Thursday, December 4, 2014

Noticeable laxity in complying with #Ebola quarantine protocols for returning Liberia OFWs

Live healthy and long

Rizal Philippines  |  December 4, 2014

I noticed a laxity in the enforcement of the quarantine protocols for returning OFW from Liberia. Liberia experienced the most death in West Africa.

 The members of the family members were free to roam with the returnees, no protective gear were used and many were requesting that the 21 days period be reduced.

Why 21 days?  Because that's the maximum gestation period of Ebola.  Either you have or you dont have it at the end of the 21 days.   So dear family friends, you can only know if your loved ones will not kill you nor destroy your entire neighborhood after 21 days.  MInd you too that his semen can still carry Ebola and infect the partners with 82 days.  (So mga Ms. watch out.)

It we want to stay an Ebola free country, we have to be strict and practice no non sense discipline.  Small laxity can mean death.  It happened in USA.  It can happen to us...


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