Rizal Philippines | September 20, 2014
I realized during all those years, and half million pageviews later that I am posting, reposting on a very broad topics under the title: cheapcures.
The topics discussed cover
Pre disease stage:
1. Prevention of diseases:
1. healthy lifestyle
2. diet and nutrition
3. keeping lean - exercise and fitness
2. Herbal medicine
3. Alternative medicine
4. Toxicity and health
5. Emotional and spiritual health
Disease stage:
1. Alternative cures
2. Cheap medical intervention
1. Cheap drugs -
1. parallel importation
2. Plant cures
2. Cheap medical care:
1. Universal health care - cf Thailand
2. Lower costs cf: Aravind Dr. David Shettuy, economies of scale
3. Doctors to the barrios
Ayurvedic medicine; natural MDs, herbolarios
Going back to Hippocrates code
4. Social entrepreneurship in health care
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