Saturday, August 30, 2014

Many other household uses for cola drink

Live healthy and long

Repost from Daily Health

A recent comment on the Mercola post at FB on what happens when you drink cola drinks says that certainly a popular drink can not be classified as as food.  It has other uses in the house as a household cleaner.

#Citronella oil vs dengue - 1st case of dengue reported in Japan after 60 years

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines   | August 30, 2014

For the first time ever, Japan reported case of dengue. (From Washington post - 1st case of dengue in Japan after 40 years )  Worldwide the estimate for dengue infection is between 50 to 100 million. WHOs estimate is at 390 million.   That is a large number.  Many nations are clueless on how to eradicate combat dengue.

I had my yard planted to Citronella and I think it is useful in controlling mosquitoes and other household pests

Here is an article from Cymbopogon genus plant (it is related to the lemon grass)  The Mercola article does not seem to distinguish between the Lemon grass and the citronell grassa because both seem to be used for flavoring and aromatherapy

Citronella oil + vanillin provides 3 hours of protection vs mosquitoes, comparable to the protection provided by chemical mosquito repellent DEET.

Friday, August 29, 2014

How to combat Ebola the natural way

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines   |  August 29, 2014

Repost from Look from Above

Ebola virus, which has killed l,552 so far and could infect as many as 20,000 until it is contained (and could kill half as many) could be combated without using untested vaccines

What are some of them:

1.  Vitamin C

2.  Alkanizing the body (to kill the virus)

3.  Epsom salt bath

4.  Staying hydrated

5.  Vitamin d

6.  The power of zinc

7.  Iodine

How about medical marijuana.?

Gingkgo biloba was prescribed for my hearing disorder

Live healthy and long

Rizal, Philippines   |  August 29, 2014

From Herbwisdom

I experience tinnitus,  a hearing disorder characterized by a continuous ringing.  The cause before was traced to impacted earwax.   But the earwax is now gone and yet there is still tinnitus.

The doctor said it could be  part of growing up (este old) and may soon lead to loss of hearing.

Ebola infection could reach 20,000, the Ebola virus has mutated 300 times

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  |  August 29, 2014

Repost from Global post

From Charleston Daily Mail

Ebola infection could reach 20,000 world wide.  So far only 3, 069 have been infected in West Africa and more than 1,552 have died in Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Guinea.  This is the worst Ebola outbreak  ever.   But the rate of infection has grown in alarming ways.  WHO estimates those to be infected to be at 20,000 level

Nigeria declared that Ebola has reached the oil hub,and that meant it was not able to contain the infection

The Ebola virus has mutated 300 times over the early strain (what the....)

It was reported that the experimental Zmapp vaccine did not work on a Liberian who had infection.  They had also ran out of supplies.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Why microwave oven cooking is bad for your health

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  |  August 26, 2014

Repost from Prevent Disease Com

From Medical Daily

We should seriously consider disposing of your microwave oven. MIcrowave cooking could be bad for your health.  I am taking the liberty of copy paste part of the article:

12 Enumerated Effects of Microwaves1. A breakdown of the human “life-energy field” in those who were exposed to microwave ovens while in operation, with side-effects to the human energy field of increasingly longer duration;
2. A degeneration of the cellular voltage parallels during the process of using the apparatus, especially in the blood and lymphatic areas;
3. A degeneration and destabilization of the external energy activated potentials of food utilization within the processes of human metabolism;
4. A degeneration and destabilization of internal cellular membrane potentials while transferring catabolic [metabolic breakdown] processes into the blood serum from the digestive process;
5. Degeneration and circuit breakdowns of electrical nerve impulses within the junction potentials of the cerebrum [the front portion of the brain where thought and higher functions reside];
6. A degeneration and breakdown of nerve electrical circuits and loss of energy field symmetry in the neuroplexuses [nerve centers] both in the front and the rear of the central and autonomic nervous systems;
7. Loss of balance and circuiting of the bioelectric strengths within the ascending reticular activating system [the system which controls the function of consciousness];
8. A long term cumulative loss of vital energies within humans, animals and plants that were located within a 500-meter radius of the operational equipment;
9. Long lasting residual effects of magnetic “deposits” were located throughout the nervous system and lymphatic system;
10. A destabilization and interruption in the production of hormones and maintenance of hormonal balance in males and females;
11. Markedly higher levels of brainwave disturbance in the alpha, theta, anddelta wave signal patterns of persons exposed to microwave emission fields, and;
12. Because of this brainwave disturbance, negative psychological effects were noted, including loss of memory, loss of ability to concentrate, suppressed emotional threshold, deceleration of intellective processes, and interruptive sleep episodes in a statistically higher percentage of individuals subjected to continual range emissive field effects of microwave apparatus, either in cooking apparatus or in transmission stations.
Take a look around you at every person that still uses a microwave. The largest majority are unhealthy and overweight. The more you use the microwave, the worse your nutritional state gets, and the more likely you are to be diagnosed with various diseases and put on pharmaceuticals which, of course, will create other health problems that lead to a grand spiraling nosedive of health.

Of all the natural substances -- which are polar -- the oxygen of water molecules reacts most sensitively. This is how microwave cooking heat is generated -- friction from this violence in water molecules. Structures of molecules are torn apart, molecules are forcefully deformed, called structural isomerism, and thus become impaired in quality. This is contrary to conventional heating of food where heat transfers convectionally from without to within. Cooking by microwaves begins within the cells and molecules where water is present and where the energy is transformed into frictional heat.

The following is a summary of the Russian investigations published by the Atlantis Raising Educational Center in Portland, Oregon:

- Microwaving prepared meats sufficiently to insure sanitary ingestion caused formation of d-Nitrosodienthanolamines, a well-known carcinogen.

- Microwaving milk and cereal grains converted some of their amino acidsinto carcinogens.

- Thawing frozen fruits converted their glucoside and galactoside containing fractions into carcinogenic substances.

- Extremely short exposure of raw, cooked or frozen vegetables converted their plant alkaloids into carcinogens.

- Carcinogenic free radicals were formed in microwaved plants, especially root vegetables.

Russian researchers also reported a marked acceleration of structural degradation leading to a decreased food value of 60 to 90% in all foods tested. Among the changes observed were:

- Deceased bio-availability of vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics factors in all food tested.

- Various kinds of damaged to many plant substances, such as alkaloids, glucosides, galactosides and nitrilosides.

According to Dr. Lee, changes are observed in the blood chemistries and the rates of certain diseases among consumers of microwaved foods. The symptoms above can easily be caused by the observations shown below. The following is a sample of these changes:
a.. Lymphatic disorders were observed, leading to decreased ability to prevent certain types of cancers.
b.. An increased rate of cancer cell formation was observed in the blood.
c.. Increased rates of stomach and intestinal cancers were observed.
d.. Higher rates of digestive disorders and a gradual breakdown of the systems of elimination were observed.
Decrease in Food Value

Microwave exposure caused significant decreases in the nutritive value of all foods researched. The following are the most important findings:
1. A decrease in the bioavailability [capability of the body to utilize the nutriment] of B-complex vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics in all foods;
2. A loss of 60-90% of the vital energy field content of all tested foods;
3. A reduction in the metabolic behavior and integration process capability of alkaloids [organic nitrogen based elements], glucosides and galactosides, and nitrilosides;
4. A destruction of the nutritive value of nucleoproteins in meats;

5. A marked acceleration of structural disintegration in all foods.

How Do You Heat Your Food The Healthy Way This is kind of a misnomer because there is truthfully, with perhaps the exception of dehydration, no way to heat food and maintain its structural and nutritional value. However, gently heating food in a cast iron pan over the stove may be the healthiest alternative to nuking it. This is the old fashioned way and it never failed our ancestors.

Toss that microwave and strive to consume at least half of your diet from raw foods, that is a huge step in the right direction to maintain their nutritional value. My mother always used to tell me that if food comes from a package, or has to be heated to be eaten, there's a good a chance it's low in nutrition. She was right for the most part, so keep that in mind when venturing the aisles at the grocery.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

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Monday, August 25, 2014

3,000 cases of dengue reported in northeastern Mindanao

Live healthy and long

Angono, Rizal Philipppines  I  August 25, 2014


More than 3,000 cases of dengue have been reported in Northeastern Mindanao at region XIII or otherwise known as Caraga Region consisting of 4 provinces:  Agusan del Norte and Sur,  Surigao del Norte and Sur.  Dengue is a mosquito borne disease and is also a hemorrhagic fever just like Ebola.

While the rest of the world are alarmed over Ebola (where there are only 2,000 cases; we should be equally alarmed at this high incidence of dengue.

Dengue can be controlled by controlling the breeding places of mosquitoes and even planting citronella grass which are plentiful and can be had for free.

Who estimates that there are about 50 to 100 million dengue infections a year worldwide.  An Oxford study estimates this to be very much higher 390 million a year.  

The health care industry definitely had demand for workers in this field of study. (But is likely to be avoided being very deadly)

Thus the deadliest animal (born to kill) is still what?  Mosquitoes.  Deaths from mosquito bite is conservatively estimated to be  a million  a year.   Snake bites do not come close.  (about 50,000  a year)  Deaths from sharks is under l00 a year.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Why big pharma is not funding research for Ebola virus treatment?

Live healthy and long

Rizal, Philippines   | August 22, 2014

From Techdirt

In a study featured by Fox News:    4 big pharma companies, JJ Novartis, Bayer, Pfizer with revenues of over $200 billion among them, are not involved in research to find cure for Ebola.


The article at Techdirt says that there is not enough profit to be made, or that selling drugs to poor people of Africa is not attractive business for these pharma.  Only small gentech companies are most likely to be involved in the Ebola virus drug research

Can eating peanut butter prevent onset of breast cancer?

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  |  August 22, 2014


From Consumer Health Day

In  a Fox News feature with David Samale it was pointed out that regular taking in of peanut butter, in a study conducted among females aged 9-15, prevented on set of breast cancer and other types of cancer.

All the while, it was the urban legend that peanut butter due to aflatoxin is carcinogenic

Maybe prevention really works.  But once you have the big C.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

WHO endorses use of untested drug Zmapp in fight vs Ebolavirus

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines |   August 13, 2014

Repost from Time Magazine

The World Health Organization has endorsed use of Zmapp, an untested drug vs Ebolavirus.  Its ethics committee has ruled that the drug could be a potent tool in fight vs the outbreak. The entire stock of the new drug has been shipped to Liberia after its President sought the help of US govt.  The entire shipment came at no cost to Liberian govt.  Liberia has the second biggest number of casualty from the outbreak. The drug is made by Mapp BioPharmaceutical

WHO said that the drug should be administered only after the patient has been informed that the drug is untested (and therefore would be use in humans for the first time and that there could be risk) and that he consents

It may take months before the manufacturer can manufacture new batch of vaccines.  Guinea, and Nigeria therefore would not have such drug at their disposal

Some experts however say that the vaccines could not help combat the disease entirely.  A semblance of public health infrastructure is needed which may be non existent in the Ebola virus stricken West Africa

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The untested drug vs Ebola virus is derived from tobacco plant; to be used in Liberia

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  | August 12, 2014

It is more fun criticizing

Rizal Philippines  |  August 12, 2014

Repost from BBC news

It was featured today at Al Jazeera and Fox News that the Zmapp drug used on two American missionaries to West Africa who were infected with Ebola is being flown to  Nigeria to help combat the disease.    This may sound unethical because the patients would be guinea pigs for the drugs.

So far the disease has killed more than a thousand (1,016) out of 1, 799 infected.

The drug is made by Mapp BioPharmaceutical based in San Diego California, has not undergone clinical testing, nor has acquired FDA blessing.  But the drug was used on the two American missionaries and has made them better.  It is made from extracts of tobacco plants from Australia and its efficacy so far has been tested to be 100% on monkeys.

The drug is known as 3 mouse monoclonal antibody/

The entire supply of Zmapp has been exhausted after this shipment.  And this came at no cost to the LIberian Govt.  The shipment came after the Liberian govt Pres  Ellen Johnson appealed to the US govt.  The role of US govt has been to put into contact Zapp and the Liberian govt.

What a great humanitarian gesture.

Monday, August 11, 2014

WHO declares Ebola virus global health emergency

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines |  August 11, 2014

Repost from WSJ   | August 8, 2014

WHO  headed by Dr. Margaret Chan, declared Ebola virus as a global health emergency.   This means member nations have to contribute more.  The disease appeared to be out of control and has overcome many of the health workers in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and  Guinea, some of the poorest countries in Africa.  These countries have a little semblance of public health care, and may have run of supplies to battle the disease.

Several health workers have seen surges in the volume of cases.  10 died on Friday. It takes about 8 to 20 days for the disease to incubate.  RC worker in Sierra Leone said 40 cases arrived Friday, and the numbers keep on rising, overwhelming the health workers.

Ebola has infected 1,779 which resulted in 961 deaths.  Ebola has infected 140 to 150 workers, 80 of them fatally.  Many health workers have opted not to work because of fear of infection

This is so far the largest Ebola outbreak in recent history.

Travel has been limited by companies who have invested in business in such countries.   As of late, NIgeria, a very populous country has closed border with Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia.  Eight  people have been infected by lone case from the infected countries, one of them fatally

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Two American aid workers infected with Ebola virus given experimental drug

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  August 5, 2014

Dr. Kent Brantly, 33 was infected in Liberia

Repost from Japan Times

Two American doctors working in Liberia vs ebola virus and who had been infected were flown  in to US in specially designed plane and have been confined in special  isolation unit  in Atlanta's Emory University Hospital.  The two are Dr. Nancy Writebol, 59  and Dr. Kent Brantly 33   Both are recovering .  Dr Nancy can now walk.

They are being given doses of Zmapp made by Mapp Pharmaceutical and this comes from tissues of  animals exposed to ebola.  It boost antibodies of patients suffering from Ebola infection (basic principle of vaccine

Dr Nancy was said to have been injected plasma from a  14 year old patient who recovered.  (Same thing we saw in movie outbreak)

Ebola is fearsome because there is no known cure vaccine vs the disease.  This could be the hope..

Special plane transported the Americans infected with Ebola virus.

Image of ebola virus infection

World Bank pledges $200 million to help African countries affected by Ebola

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines   August 5 2014

Repost from NewsOne India

The World Bank president Jim Yong Kim pledged to provide as much as $200 million in emergency funding to assist the 3 West African countries:   Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. cope up with the ravages of the Ebola outbreak.  The pledge was made on the first day of the US African summit held in Washington DC.  The summit is attended by top officials African Countries and US govt officials which included:   US Secretary of Health Sylvia Burwell CDC director Tom Frieden

The funding will cover medicine, medical supplies, coping up with lost income.

So far 887 have died (or roughly 50% of those who were infected) of the thousands who were infected.

Ebola outbreak is now cause of worldwide alarm raised to level 3

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines August 5, 2014

Are you concerned and alarmed over Ebola spread?

Repost from Want in News 4 days ago

The alert level for Ebola virus outbreak has been raised to level 3, the highest level.  News has it that in Guinea, where it started, 700 have died (vs 360 as reported elsewhere) and more more than 1,300 have been infected.  This has failed to trigger an alarm elsewhere in the world, as this is limited to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.