell therapy is difficult to administer and may not be worth mentioning here.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Philippines tops Asia in number of breast cancer cases; highest in Pampanga, why?

Live healthy and long

From Philippine "Breast Cancer Org site

One of 13 Filipinas will have breast cancer.

The highest incidence of breast cancer is in Pamapanga.

Before, there was 1 breast cancer for every 33 women, now it is 1 out of 33, and incidence of breast cancer in the Philppines measured worldwide among 187 countries from 1990 to 2010 or over a 30 year period or a 589 % increase

"Fact # 9       1 out of 13 Filipno women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.     
                       The province of Pampanga has the highest incidence rate in the entire country.

Fact # 10    The Philippines has the highest incidence rate of breast cancer in Asia and registered the highest increase of 589%     
                  among 187 countries over a 30 year period from 1980 to 2010.

There are no known direct causes of cancer (maybe Filipinos are fond of fondling breasts?)

Early detection does not prevent breast cancer from developing further;  prevention is the key.

There are hypothesis that exposure to xenoestrogens as from plastic, pesticides, and fuel are causing cancer.  Xenoestrogens mimic estrogen action, although are not in themselves estrogen.  Is exposure to pollutants, as air pollution and PAH related to breast cancer?

So avoiding xenostrogens is a way of prevention

And so with exposure bromides.  bromides, found in bread preservatives, deplete the body of iodine.  Women with breast cancer have low low iodine

Phillippine Society of Medical Oncology on Breast Cancer

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Google unveils smart contact lens to measure blood sugar from tears

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 Measuring sweet tears  (Pics from Techcrunch)infographic-e1389916077325

Rizal Philippines  | January 19, 2013

From Time Techland  | January 16, 2014

Good news for those diabetics who are pissed off of monitoring their blood sugar through finger pricking (which is painful - I do not like this;  I am a diabetic) There is another alternative of having very sharp lancets and monitor that can measure on a very tiny drop of blood (so you do not have to have lot of blood ) does not help either.  You have to injure yourself everytime you want to make sure you are healthy.

The answer, the respite may be in this new discovery.  It was discovered by Parviz and Otis and being tested at Google labs and talks are underway to bring the product to the market.

The project leaders say that the smart contact lens measure the BS from the tears and is measured by wireless device that connects to the contact lens.

Is the measuring device, which will earn zillions for Google a more earth shaking news compared to the cure?

From Tech Crunch - smart contact lenses - old news for Microsoft

Nat Geo on Breatharians

Live healthy and long

Rizal, Philippines   January 19, 2014

 Prahlad Jani breatharian
From technabob - this man has not eaten in 70 years

I came across a Nat Geo feature under the title taboo that  featured an Indian, and his wife Fiona who are breatharians  There is a worldwide movement for this that espouse minimal eating, fasting, as way to immortality, more youth and energy.

This is perfect cure for world hunger, famine  and poverty.  Fasting, breatharianism have religious undertones.  As fasting is a common practice among Christians, Hindus, Moslems, and Jews.  You do not live on food for nourishment alone but from the sun, and Prana (or spirit)

In sports, fasting before a big race is prescribed;  once a month fasting of 12 hours is prescribed for good health eating only apple juice, and biscuits from sun up to sundown.  This it to rest the liver and excrete the body toxins

The movement started with Ellen Green, who is now known as Jasmuheen.  She claims to have lived without food for years.  There are two groups of breatharians:  those who live on bread and wine (and water -  has the last Supper connection) and those who are vegetarians.

There have been reports of deaths among some followers of Breatharian, though

But the idea would seem to have some scientific basis (if done with moderation).  Takin a lot of meat, processed food brings in with toxins and chemicals that come with food processing.Wheat Bread we know, contribute to early aging.

More on How stuff works on Breatharians

Friday, January 10, 2014

The Ten prescription drugs that could kill you



The Ten prescription drugs that could kill you
By Charles Silverman N.D.

10 Worst Prescription Drugs Side Effect
A Newsletter from HomeMade Medicne.com


81 Totolochee Dr. Hialeah, FL 33010

Volume IX, Number 1

In This Issue

I Welcome
II Introduction to effective Prescription drugs.
III Drugs withdrawn from the market
IV Deadly weight loss drugs
V Cholesterol Drugs a sure killer
VI Urgent Update
VII Final thoughts


Welcome Prof Jorge to the Homemade Medicine newsletter, first published February 2000.

We have you registered with e-mail address: jorge.saguinsin.cures@blogger.com

This issue is dedicated to all of you who are deeply concerned about your health and the side effects of prescription drugs; we dedicate this issue with special appreciation, and pledge that this information will continue to serve all those who want to live a healthier life without drugs creating their own remedies.

Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.
~ Sudie Back ~

Introduction to defective Prescription drugs

Prescription drugs are an important cause of liver injury. More than 900 drugs, toxins have been reported to cause liver injury, and drugs account for 20-40% of all instances of fulminant hepatic failure. Approximately 75% of the idiosyncratic drug reactions result in liver transplantation or death. Drug-induced hepatic injury is the most common reason cited for withdrawal of an approved drug. The manifestations of drug-induced hepatotoxicity are highly variable, ranging from elevation of liver enzymes to fulminant liver failure.

In the United States, approximately 2000 cases of acute liver failure occur annually and prescription drugs account for over 50% of them (39% are due to acetaminophen, 13% are idiosyncratic reactions due to other medications). Drugs account for 2-5% of cases of patients hospitalized with jaundice and approximately 10% of all cases of acute hepatitis.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Cures for tinnitus - ( I have)

Live healthy and long

Rizal  |  Philippines  |  January 8, 2014

From WikiHow

From homemade medicine on tinnitus
I think I have tinnitus.  I have ringing in my ears.  It started to appear and got worse late December of last year.  I had this before about 3 years ago and it disappeared when the ENT removed the earwax.  So I guess that would be the first step, to remove the earwax.

And so I started to to research about the possible causes and cures.

Causes:    caked earwax;  exposure to loud noises and high blood pressure

Cures:   drugs - anaesthetic, antibiotics, anti depressants;
              natural  -  exercise, ginko biloba, removal of earwax, zinc supplements, removal of stress

I do exercise;  take zinc supplements.  The use of cellphones may have to do with this?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Bibles Healing Codes: alpahe numeric and sounds

I say that this post is about Bible numerology and sounds.  It mentions significant numbers that are encoded in the Bible.

Secret Bible Healing Code - page 859 of Bible KJ version, and Matthew Chapter 4

Is there cancer cure on the 859th page of the Ancient Bible?

This what the post mentions:


"My name is Brian Chambers, and for the last several months, I’ve been leading a very unique research project—a search for secret information hidden in the Bible.
And not long ago, we found something we never could have imagined...
We call it a “healing code,” and it’s hidden on page 859 of the King James Bible.
After fact-checking the information with the help of a world-renowned naturopathic medical doctor, we’ve arrived at an astonishing conclusion..."

The Matthew Chapter 4 protocol  (Do you believe in this?  It give you the chills:  the God almighty is the healing Lord/God:

So the “Matthew 4 protocol” is as simple as feeding your cells only that type of fuel. The result?

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