
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A visit to the former classmate's organic farm

Live healthy and long

Rizal  PHL   |  April 30, 2013

                                       Organic farm produce

I just visited the farm of a former class classmate which grows organic fruits and vegies in Jalajala Rizal.  It is near a dairy facility that produces carabao milk

Some facts:

l.  For water supply she uses wind power.  However at the time we visited the farm, there was little wind and it was not turning.   (Maybe the design needs improving.  It uses a split plastic drum for vanes)

2.  No pesticide is used;  shrubs that are vs insects like marigold are planted everywhere.

3.  For fertilizer, compost and manure are used.  Vermiculture is used extensively.

4.  She put up the farm 2 years ago in pursuit of healthy living

The lady owner is searching for buyers and will expand her farm accordingly depending on the demand.

                                    The wind turbine for water pumping but is not moving today

                                       The farm signage

                                Have you seen a dragon fruit plant;  good vs high blood

                                  Organic squash


                                  Wind turbine for water irrigation

                                       Organic tomatoes

                                       Organic papaya

                                 Okra vs diabetes and high blood

                                        Food for the worms;  the vermiculture pit

                                 She must have a thousand dragon plants

                                    Lemon grass and other organic plants


Beauty secret, anti ageing of celebs revealed

Live healthy and long

An infomercial from Consumer Lifestyle Reports for elderly women 

The short article reveals what celebs have been using to look younger and more beautiful.  They use
Polymoist PS contained in such products as Tru Visage and Pur Essence.  Polymoist beautifies you at the cellular level

Do they work?  Do you want to be beautiful?   Do you want to look younger?

Magnets can thin blood like aspirin? From Mail On Line

Live healthy and long

Repost from Mail On Line | June 2011

The article is an offshoot of research of Prof. Rongja Tao of Temple University at Michigan.  Prof Tao used strong magnets to use viscosity of oil in engines.  He found the same to be true for thinning blood in human beings;  blood viscosity can be reduced by 20 -30% using magnets with a force of 1.3 Tesla (same used in MRI machine)

Prof Tao found out that magnetic field polarizes the red blood corpuscles (RBC) to form short chains, flow into the center of the blood vessel, thus lessenning friction.  This makes sense as RBC contains iron, which is affected by magnet.

The only current method of thinning blood is through the use of aspirin, which can cause holdes in the stomach. < There is another method - chelation>  But this is a major procedure.

There are other methods used but not in the mainstream:   yellow ginger, garlic, and taheeboo.

What does this mean?

That use of magnets for health is not charlatan stuff;

Magnets do work for health.

Coffee helps prevent recurrence of breast cancer

Live healthy and long

Repost from Newsmax health | April 26, 2013

Coffee drinkers who are taking Tamoxifen (anti cancer chemo) vs breast cancer and less likely to have recurrence.  This was the result of study of 600 women breast cancer patient conducted by medical oncologist at Lund University in Sweden.  Researchers said that coffee made tamoxifen more efficient.  But the interaction is not well known yet.

Before, coffee was just like cigarette said to be carcinogenic.  My father who died of cancer smoked, drank whiskey and coffee and therefore coffee was contributory to his cancer.

In the PHL, kape was said to cause breast cancer (kape -pendot meaning squeezing the breast)

How do you improve memory? By clenching right fist first and then right; also chew gums

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Repost from Newsmax health   | April 29, 2013 -  cheap tips for seniors and senior moments

A study at Montclair University shows that seniors who clenched right fist first and then left fist memorized facts better. It might be that changing the way we act/brain functions change the way improved brain functions.

Other tricks published in British Journal of Psychology also showed that chewing gum improved memory

Food Revolution led by Ocean Robbins starts today

Live healthy and long

From Huffington Post Repost | April 26, 2013

Some 60,000 joins the Food Revolution summit starts today.  And the headline of the article claims the chemical giant hates this summit for this.  The article claims the chemical giant spent $46 million to defeat the proposition 37 (GMO labelling) in California.

The summit advocates vs pesticide, GMO and for organic food and changes in food and nutrition fair trade and health and nutrition.  This is getting out of the box....of current food processing activities

Ocean Robbins serves as adjunct professor at Chapman University and CEO of  85,000 strong Food Revolution network

Monday, April 29, 2013

Our pre reunion meeting was used up by USANA lecture on nurtrionals

Live healthy and long

Rizal PHL  April 29, 2013

We had a pre 45 reunion meeting somewhere in Pasig City. It was a potluck affair and about 30 Rizal High School classmates of 45 years came.  Prior to the business meeting of the class which covered the affair proper (ways and means,  program , food etc) there was a presentation by USANA nutrionals.  A classmate got better and since most of us are 62, she deemed it proper for the class members to know how to get better and live longer.  The presentor was a certain Dr. Roland who said he is a natural doctor.

He cited that our bodies repair themselves and our food is our medicine (as mentioned in this sidebar) and that the bible prescribes what to eat:   only fruits and vegetables.  If fish they should be without scales.  

Our classmate Mr. Ismeli said for fruits, his favorite is apple, and for the non scaly fish, he would not give up oyster and "tahong"   hahahaha

Juicing does not guarantee that you will be disease free; many fruits are pesticide laden

Live healthy and long

Repost from Ivillage | March 15, 2013

When we conversed with Nikken associates on why barley and water purifiers/mag pi filters are necessary?   The senior associate has friends that juiced fruits but still succumbed to the big C.  Why because the fruits and vegies that were juiced were heavy with pesticides.

 Some of them:   apples, spinach, potatoes, cherries, kale, sweet bell pepper, blueberries, nectarine, peaches, celery, strawberries

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A video/infomercial on how to improve your memory

Live healthy and long

You may want if you have diminished memory function to watch this video/infomercial on how you can improve memory

Four Easy Ways to Keep your mind sharp, recommended by Dr. Blaylock

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From MedixSelect

You may want to know more about Dr. Russel Blaylock recommendation on how to keep mind sharp

Infomercial on an exercise and weight loss book

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You may be interested in this informercial on weight loss:    Think and lose weight  (It paraphrased Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

Medical fraud and your health will only get worse under Obamacare!

Make a judgement on what the article is saying.  Do you agree.?

We are not Americans, but do we see bloating medical expenses in the PHL.  Is it all about profit?

The fact is a tycoon has acquired several hospitals is reining in expenses and making the hospitals profit centers (read my lips -  they are charging more) 

What about pharma?  Most of my MD relatives are hardly seen because most of them are abroad allegedly on a medical conference paid for by pharma.  How do my cousin MDs pay back the pharma (remember, nothing in the world is free)


From: Bob Livingston | Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:03 AM
Subject: Medical fraud and your health will only get worse under Obamacare!

Medical fraud and your health will only get worse under Obamacare!

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Personal Liberty

Dear jorge,

Please find below a special message from our friends at
Easy Health Digest™. They have some important information to share with you.

Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, Personal Liberty Digest™
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™

   Dear jorge,

   Medicine in America is way out of hand. Doctors are ordering test after test, subjecting patients to unnecessary and painful—not to mention risky—procedures, and writing prescriptions like there's no tomorrow!

   The sad thing is many of these doctors, according to a survey published by Dartmouth College, are completely aware that these treatments and procedures are useless!

   In other words—they know it's not going to help you! But subjecting you to that trauma puts BIG MONEY in their pockets. And if you stay sick, well, you'll come back for more treatment—to the tune of $750 billion a year!

   That's right! $750 billion a year is the estimated cost of wasted tests, unnecessary procedures and treatments, as well as overprescribed medications with side effects that leave you feeling worse than when you walked into the doctor's office!

   One of the biggest culprits is the $200 billion a year heart industry. Last year a study published in The Archives of Internal Medicine came to the conclusion that stents provide no real benefit—and pose a serious threat for heart attack, bleeding, kidney damage, stroke and death!

   Yet the American Heart Association reports 600,000 are performed every year! Now, can you see why heart procedures are Big Business in America? Everyone from the doctor to the hospital, Big Pharma, insurance companies—and even Washington lobbyists—are profiting!

   The President thinks he is going to rein in all that unnecessary spending with Obamacare. He couldn't be more wrong. Government bureaucracy will only make it easier for the vultures to take advantage of you—dollar by dollar!

   There's a line in the Hippocratic Oath that holds special meaning for me: I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure. And here's why...

   After just a few years of clinical practice I grew increasingly disappointed at what my colleagues were doing. That's why I sought alternative treatments and natural therapies that I could share with my patients to put them on the path to real health.

   And now I want to share it with you. That's why I pulled everything together in one special report, and I urge you to read it right now!

   You can discover natural alternatives for avoiding a major coronary event and even reversing heart disease! And you can do it without useless procedures, costly surgeries or side-effect ridden medications.

   Break free of the vicious "sickness-for-profit" industry and learn the truth today! Click here to read my free report!

Naturally Yours,

Michael Cutler, M.D.
Editor, Easy Health Options™

Heart Health Tip: 3 Walking Strategies to Boost Cardiac Blood Flow

Walking daily can reduce heart disease risk;  it can increase blood flow.  Walk dont ride.  It is the easiest and cheapest exercise you can have for your health.

You do not pay for club dues, buy gears or clothes,  You can just get up and walk

From: Newsmax Health  Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 7:08 PM
Subject: Heart Health Tip: 3 Walking Strategies to Boost Cardiac Blood Flow

Health Alert

3 Walking Strategies to Boost Heart Blood Supply
Walking is the best exercise for your heart, creating a reserve blood flow that could save your life if you have a heart attack. In this week's Heart Health Minute video, Dr. Chauncey Crandall tells you how long you need to walk for optimum heart health, along with three important tips to achieve your goal.
See the Video — Go Here Now
Complete Dr. Crandall News
Get Dr. Crandall's Book – FIX IT! — for Just $4.95!
Coronary Heart Disease: 5 Tips to Reduce Your Risk

More tips on lowering high blood pressure

Live healthy and long

Rizal PHL |   April 24 2013

From You tube

1.  Top ten tips to lower blood pressure:

2. 7 Effective ways of reducing blood pressure

3. Aloe Vera for high blood pressure

4. Vegetable superstar vs. High Blood pressure; good for other diseases esp vs cancer, and has spiritual/religious use

More videos on high blood pressure

Live healthy and long

PHL  |   April 24, 2013

More videos/info on high blood pressure

Effects of high blood pressure
High blood presssure can cause stroke, heart attack, damage the eyes and kidney. So you have to control your blood pressure

Foods that lower blood pressure:

What are the 5 foods:

l. Broccoli
2. Tomatoes
3. Garlic
4. Bananas (rich in potassium) eat 2 bananas day
5. Spinach (in the PHL it can be camote tops, alugbati or malunggay)

I think he's crazy but I had to let you know…

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Hi Jorge.Saguinsin,

If you suffer from any type of back, neck or sciatic pain - or have a friend or loved one who does, then you need to go grab a copy of my good friend, Jesse Cannone's book, "The 7-Day Back Pain Cure" ASAP...

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Now, I've known Jesse for a long time and he is known as the "back pain relief guy" because he's helped so many people to finally get rid of their pain... and over the years, I personally have learned a lot from him...

But his new book is incredible... in it he does what no one else in the medical community does, and that is put together all of the pieces... see, most people when they have back pain usually get treatments that only mask the pain... and even then, the treatments only address the physical symptoms...

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And please be sure to tell him I sent you.

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Beware of sun stroke and high blood pressure this summer

Live healthy and long

Philippines   |  April 24, 2013

It is summer and temperatures can soar up to 37 degrees Centigrade (Celsius) or more.   And being afflicted with sun stroke, heart attack and high bp is not far off.

A sun/heat stroke is a stroke -  you can have hemiplegia (half of the body is paralyzed) or death.

You can have the following condition when is hot because of this mechanism of action.
As your body overheats, it tries to cool off by pumping more blood to cool the body off.  Therefore, the heart has to work double time, the heart rate goes up and BP goes up.  If your heart arteries are blocked, then you have a heart attack.

If the arteries are occluded because of inflammation or plaques, then you get hypertension and if your body can not tolerate the pressure, some blood vessels burst, and then there are blood clots and you have stroke.

How can you avoid these conditions:

l.  Avoid going out on a hot day,  stay indoors preferably in air conditioned malls, office or house

2.  Hydrate.  Drink plenty of water to help your body cool off

3.  Wear light colored cotton clothing so that you stay cool

4.  Assist your body to cool off by having ice bags or bringing a softdrink can bottle near your body:  head, nape, neck.

5.   Follow the following suggestion if you have high bp:

     l.  Take dark chocolate  <with moderation>

     2. Take foods that are high in potassium content:   banana, or buko juice

     3.  Have  a pet;

     4.  Caring from you significant other or loved one

    5.  Have relaxation exercise

    6.  Exercise regulary;  try taichi or yoga if you have high bp condition

    7.  Lessen stress

    8.  Other foods vs high blood:

         l.  turmeric (yellow ginger)

         2.  garlic

         3.  tomatoes

         4.  brocolli

         5.  spinach

         6.  red wine

Lessen blood pressure naturally

How to lower your blood pressure

Some facts about this site

Live healthy and long

Philippines   |   April 24, 2013

This is a 2 year old site.   It was an offshoot of an innovation/creativity blog.  Many new ideas are about health and wellness

It gets visited on the average by 500 viewers daily,   It is ranked 767,000 in the entire world;  it has 127,000 total pageviews.

About 80% of the posts are from Google reader reposts, newsfeeds of web posts via email,  20% are experiential.

I hope this has been useful to many who can not afford mainstream, expensive pharma meds but who want to get well with little or no resources. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Patient with Ficos, improved just 5 days after using Nikken products

Live healthy and long

Philippines   | April 18, 2013

I know of one patient who does not have mens for the last 7 months who tried out Nikken products for one week:   barley grass, pi Mag water and CIAGA.

She had her period today.  Yesterday, she reported that her bloating and hard abdomen was much better.


Cryoneurolysis may make your favorite analgesic obsolete

Live healthy and long

From Newsmax Health | April 16, 2013 

Researchers from Stonybrook School of Medicine found a new way of treating pain from neuralgia caused by diabetes and surgery.    It is called cryoneurolysis and involves treatment of pain using probes of  frozen at 3  degrees Fahrenheit to create freezer burn along the nerve path under the skin blocking nerve path; and allowing the nerves to grow in the future

This mode of treatment may make analgesic obsolete for pain management

The lead resercher for this is Dr. William Moore, medical director of radiology Stony Brook.  In a study of 20 patients, they found that the treatment persisted  for several months and up to a year after treatment.  Others though may require repeat treatment.

The research finding will be presented in Society of  Interventional Radiology Scientific Meeting in New Orleans.  This will be a boon to some 15 million Americans and European suffering from neuralgia

Beet juice, vegies and fruits rich in nitrate can lower BP

Live healthy and long

From Newsmax Health | April 17, 2013 

Drinking beet juice and generous serving of vegies helped lower BP by as much as 10 Hg.  This was found in a small study of 15 women in UK (Queen Mary University of London, Barts and London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

Generally, it is the nitrate in the beet juice and vegies like lettuce, cabbage and fennel which has the BP lowering effect.  We all know that the Nitrate (as in the sublingual nitrate cure for angina) and the L arginine which are precursor of nitrous oxide are vasodilators (relaxes blood vessels)  But beet juice would be more preferred for juicing because of its pleasant taste

The results came out in Journal Hypertension last April 15, 2013.  

By drinking 250 ml of beet juice reduced bp by 10 Hg and was highest 3 to 6 hours after drinking  and the effect lasted 24 hours.

Resting pulse rate a predictor of longevity?

Live healthy and long

From Newsmax Health | April 16, 2013 

Do patients with higher resting pulse rate die earlier than those who have lower resting heart rate?


This was the finding of Dr. Magnus Thorsten Jensen, a cardiologist at Copenhagen University Hospital Gentofte.  In their observation, those with resting of 80 HR will die five years earlier than those with HR of 65.  (How old can I get?  My HR is between 53 and 55)

The study covered 2,800 men, starting when they were middle aged since 1970 and were observed for 16 years.

Generally, it was observed that 10 beats per minute increase in HR can lead to 16% increase in death rate.

How can you lower HR:

l.  Stop smoking

2.  Increasing physical activity (exercise)

3. Decreasing periods of sitting

Medications of course help.

The target HR proposed by medical association should be adjusted lowered in the light of this finding

Anti Allergy Drugs will boom in US this spring

Live healthy and long

From Dr. Mercola archives | April 18, 2013 

Many Americans will be afflicted with allergies this spring due to pollen.  Anti - allergy drug is a $14.7 business by 2015.  Most of the allergies will come from air borne allergen from hay causing allergic rhinitis. 

How does an allergic reaction occur? 

It is a sign that body's immune system is working overtime.  The first time your body encounters an allergen, the body plasma releases IgE  (immunoglobin E) an antibody specific to the allergen to the mast cells. Mast cells are found on the surface of the body like skin or lining of the nose and help mediate an inflammatory response.  They can release chemicals like histamines.   

The second time the allergen contacts the mast cells, they release a cocktail of chemicals :   prostaglandins, histamines, leukotrines - that trigger inflammatory response like coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, sore throat, etc.   Histamines can cause airways have spasm which lead to asthma or permeable leading to hives.  Other things can cause allergies to other people:   molds, food, chemicals, insects, insect bites, detergents, cosmetics.

Leaky gut syndrome

Eating nuts and food containing anti nutrients can make your gut permeable in a condition known as leaky gut leading to Crohn's disease or celiac disease.   The gap between the cells of the stomach membrane (enterocytes) allow food, waste and metabolic waste that must be in the intestine to leak to the blood stream leading to auto immune system/inflammation. Leaky gut can also lead to allergic reactions.   To repair the leak, we avoid grains and nuts, and processed food.  "Healing and sealing" food include fermented food to restore proper balance of bacteria in the gut.  

Alternative strategies for treatment of allergies:

1.  Eat right
2.  Acupuncture
3.  Eat local honey
4   Flush nasal cavity with Neti pot (I sometimes clean my nose with Hydrogen Peroxide)
5.  Take vitamin D
6.  Employ acupuncture

1.  Increase intake of Omega 3 fats. (from fish)
2  Decrease intake of Omega 6 fats  
3.  Avoid pasteurized milk products
4.  Take probiotics
5.  Get regular exercise
6.  Hot peppers
7.  Quercetin
8.  Eucalyptus oil

Best Ways to Prevent and Fix Allergies - Read This, Get Prepared Now

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Your Thursday ArticlesMore Articles
Allergy Season Best Ways to Prevent and Fix Allergies - Read This, Get Prepared Now   Allergy Season
Or you could be a victim to what experts are referring to as one of the worst allergy seasons in a long time. Find out what to stop eating, your primary defense, two things you can do for short-term relief, and the foods that can help alleviate your symptoms...

Blood Lead Levels High in 535,000 Kids in the USA
A significant number of young children living in the US may be at risk of serious health problems due to lead poisoning.
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Complete ProbioticsProbiotics: The Untold Truth They Don't Want You to Know
About 80% of your immune system lives in the pit of your gut. But some probiotics don't survive your stomach's acidity and others get damaged in the manufacturing process. This one doesn't...
Psyllium (Organic)A Natural Fiber Banquet to Nourish Your Digestive System...*
Getting enough daily fiber is one of the single most important things you can do to maintain your body's overall good health - and one of the most difficult to achieve.* Fiber not only helps promote regular elimination -- it also helps feed the healthy bacteria in your system to support overall digestive health.* Adding Fiber Harmony™ Organic Psyllium to your diet every day is a safe and easy way to help get the fiber your body needs.*
Eyeport Vision TrainingAvoid Wasting Your Hard-Earned Cash on Eyeglasses, Contacts, and Lasik Surgery... They May Make Your Eyesight Worse
In today's 'spinning door' world of managed healthcare, it's no wonder most doctors simply prescribe glasses or contacts right off the bat - they've been trained to treat your vision problems that way. But in most cases, their treatment method only worsens your vision over time. That's why I recommend the Eyeport Vision Training System to help you regain control of improving your vision.
Water Flouridation These 6 Facts Will Convince You That Water Fluoridation Is Bad for Your Health
Over 60 percent of the US water supply is now fluoridated, with 170 million Americans ingesting fluoride on a daily basis to be "protected" from tooth decay. But once you learn about the severe health effects of fluoride that range from dental fluorosis to osteosarcoma, you will definitely want to remove this toxin from your water - for good.
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Cheap cures for high blood pressure - various links

Live healthy and long

Rizal PHL  |  April 18, 2013

An associate recently got high BP and is on pharma medication;  however the BP is alarming at 130/100.  (The 100 is alarming)  I remembered the cheap cures I published:

Cheapcures on lowering BP with Asi Tava 

Cheapcures on High BP - use garlic and yellow ginger

Cheap Cures on Green Coffee for High Blood Pressure

Cheapcures - Dark Chocolates could lower BP 

Cheapcures - Beet juice and nitrate rich vegetables can lower BP 

The Truth About Green Coffee Beans for Weight Loss

From: Newsmax Health |  Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 6:02 AM
Subject: The Truth About Green Coffee Beans for Weight Loss

Health Alert

Dear Newsmax Reader:
Please find below a special message from our sponsoring advertiser,
New Health Corp. They have some important information to share with you. Thank you.


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Hype Or Health Miracle?

If you've been watching the news lately, you may have heard about a powerful diet supplement called Green Coffee Beans. Endorsed by celebrity doctors on TV, the claim is that for both men and women, two to three small pills taken daily can do more to reduce your waistline and belly fat than any amount of diet or exercise can so quickly.

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I'm Dr Robert Carlson, acclaimed Cardiothoracic heart surgeon, recognized by the most prestigious medical organizations in the country. My passion for natural health has always driven me to educate people on alternative solutions that are both safe and effective.

I've been familiar with Green Coffee Beans for some time now, and I can tell you that when it comes to neutralizing free radicals and oxidation within the body, Green Coffee Beans are more effective and powerful than any other diet supplement on the market [1,2] However, the big question is, can the weight loss qualities of Green Coffee Beans really help you look better, feel younger and live longer?

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Buyers beware! The diet and supplement industries are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to toxin laden products. Even if you don't use diet supplements, you most certainly take vitamins, eat hormones injected in your foods which can be just as toxic to your body. These modern environmental realities may provide short-term benefits, but come with the risk of long-term health consequences. Trust me, it's simply not worth it. There are more and more natural diet products on the market, but it's important to realize that your body is your most important asset, and protecting its health and well being should be of utmost importance.

Why Being Overweight Is An "Inside Job"

The biggest threat to the health and appearance of your body is something known as free radical damage. Free radicals occur naturally but their numbers can be increased to overwhelming levels by factors such as pollution, toxins and a poor diet. These highly unstable oxygen molecules wreak havoc if left unchecked, leading to critically high levels of inflammation, accelerated aging and multiple health problems. Your metabolism and ability to burn fat is one of the earliest signs of free radical damage, since it is especially vulnerable to oxidative stress and inflammation.

The good news is that your body has a built-in mechanism that utilizes antioxidants to neutralize free radicals. The bad news is that most of us are severely lacking the antioxidant firepower to get the job done.

  Dr. Robert Carlson is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and has three times received "America's Top Doctor Award" in cardiothoracic surgery. He is fully devoted to the quality of life of his patients in such a way that their next visit will be at the office, not the operating table. "Don't wait until it is too late" takes on a different meaning in healing. Dedicated to healthy living, Dr. Rob is also a three-time Ironman, avid runner, and has completed over 20 marathons. He is happily married and the proud father of an scholar athlete. 

Is Your Body Burning Fat At All?
Despite growing awareness of the importance of a properly functioning metabolism, experts say that nearly all Americans -- even those of us who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables -- lack what we need for optimal health. The reason? Firstly, produce today is 40% lower in antioxidant nutrients than it was just 50 years ago due to soil depletion. Secondly, the most popular fruits and vegetables, such as apples, bananas and carrots, have been genetically modified, significantly reducing their nutritional and antioxidant value. And lastly, exposure to pollution and toxins has become an unavoidable part of life, and this creates more free radicals than our body was ever designed to process.

How Coffee Beans Heal You From The Inside Out

Belly fat, fatigue, depression and anxiety -- there are many ways that those extra pounds can effect your life and happiness. It turns out that Green Coffee Beans may not only aid your body's ability to burn fat and melt away those excess pounds, but they can also reverse years of damage relatively quickly.[3] This is due to its extremely potent fat burning properties, as well as its anti-inflammatory and immunity-enhancing characteristics.

One of the ways that green coffee beans work is by protecting the body against oxidative stress. This enhances cell repair and collagen production, thus increasing metabolism, preventing and reducing fat storage, and providing for a firmer, more desirable body.[4] Green coffee beans can also suppress cravings, which can help to reduce puffiness and irritation. [5] Overall, research is showing that green coffee beans are, in fact, one of the best supplements you can take to repair and heal your body from the inside out, reverse years of damage and maintain a youthful appearance.

Green Coffee Beans As An Energy Booster

The incredible "awakening" effects of Green are not due to caffeine content, surprisingly. There is less than 30 mg of caffeine in a day's serving of Green Coffee Beans. The energy level you will gain is due to your body's newfound ability to burn fat. In addition, the powerful antioxidant qualities of Green Coffee Beans help neutralize these unwanted free radicals, making mitochondrial function more efficient, which creates higher energy levels in your body. Green Coffee Beans have also been found to improve strength and stamina, and to speed muscle recovery time after exercise.[6] It has become popular among athletes for this reason, and if you exercise regularly, you too will find that Green Coffee Beans will greatly enhance your performance.

Total Body Health Benefits
It's true that Green Coffee Beans have been shown in the lab to be the most potent natural fat burner yet discovered. But perhaps more important is how Green Coffee Beans act once they're inside your body. It's unique in that, unlike many diet supplements, they can reach every cell in your body to provide system-wide benefits. For example it is one of the few diet pills that can reduce the amount of glucose in your system.[7,8] Green Coffee Beans have even been shown in the lab to be effective at lowering your cholesterol levels by 44% in 4 weeks.

Green Coffee Beans have been shown to:

  • Melt away more than 1 pound per day[3,4]
  • Lose 10% of your body weight[5]
  • Enhance metabolism of stored fat[6]
  • Be effective WITHOUT diet or exercise[6]
  • Boost immune system strength[9]
  • Decrease hunger significantly[7,8]


How To Take Advantage Of Green Coffee Beans

While Green Coffee Beans are part of a relatively well-known class of popular supplements, their benefits are just now being discovered due to their rare usage until recently. To get clinically beneficial amounts of Green Coffee Beans, you'd have to use a high-quality Green Coffee Bean product with at least 50% chlorogenic acid from a top quality source. This is why an elite Green Coffee Bean supplement is your best bet. Dr Oz recommends at least 800 mg Green Coffee Extract 30 minutes before eating twice daily. He warns that products without at least 45% chlorogenic acid are not going to do the job.

My 3 Tips For Choosing The Best Supplement

When shopping for a Green Coffee Bean supplement, there are three indispensable tips I can give you.

  1. Make sure the bottle says "50% Chlorogenic Acid," ideally from a patented source that is manufactured in the United States. Make sure there are no fillers!
  2. You need to need to take 800 milligrams per day. Anything less and you won't be getting clinically beneficial amounts.
  3. Don't fall for a FREE TRIAL offer. These scams will cost you dearly and left wondering how something free could cost so much. Many companies are taking advantage of people with these misleading offers.
The Green Coffee Bean I Personally Recommend

The Green Coffee Bean supplement that I take myself and personally recommend is called 800mg Ultimate Strength Green Coffee Beans. It's simply the best and most affordable high quality product on the market. I invite you to do your own research to make sure I'm not just shamelessly promoting a single product.
I think you'll find no other Green Coffee Bean product like it on the market:
  • 800mg Green Coffee Bean is made from the highest quality source.
  • 800mg Green Coffee Bean is highly concentrated so just one small pill twice per day contains the recommended clinical dose.
  • 800mg Green Coffee Bean is made in the USA in an FDA-inspected facility to meet stringent standards for quality, purity and potency.
  • 800mg Green Coffee Bean only asks you to buy the product that you want. You will not be suckered into any shady subscription or recurring charges.
Order Now And Feel Better Within 7 Days!

When I first started taking 800 mg Green Coffee Beans, I noticed benefits in less than 7 days. I personally guarantee that you'll have a similar experience. But don't take my word for it. You can try 800mg Green Coffee Bean without risk. Not only is it extremely affordable and will ship to you for free, if you don't see results, your entire order is free. 800mg Green Coffee Beans come with an amazing 60-day "any reason" guarantee. So if you're not satisfied, you'll get every penny back.

Whether it's 800mg Green Coffee Bean, or another brand, I hope I've convinced you that Green Coffee extracts are more than just a silly fad. I've done the research and have also been taking it myself. I believe the hype is well justified and that this powerful antioxidant is here to stay. The numerous health benefits are just too impressive to ignore , and I consider it one of the most important supplements I currently take. I think you'll find the same is true for you, so give it a try!

Get 800mg Green Coffee Bean For As Low Rate Per Bottle + Free Shipping

To Your Good Health,

Dr. Robert Carlson
Heart Surgeon

P.S. I am confident you will feel amazing from the full-body benefits that only 800mg Green Coffee Bean has to offer. And remember, there's nothing to lose because it ships to you for free and comes with a 60-day, "for any reason" return policy. 800mg Green Coffee Bean is not available in stores, so be sure to act now!

1. Naguib YM. Antioxidant activities of astaxanthin and related carotenoids. J Agric Food Chem. 2000 Apr;48(4):1150-4.

2. Yuan J.P. et al. Potential health-promoting effects of astaxanthin: a high-value carotenoid mostly from microalgae. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2011 Jan;55(1):150?65.

3. Arakane, Y. Superior skin protection via Astaxanthin. Cartenoid Science. April 2002, Vol. 5

4. Yamashita E. The effects of a dietary supplement containing Astaxanthin on skin condition. Carotenoid Science. 2006; 10:91-95

5. Pashkow, FJ et al. Astaxanthin: A Novel Potential Treatment for Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Cardiovascular Disease. Am J Cardio. 22 May 2008;101:10, S58-S68.

6. Astaxanthin limits exercise-induced skeletal and cardiac muscle damage in mice. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2003.

7. Nakagawa K et al. Antioxidant effect of astaxanthin on phospholipid peroxidation in human erythrocytes. Br J Nutr. 2011 Jun;105:11, 1563-71.

8. Piermarocchi S. Carotenoids in Age-related Maculopathy Italian Study (CARMIS): two-year results of a randomized study. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2011 Oct 17:0. doi: 10.5301/ejo.5000069. [Epub ahead of print.]

9. Park JS, et al. Astaxanthin decreased oxidative stress and inflammation and enhanced immune response in humans. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2010 Mar 5;7:18.

The information contained above is for general consumer understanding and education, and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This product is not an alternative to any prescription drug. If you are currently taking a prescription drug, consult your doctor before making any changes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Ultimate Nutrition | 1223 Derby Lane | Sarasota, Fl 34242

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Jorge U. Saguinsin

"Be the best, do your best, expect the best"